Thanks (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-12-15 12:03:34 by Edog91

I would like to say thank you to the Zoophile community. As a zoos myself I was very ignorant and alone, until I was found by other zoos, I was given education on the subject , and community. I suffered with depression, depression from loneliness, and from the love one that had gotten lost on one of her night adventures. I was filled with resentment towards humanity because of the fear that I experience and, rejection. Till this day I am still filled with resentment and I struggle with trust in other humans. This community has helped me out allot and now I wish to return the favor.

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 3 points on 2014-12-15 12:17:29

You are most welcome. :)

What I've said before, I'll say again: being a zoo is hard, but nobody should have to take the journey alone.

the love one that had gotten lost on one of her night adventures

Your mate? I'm so sorry. I'm here for you - please PM if you need to talk. The same applies to everyone else as well.

I hope you continue to enjoy being here. It's nice to know that you consider this place worth sticking around, and I hope it stays that way.

Yearningmice Equus 2 points on 2014-12-15 14:54:28

I'd like to welcome you and express how much I am encouraged by your "wish to return the favor". It is important to me to see us all coming together more and more.

As Tundrovyy-Volk said, contact us if you need us. And please speak your mind on the threads here. We'd love to have your input.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2014-12-15 18:48:01

glad to hear you're on the road to repairing your lost trust in humanity. it may be that you'll only every fully trust other zoophiles because you can be completely yourself with them. i'm fortunate to have family i can trust as well (though they don't know i'm a zoo), but admittedly beyond close family friends my trust is pretty limited. i've made a few good friends in the zoo community and it has made a world of difference. hopefully you will feel more able to reach out and contribute to discussions here and other forums should you decide to join other communities as well.

Waterteck 2 points on 2014-12-15 21:37:45

I feel very similar, your always welcome to pm me if you need someone to talk to. So long as it stays anonymous this place is an amazing support system.

yelikedags 1 point on 2014-12-16 00:45:30

Great post.

Sapphire_seam Equus ferus caballus 1 point on 2014-12-17 10:49:52
