Have you kissed any animals and which animals is it safe (hygiene and not getting bitten) to kiss? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-12-29 00:20:32 by 44815425

I mean kissing more like in rubbing your face/lips/tongue on the animal's larger tongue.

Yearningmice Equus 2 points on 2014-12-29 01:58:58

Yes, but google zoonosis and your animal of choice to get an idea of what can transfer. There are disease but generally it's much like humans. Don't suck faces with any creature that has a snotty nose, fever, or seems sick and you'll be okay.

toolmaker123 2 points on 2014-12-29 03:24:06

be especially careful with crocodiles, Bengal tigers, lions, and bears. Teddy bears are generally safe tho

Edog91 2 points on 2014-12-29 04:14:10

About a year ago I was making out with a chocolate lab for at least three weeks. The only downside I experienced was her nonstop desire to put her tongue in my mouth or chew on my tongue, sometimes she would paw me in the face so I would open my mouth to let her do as she please, to be honest I sort of liked it but it's probably bad behavior that I was reinforcing by giving in . I sort of got caught once, my uncle he happened to pop his head through the door, he asked me if I was making out with her, I said no, he slowly backs out the door.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2014-12-29 04:29:49

my girl does that, too (the paw thing). there are times i close my mouth tight, and that's usually when she does it .. but .. you know.. if there are other people in the room, it's far less damning if she's licking my face around my mouth than if she's licking into my mouth and i'm letting her.. heh. thankfully she's never tried to chew my tongue. she does unfortunately occasionally nibble my lips or scrape my gums with her teeth (accidentally).

ThrowwwayGurl 1 point on 2014-12-29 05:30:54

My first partner in a lot of things was a canine. I never had any issues, except a profound sense of regret that I didn't let him kiss me like that sooner in our relationship.

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 1 point on 2014-12-29 06:43:04

I have made out with many dogs. You'll be fine from a health perspective, but just ensure you keep to adult dogs because puppies get worms as a matter of course. I don't know why you'd want to kiss with a puppy anyway, though.

As for not getting bitten, don't initiate. If a dog wants to lick your face and mouth, just open up and French with them, but don't try and lick them first because they won't appreciate it. Some dogs nip when they lick and that can be painful and surprising - it's unintentional on their part and is distinct from a bite that would result from an imposition. It can result in some blood though, so be prepared for that.

[deleted] 2 points on 2014-12-29 13:36:43

While definitely Not Recommended for someone that does not know what they are doing, or does not know horses, some of my most sexual experiences (I'm still a virgin), is putting my mouth around a horse's month, and the horse starts swishing his lips around my month, and me getting aroused to the point of cumming.

PonySmoocher Equines! 2 points on 2014-12-30 10:35:42

You can kiss horses, although a lot of them are not really appreciating it. Sneaking in a kiss on the nose or mouth when they put their heads close is definitely possible. What helps is to - believe it or not - grow a beard. Some horses like playing with that while exchanging breath, and that's quite close to long passionate kissing (gives me a boner, alright).

Tongue I found is hard. A lot don't like their tongues being touched in any way, or don't want to put it out in your face much. I'd never stick mine in there! I have sneakily tongued one that used to play with his tongue outside his mouth while he was doing exactly that. Grassy taste :)

zoozooz 1 point on 2015-01-03 00:32:43

I'm not sure what you're expecting to hear. A well cared for and clean animal can still carry a number of diseases. Just like humans... If you want to be absolutely sure you'll have to get the human or nonhuman animal tested for the specific diseases.

That said, I see these anti-zoo "activists" who keep talking about how large of a risk sexually transmitted zoonoses are. I have asked several different ones whether they have any sources that can tell me exactly how much bigger the risk is - compared with all the nonsexual contact people already have and that nobody thinks too much about. So far there is no actual reply. I do not believe there is any big risk.

How to not get bitten? My experience is very little but I can tell you of one male (but castrated) dog who "kissed" me a lot for some time. Nothing really sexual but he really liked "kissing" - in his case basically licking inside my mouth and stuff like that. So... uhm... Just get to know him I guess? He was often left alone for quite some time over the day, so I kept him some company, pet him, just the normal stuff. And in that time he learned that I am not as opposed to some of the more intimate contacts as other people. The kissing sessions were always his idea. If he hadn't initiated it, we would have never kissed. And that's my "secret" of not getting bitten: When we started it even with my inexperience I was reasonably sure he wouldn't bite me. If you aren't reasonably sure that an animal won't bite you, maybe you want to avoid overly intimate contact for the time being and get to know the animal better and let the animal get to know you better.