Internet versus face-to-face interaction (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-12-21 05:12:05 by Edog91

From my own observations and experience online most conversations are hostile and are filled with nothing but insults . When telling people in person though has been completely different. So far my experience has been rather pleasant, I told my best friends, my brothers. One of my new friends that I've made within the last six weeks asked me who did I lose my virginity to, I was honest and told him a Siberian Husky. He said "really? Well that took a lot of courage to say don't worry dude I'm okay with it ". Most of my experiences have been this way but I know for fact this is how it works out for everyone else ,I haven't told my parents though because I believe their reaction will be negative towards it. Would others mind sharing their stories when they came out to friends, parents, other family members?

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 5 points on 2014-12-21 05:59:35

I haven't had a negative reaction any number of the times I've come out in real life, but that's because I spend a very long time assessing people before saying anything. I could never tell my parents (especially my mother) because I know their reactions would be negative, and the consequences severe.

You have to remember, when talking online, people aren't your friends, and they don't care about offending you or being rude. Those you tell in real life will have a personal connection to you; they're more likely to care about your feelings and less likely to have knee-jerk reactions.

That said, having told your friends and brothers, I think you're very lucky. Especially with family, it can very easily backfire. Please be careful.

curious9778 2 points on 2014-12-21 07:59:18

Where exactly have you been talking on the internet? Or perhaps I should ask, who have you been telling? I find it... atypical, that your online interactions have been more negative than your face-to-face ones. Then again, there are so many factors that I can't really say whether your experience is odd or not.

Although, I am glad you have people in your real life that are ok with it. Just, as Tundrovvy said, be careful. This sort of thing is exceedingly difficult to discern who would be ok with it, even if you know a person well.

As far as myself, I have only told one person I know in real life. It was a few years ago, and at the time I was really struggling with my zoophilia. I was too afraid/shy to make an account somewhere online where I could talk to other zoos, and I felt like I needed to talk about it. So, I called up my friend, who is a very understanding person, and, well, basically spent 15-30 minutes awkwardly trying to work up the nerve to say what I was trying to. I finally manage to do so, and she said she was ok with it. Needless to say, I'm glad I have someone who understands in real life. However, I find that just because someone is ok with zoophilia, doesn't mean that you are likely to actually talk about it much. Heck, until I brought it up a few months ago again, my friend said she had forgotten that I'm a zoo.

zoozooz 2 points on 2014-12-21 09:48:44

best friends, my brothers.

These are people that already know you and I presume they already know you're not an animal abuser.

But be careful: Especially from the US you quite frequently hear these stories about teenagers who think they can tell their parents that they're gay or something like that and then it turns out they severely misjudged what reaction they would get and end up getting kicked out or worse.

I personally haven't told anyone. Only one other zoo I have met on the internet knows about it.

ThrowwwayGurl 2 points on 2014-12-21 11:09:50

I don't see a reason to come out to anyone but a person you have a close relationship with, someone whom you feel comfortable having a close confidence in and you wouldn't want to hide an important part of yourself or your past from them. But I don't think I would have ever told even close friends, as talk tends to travel and opinions of people change rapidly. I can't imagine how my life would have changed if my friends and family knew this about me. Some people in my life were extremely dark and judgmental and told me horrible things about people I knew, even people in my own family... so I didn't think I was immune to this kind of attack when my back was turned.

I'm well aware that there's a double standard as well. I think if you were a young guy and a rumor got out that you had sex with an animal, it would mostly seem silly, juvenile or just one of those things that "boys do." As a girl it may have destroyed my social life based on how other girls I knew were treated and talked about for far lesser "crimes."

In my case it was my husband, who was my boyfriend at the time. The only person I ever revealed my secret to besides anonymous discussions on the internet. I keep VERY guarded online when talking about this subject. But for real-life, I could not possibly continue a relationship that was built on honesty and trust without revealing this major thing which was part of my past and connected to a lot of my memories and feelings towards sexuality. I didn't want to resume any activities but I wanted him to know my secret, both for him and for me, to see if it was something that was a deal breaker... I didn't want it to come out years later and have him feel betrayed.

I wrote about it in a few earlier posts, but the short version is that it was very awkward, but went much better than I had feared.

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 2 points on 2014-12-22 23:08:58

She lives! :D

ThrowwwayGurl 1 point on 2014-12-24 13:22:31

I still poke in from time to time to see what people are talking about :)

dagnamitus 2 points on 2015-01-09 16:09:50

It is nice to see you around!

ThrowwwayGurl 1 point on 2015-01-10 00:12:57


Yearningmice Equus 1 point on 2014-12-21 18:25:10

Interestingly, I've been surprisingly well received in the last year or so on-line in equine communities. The absolute worst that happened to me is getting blocked by folks who didn't want to interact with me. In general the groups I've been in have been extremely accepting. Of course, they often got to read about my love for my mare in a context outside of sexual and then came to realize as I continued that no, that part of it too was involved. To be completely honest, I've been extremely surprised at how little anger or hate has been directed my way recently.

It seems to me that a few people out to get you can change an entire group. Furries come to mind, but two years ago I had a situation where I was getting death threats and such and what i found out is one person was going around telling anyone I talked to a bunch of crap. If it wasn't for that one individual I believe the community would have been just as accepting. Oh, they wouldn't want to talk about it, but out of sight was perfectly okay. So, interestingly, no, I've not noticed what you have in a broad sense. :)

As for in person, I've never had a negative reaction. But I've not told a whole lot of folks either. I wish I could be so clavilier to say who I lost my virginity to like that. Then again, no one I know in person is likely to ask that, so who knows what might come out of my mouth if they do. Hehe.

Lateoss Horsedude 1 point on 2014-12-21 21:29:08

I can understand how you get more insults online than when you are talking to someone face to face. It's only natural for that to be the case because by talking to someone face to face you develop a better idea of that persons personality and thus a more personal bond between that person, even if it the first time you met them. While when you are talking to someone on, persay, your phone, they appear more anonymous to you, even if you have talked to them for a long time.

Personally, i have never gotten the opportunity to tell someone in person, my parents are diehard zoophile haters, and i havent really had the opportunity to make long-term friends, but i do still know that telling someone in person is far more relieving and honest for both you and the person than telling them online.

Pawwsies Canines! 1 point on 2014-12-22 23:38:10

I am out to the majority of the people I play online games with, but that I do not know in "real life". The majority has been surprisingly positive. Though, I am slightly worried about my friends I have in real life somehow finding out through those people, either through an off-hand comment or something else. I try to keep them seperated as best I can.

To clarify: the people that know are within a specific server community, of which my IRL friends are not a part of.

TheEthicalZoo 1 point on 2014-12-23 09:08:46

I actually just came out to my human partner's parents this past weekend. I only met one of my partner's parents for the first time and was able to discuss this with them. They said they loved me anyway and that I was brave for sharing it with them.

All of my friends know that I am zoo as well and they love me regardless. I also came out to my mom before she passed away and got a gesture of approval. I think the most vocal people are online and hiding behind a computer screen so they feel they can easily say whatever they want to.

Also, assessing people before telling them is always a good idea. If they are hardcore animal rights activists or fundamentalists, they may not be welcoming. But then again, I don't keep anyone around in my life who can't accept me for who I am anyway.

zoozooz 1 point on 2014-12-23 15:09:21

If they are hardcore animal rights activists

And who says there's no overlap between hardcore animal rights activists and zoos?

TheEthicalZoo 1 point on 2015-01-03 03:40:56

It wold be awfully hard to believe that zoos themselves would think it is wrong to "own" an animal or that zoos shouldn't have sex with animals and go so far as to cause harm to those who do. That is the sort of animal rights activist I am referring to in this context. I'm not saying it is impossible, but I think it is very unlikely.

zoozooz 1 point on 2015-01-03 08:59:55

It wold be awfully hard to believe that zoos themselves would think it is wrong to "own" an animal

Well yes, I do have problems with the word "own". But animal rights doesn't need to mean "total liberation". I don't believe it's wrong to live together with animals and I recognize it's necessary to have certain power over them and limit certain freedoms to make this relationship work. But there must be a high respect for what the individual animals want too. E.g. recognizing animals as non-human persons would go a long way.

or that zoos shouldn't have sex with animals

That's basically the entire problem I have. Usually animal rights "activists" do not bother to explain how they derive their position regarding sex with animals from animal rights. In fact I don't see how they would. Why not make it the opposite: Why is it not a right for animals to choose whom to have sex with, be it a member of their own species or another?

Of course nobody knows how many animal rights activists hold such views because hardly anyone will speak out about it because of all the other animal rights activists you speak about. Just look at the reaction to Peter Singer...

TheEthicalZoo 1 point on 2015-01-03 11:04:10

Indeed to everything you said.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-12-23 16:29:21


Edog91 1 point on 2014-12-24 02:10:09

Thank you to everyone for responding, sorry I haven't been responding to peoples post my int has been acting kind of funny lately.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-12-24 14:27:25

Welcome to my life, I've been trying to post for a few days, but real life gets in the way. I'm going to expand my post, because right now it looks piecemeal. One time I had an internet connection that went from about 2 gigabytes per hour (which is dirt slow, but its free, and what I'm downloading is a legally free game) to 200 MB per hour (something is obviously very very wrong, but I'm not complaining, I'm sure there are millions of people in less developed countries that could benefit, simply from searching google for things like, "heat stroke symptoms", "malaria treatment", "drug overdose" especially if the drug is a recently introduced illegal drug unknown to previous generations in that country. I knew someone that visited Bhutan and said some places are ONLY accessible by horseback/packhorses. Here is a quote I found "Many rural residents must walk for hours or even days just to reach the nearest road.")

Sapphire_seam Equus ferus caballus 1 point on 2014-12-24 03:56:52

All my friends and family who I have Came out to are accepting :) It definitely gives one hope :)