Attracted to those who are into animals (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-12-15 03:53:40 by [deleted]

I am sure I am not the only one out there with this sort of odd fetish. I myself am not attracted to animals nor am I not attracted -- just neutral I guess. However, I am intensely attracted to women who are into animals and who love to act on this desire. I can't figure it out but I get incredibly turned on by women like that -- of course that means that I have had unrequited crushes on on Stray-X and others, especially Bilara. SO I wonder if there are other men or women out there who share this attraction and if there are, whether or not they have found partners who satisfy them.

Waterteck 1 point on 2014-12-15 04:06:10

I'm quite the opposite, I prefer non-zoo women even though I'm a zoo, sounds strange but I'm selfish that way. But there are more men like you than me.

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 3 points on 2014-12-15 05:13:14

Essentially, yes. There are many, many men who feel like you do - far more than those who like the animals themselves.

As for your chances of finding a single nonexclusive female zoophile, they're slim to none. Men in relationships with zoo women would have met them on completely non-zoo terms, and it would only have been after an extended period of time that she would have felt comfortable enough to tell her boyfriend about her other attractions. It is extremely unlikely that any zoo would be interested in intentionally finding a partner interested in them because of their sexuality - it simply doesn't happen, because of the sheer number of voyeuristic individuals interested only in objectifying them.

If you really want to find a female zoophile, your best bet would be, if you (platonically) like animals as well, to date women who work with or around them. If you build a relationship of trust and she turns out to be a zoo, good for the both of you. That scenario may seem incredibly unlikely, but trust me when I say it's the most probable scenario by far. Nobody wants to get in a relationship with someone they think will exploit them.

SomeOtherNonsense 3 points on 2014-12-15 16:54:28

Female here. I think it will be next to impossible to find someone to date who is into zoo. Especially if it's mostly just a fetish for you to watch. Like someone else said, no one wants to be exploited or made to feel like they themselves are the fetish. I doubt I could ever be with a guy who was into zoo. The only relationship I ever had with someone who was into it was another woman, but it was a kink we occasionally shared. There's nothing wrong with just keeping it in the porn world. Good luck to you.

Equine_Aficionado 1 point on 2014-12-15 19:30:26

Why would you not want to be with a zoo guy? And if you were in a long-term relationship with a non-zoo guy (let's define long-term as "more than two years"), wouldn't keeping your zoophilia secret from him start to bother you?

I'm a straight guy, and it would be much easier for me to maintain a long-term relationship with a woman who was at least accepting of zoophilia, if not into it herself. Keeping that part of my personality secret from her for more than a couple years would really eat away at me, since I'd feel like if she didn't know about my interest in zoophilia, she wouldn't really know the "real me", even if my interest was pure fantasy (which so far, it is). And considering some peoples' vehement opinions on zoophilia and bestiality, I'd rather figure out if she was okay with me being a zoo sooner in the relationship rather than later.

SomeOtherNonsense 4 points on 2014-12-15 19:51:20

Well one, I've never had a relationship last that long. And two, I don't keep secrets. Also zoo isn't some I partake in on a regular basis more like something I am open to and have experimented with with another person. BUT, there are several I wouldn't want to be involved with a zoo-guy and you may not like them so please don't down-vote me into oblivion just for being honest. Some of them are the reasons I listed above, exploitation and the like. I think most men are into women and beastiality more as a degradation of women fetish and that can go sour pretty fast. I'm sure there are people who make it work. Just not me.

ZenBona 1 point on 2014-12-16 09:55:24

Well, being an active zoophile, I find that a bit offensive. I don't want to degrade women and a lot of likeminded men don't want to either. Absolutely not. I want to enjoy my sexuality, preferably with a partner that is completely open to it. It is an enrichment, an addition, just like any other fetish. Why is bestiality anything else than bdsm? People start relations from there based on shared interests. Sure, bestiality is a bigger taboo, but the principle is the same.

My take on all this: despite us zoophiles being open minded sexually, 99% is still as narrow minded as normal people when it comes to other things, like relationships

SomeOtherNonsense 2 points on 2014-12-16 14:27:54

Well sorry to offend. That's just the frame of mind my experiences have shaped. Like i said, i'm sure there are exceptions, but the OP himself admits he isn't into zoo himself, only into women who do. I'm not saying he's a bad person but it serves to justify some of my opinions. Also, not a huge fan of being dominated by a man so that may effect my position.

ZenBona 1 point on 2014-12-16 20:20:31

Yeah, okay. I can imagine getting messages from a bunch of horny perverts kind of messes with your perspective. Just wanted to show that are also normal male zoo's out there. Whatever normal means in this case :)

Susitar Canis 3 points on 2014-12-15 18:35:10

As pointed out by others, a lot of zoo women who are open about it online, get so many messages from men like you, that we are kind of turned off by it after a while. For you, it's a kink. For zoophiles, it's more like an orientation and not just about sex. I for instance, I've found that I have almost nothing in common with people who enjoy watching bestiality porn for reasons like yours.

I mean, go ahead and enjoy porn or erotic fiction. But the chances of finding a zoophile woman who is also into humans, and comfortable enough to tell in the beginning of a relationship is very slim indeed.

ThrowwwayGurl 3 points on 2014-12-16 12:25:51

I'm a woman with a history of zoophilia so here's my perspective both from my own experiences and from spending some time reviewing the communities and attitudes.

What you are looking for seems really common among men on the bestiality boards. There are thousands and thousands of guys who are incredibly attracted to, obsessed even, with meeting a girl to let them "watch." It's most likely that you have an attraction to a woman "without limits" sexually. Adventurous and without reservations against things that people might view as shameful or forbidden. It's a common fetish, and you've likely reinforced the bestiality angle of the fetish it by watching/having orgasms to the fantasy or porn of said material.

Your chances of meeting a zoophilic woman who won't feel completely exploited by your desire to watch but not share her feelings are slim. Very, very, very slim. Zoophilia is a deeply personal thing to those who feel it, and a very guarded thing that people are unlikely to share with anyone who they don't already have a very close connection with. Even then most people keep it secret all their lives because they are afraid of the legal repercussions, the stigma, or having the knowledge change what their partners think of them.

There are a number of women who really do enjoy the fact that it's a "degrading" or dirty act and that's what turns them on the most and enjoy being filmed in the act. I'm sure they have no shortage of admirers.

But for the majority of real zoophiles, you would probably spend your life with someone with tendencies and never know it.

Your best bet is to meet someone sexually adventurous and see if it's something they're willing to try. But please don't treat an animal like a sex toy :( they are complex, loving creatures that need to be respected and loved.

(No I'm not active anymore, yes I have a partner and he knows, no we don't have plans or interest in doing anything animal-related.)

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied. 1 point on 2014-12-16 14:52:55

was/is it difficult to put aside your zoo feelings for your husband?

ThrowwwayGurl 1 point on 2014-12-16 21:56:32

I wouldn't say I put aside my zoo feelings, I'll always have some level of "unusual attraction" but it's very minor compared to how much more enjoyment I get out of my relationship. Given the option I still wouldn't try to rekindle anything in my life because it was something as emotional as it was sexual that I went through when I was younger and going back wouldn't have the same feelings connected, it would just be a sexual fetish and that's not enough to draw me.

I think a good analogy would be that my husband has naughty fantasies about Asian schoolgirls (sorry hon, if you're reading this) but I don't think he's going to be interested in bringing one home because it would be a major disruption to our established intimacy when I would be happy to wear a schoolgirl outfit if that's something he really wanted, giving him a much safer outlet for a passing fantasy that wouldn't make either of us feel weird after. (Yes, really.)