laws regarding viewing content in AUS (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-12-23 15:37:50 by whatthefdidijustsee

i was browsing reddit, clicking the randnsfw link to see where it would take me. i ended up on a very peculiar subreddit. i was pretty shocked, and exited but i'm kind of curious about it an am wanting to have a look... <.<

as far as i can tell there are no laws saying it's illegal to view, just produce / participate in australia (but it might vary per state). does anyone have any links or know the laws regarding viewing it online?


actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied. 1 point on 2014-12-23 19:34:18

Take this with a pinch of salt but from what I can see it looks like you'll be ok.

Welcome to the fold. Any other questions just browse and ask :)

danpetman 2 points on 2014-12-23 20:16:56

According to this link you should be fine, but I wouldn't worry too much in any case. It's an extremely low priority for the police in any country and even in places where owning/viewing it is illegal, prosecutions only tend to happen when someone is arrested for some other crime first and the contents of their computer searched as a result of that. As long as you're not planning on getting arrested any time soon, I wouldn't fret :P

Waterteck 1 point on 2014-12-23 21:32:23

Damnt I was planning my arrest for two days from now, now what can I do? Hahahaha

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 2 points on 2014-12-23 23:27:42

Welcome. ;)

I'm Australian, and as a general rule of thumb in this country, any pornography that is both deemed RC (Refused Classification, otherwise known as banned) and depicts acts that are illegal in any given state or territory are illegal to view and possess. If it's bestiality you're interested in, it is therefore illegal in all states and territories. Here is an explanation in greater detail.

Does that mean you shouldn't view it? Of course not, just take due precaution. You could use Tor (which is free), or invest in a VPN provider - both solutions will protect your anonymity, encrypt your traffic and circumvent any ban/block the government implements. No solution is foolproof, but you're almost guaranteed to be in the clear with either of these solutions, provided you set them up correctly. If you want to save the horse porn we all know you love, use TrueCrypt 7.1a. It is still safe and held up to an audit.

Don't let the government tell you what you can and can't do in your own home. Just be careful, and you'll be able to enjoy your porn in peace. Any other questions, feel free to ask.

Edit: clarification

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied. 2 points on 2014-12-24 03:35:16

just got a VPN becasue this post :)

I was using Tor before but figured i might as well try it out for 7 bucks. bonus is i actually get to watch the shows and films on my USA amazon prime account. I'm liking it so far.

ThrowwwayGurl 1 point on 2014-12-24 20:58:33

My hubby set up my VPN as well as some other measures. so I can feel safe browsing and writing about this content.

All I can really say, without admitting guilt one way or another, is that I had NO IDEA how easy it is to get all the latest DVDs for free, fill a whole removable disk with a vast collection of movies and become the most popular person at any family or social gathering.

Not... that I would ever do that.

danpetman 2 points on 2014-12-24 21:00:42

Right up until you said "family or social gathering" I assumed you were talking about porn. After? Not so much :P

ThrowwwayGurl 1 point on 2014-12-26 13:46:04

Highly conservative christian parents. That would be something else indeed.

danpetman 1 point on 2014-12-26 13:59:02

Even extremely liberal parents would raise an eyebrow if you decided to break out the porn over Christmas instead of watching "It's a Wonderful Life," I suspect :P

Pawwsies Canines! 1 point on 2014-12-24 20:04:42

I'm using DiskCryptor to encrypt my drives, as I think there's something fishy going on with TrueCrypt and how it went down. (tips tinfoil hat). It's open-source like TrueCrypt, so I think I should be good.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-12-24 16:57:08

Everyone should still be very careful. For example when I did a google image search for "grey horse" "cock" (with the quotation marks) (I'm in the USA by the way) I saw a notice near the bottom of the page that said something to the extent of "certain images depicting minors have been removed from the results..." "click here to learn about google's policy regarding child abuse". I have no idea why I would see that when I have probably done well over a 100,000 searches on google, but for me it's enough to never search for the word "cock" again on google. But then again I'm the type of person that has refused to use a pirated pdf of a textbook emailed me to me, and instead brought it for $180.

lehappymerchantoyvey 0 points on 2014-12-29 15:39:08

But then again I'm the type of person that has refused to use a pirated pdf of a textbook emailed me to me, and instead brought it for $180.

So you're a fucking idiot and a newfag. Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying.

[deleted] 0 points on 2014-12-29 16:36:44

I am not an idiot. Sometimes I am so rational (or that I think I am rational) that people both online and in person think I nuts or cuckoo. Why I am against piracy regardless of whether its right or wrong or legal or illegal: This is a hypothetical situation: You are an owner of a company that employees 100 people. You pirate something and get caught, and end up in front of a judge. During the trial the judge tells you to temporarily suspend operations while the case is on trial. This means the employees don't work and won't get paid. 20 employees leave the company. The case ends some weeks later with you paying a fine and the judge telling you not to operate a business in the same industry for 2 years. The remaining 80 employees that trusted you just lost their jobs.

Another example: Should someone kill one person to save 100 people? Of course not, if everyone did that everyone would be dead.