Since this subreddit is kinda slow lately, has anyone ever been almost caught "in the act?" (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-12-10 17:24:04 by grumpyd0g

Because I have, lol. I may have shared this story vaguely before on the forums, idk.

A little background on this one: I am currently not living at home, so I have limited visitation to my dog, Moose, who is currently living with my dad. He's my dog, though. We only recently went "all the way," so I guess I was being a little forgetful.

Anyways. I decided that I would "take it to the next level" with my dog one night when I was staying at my father's house. Everything was fine; that's not where the "oh fuck" moment of this story happens. If some people do not know, when male dogs get worked up, they can tend to be a little forceful. They can sometimes leave scratch marks with their nails or even draw a little blood. I guess, I didn't think about that. The next morning, I walked downstairs to get some breakfast, decidedly without a shirt on. I was on my way to the kitchen and I stopped to chat with my dad. I don't remember what we were talking about, that was definitely not on my mind. What was was what he said next. I turn around to go to get some cereal from the kitchen and my dad notices something. "Grumpyd0g, you've got scratches down your abdomen and back. What happened?"

Oh. Fuck. I froze. My heart was racing, I'm sure blood was rushing to my face. " Oh, I don't know, I guess they are just from wrestling with Moose," I am able to stammer out without sounding like a liar. I just continued to make some cereal, and then I went back to my room. I was freaking out for a while after that, lol.

I also have another story, one probably just about as scary. I was In my bedroom on my laptop, browsing reddit. My dog is kinda selfish, and he is pretty clear usually in presenting "what he wants." So, determined to distract me from my laptop, he jumped onto my bed and started getting a little dirty, lol. Things happened, and I ended up laying on my bed, next to my dog who was belly up, with my head a little lower than it should be, giving my dog some "special attention." Then, I heard my doorknob turn. No knocking, somebody was just barging into my room. I immediately roll my dog over to face the wall and lay my head on his chest in a vain attempt to make it appear like I was napping. The door was opened slowly enough that it worked(I hope). What did he want, you may be asking? Just wanted to know what I wanted for dinner, even though I had already eaten.

That was also fucking terrifying, lol. It is hard to really explain the setup of the room in such a way that this makes sense.

Anyone else have some funny/terrifying stories like that? Just wondering, lol.

PS: Yes, if this looks familiar, I also posted it on I think it would be a fun topic, though :P Edit :for forum name

NBRPony 3 points on 2014-12-10 17:50:56

I had the misfortune of getting caught when I was first starting out with horses. Back then I was pretty young and dumb and kind of ignorant when it came to the amount of privacy I had. Getting wrapped up in the heat of the moment can make you oblivious to many important details such as people coming and going. To this day I'm still not entirely certain what I was caught doing, but it was definitely some sort of sexual act with one of the horses. If I had to guess I probably had my face hurried under a mares tail and never saw the person walk into the barn. Luckily no negative repercussions, outside of my parents being informed, came about from this incident. I actually came out to my parents a few weeks after this incident and they were fairly cool with it. They had their suspicions about my interest in horses for a few years prior to this incident so it wasn't too much of a surprise. Outside of that I've had a couple close calls over the years but nothing too crazy. Mostly people showing up unannounced at random times during the day when I am not expecting anyone to be coming over. You live you learn and hopefully your past mistakes don't come back to bite you in the ass. These days I don't have too many things to worry about when it comes to getting caught. One of the big perks of having your own animals is being able to enjoy their company with plenty privacy.

yelikedags 2 points on 2014-12-10 19:46:29

Wow, lucky break (in terms of ultimate non punishment, and then definitely awesome about them being cool... I assume you meant you were coming out zoo... that's so great)

May I ask how old you were/are now?

I'm mid 20s

NBRPony 2 points on 2014-12-11 02:13:17

I am extremely fortunate that my parents were relatively ok with my interest. I have known many people who were not so fortunate when they came out to their parents. I lost my virginity to a really awesome Arabian mare when I was 12 or 13, so I had to of been around 14 when this incident happened. Mid 20s here as well

curious9778 6 points on 2014-12-10 22:20:20

I'm glad your parents reacted so well. If only more parents (and people in general) were like that...

NBRPony 3 points on 2014-12-11 02:18:08

They were definitely not thrilled with it for the first few years, but they were never nasty about it. It took a few years of working with a psychologist, to determining that my interest in equines was my primary sexual orientation before my parents were cool with it. Even though I had a relatively ideal experience with my coming out, I still regret telling my family. What I do in my personal life shouldn't be any of their business. While I am not too bothered by their knowing, it does make things rather awkward at times.

Sapphire_seam Equus ferus caballus 1 point on 2014-12-11 03:18:02

my parents reacted similar gotta love supportive parents <3

yelikedags 4 points on 2014-12-10 19:43:11

Almost exactly the same story as your first, scratches and all.

A separate incident, years before, basically the FIRST time I ever really got to inspect the beautiful male dog form, I got my buddy fully excited and out of his sheath.

He decided he was finished and promptly went downstairs to tell the family how much fun we had! They thought he was having an allergic reaction, lol!

A very localized allergic reaction hahaha

curious9778 2 points on 2014-12-10 22:49:47

Well, I wasn't almost caught in "the act", but once when I was younger I was semi-caught looking at... pictures on the internet. I came home from school one day and my mother was waiting for me in the kitchen. She confronted me about the contents of the History folder on our computer, and I basically just stood there in silence, except for a few short (and tense) answers. I swear, that was one of the most uncomfortable experiences of my life. Thankfully, our computer had been bought at a pawn shop a few months before and she ended up "giving me the benefit of the doubt", saying that the previous owner could have been the one looking at it. I put the quotations because I don't think that's what she really thought. Needless to say, after that incident, I got considerably more security conscious.

Then there was also another incident a few years ago. My friend (X) and I decided to go to one of her friend's (Y) place's to hang out. While we were there Y's dog came up and started sniffing a bit high on my thigh. I didn't really think much about it (I was too busy just looking around) and let out a bit of a laugh because it tickled. Well, Y just happens to turn around and look at me when that happened. From her position, it looked like something else was going on, and she outright asked what the hell was going on. I told her the truth, and she then went on a bit of a short spiel (sp?) about how she knew someone who molested a dog and her opinions on that. Meanwhile I'm sitting there afraid that my nervousness is showing and that she'd catch on that I was a zoo. Thankfully, I apparently have an inexpressive face, and she didn't push any further.

Edog91 1 point on 2014-12-11 01:15:49

Well in my story I got caught by my uncle making out with his dog, he just happened to poke his head through the door and saw our mouths together. He asked me was I making out with her, I said no we were play fighting, she bit me in the face is so I open my mouth to fight back to keep her from biting me even more. He said "oh "and slowly walked out the room. I don't know if he believed my story but he hasn't said anything about it so.

Frostfedora Cute huskies. :3 3 points on 2014-12-11 04:05:32

I was at my friend's house and he caught me staring at his dog's ass for a couple minutes (mixed with occasional glances back at the television). She was on her side with her tail moved away and giving a direct view of of her triangle. Normally when I'm visiting I'm more subtle, but I was tired and didn't think he'd notice.

"Dude, are you staring at my dog's ass?"

"What? No, just looking at the carpet" The things you come up with late at night.

"Fuckin' furries man."

He didn't bring it up again but it was the most awkward zoophilia related situation I've been in. Luckily, he only assumed furry and not something else.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 4 points on 2014-12-11 08:41:49

i'm sure it wasn't at the time, but i find this absolutely hilarious... "fuckin' furries, man." :D

thelongestusernameee 3 points on 2014-12-12 22:17:51

This happened to me before. Execpt it was with my friends dad. And he didnt assume i was a furry.... it was the most akward moment of my life.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2014-12-11 08:47:43

ok, i'll bite. two incidences come to mind. i was in the basement with our male dog being really stupid, saying things out loud that i should have kept in my head. when i went back upstairs, my mom asked what i was doing with the dog, and i just said "nothing!" and went very red in the face, i'm sure. needless to say, due to a previous situation (pre-pubescent), she didn't believe me, but let it go. later on when my dog got older he fell down the stairs. :/ when i went back up she was very upset and told me she didn't want me going downstairs with him anymore, and my recollection is that i didn't, but found other ways (the basement was accessed from the garage, so i'm sure i just spent time with him in there instead).

the other incident was with a certain spayed female collie who i miss a lot... i'm not sure if my dad saw us or not, but the layout of the living room was such that he could have seen me without me realizing he was there, then walked around part of the house and came into the living room from another entrance. by the time i heard him, all i had time to do was get my underwear back on. i'm pretty sure it looked suspicious, and if my mom told him anything, i'm absolutely positive it looked suspicious. nothing has been discussed though. the incident with my mom was probably 22 years ago, and the incident with my dad was probably 18 years ago.

[deleted] 2 points on 2014-12-25 02:11:34

See my post in "Internet versus face-to-face interaction". But yeah sometimes people call me "Mister Ed", or explicitly ask me if I would "do" a mare. In high school (very few of the people in my high school went to the same colleges I went to, apparently someone told me I had several fake myspace accounts but that they were deleted, I never personally saw any and never had a myspace) someone that knew I was into wolves, went up to me and howled like a wolf, some others would ask me if I would like horse pussy better then dog pussy because it was bigger.

makingOC 2 points on 2015-01-01 07:29:13

a girl i know was caught by her brother sucking and wanking their dog, the story goes she didn't know he was home and started fooling around in the yard with the dogs dick and he saw everything through his bedroom window but didn't say anything for years until drunkenly telling the story in front of his sister at a house party we were all at -- needless to say all hell kicked off, they got into a blazing row with her slinging loads of accusations about his wanking habits, lack of hygiene and anything else she could think of while he likewise dredged up all and every bit of dirt on her.

She still gets teased about it but only gently, mostly everyone pretends to have forgotten about it although i must confess i think about it every time i see her :)

TheNewDawn7 1 point on 2015-01-05 23:59:21

Some people have commented on scratches, but that is the closest its ever been for me. It was a terrifying moment though