Overcompensating (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-12-30 06:36:45 by Edog91

I lived in denial for a long time about my feelings for dogs and because of that I found myself to be a big pervert in high school, I talked about sex so much that I gained the nickname porno guy. It continued after high school, just for little bit until I accepted the fact that I am exclusive to dogs, I stopped being a big old pervert. After therapy it was concluded that I was overcompensating for the fact that I was not attracted to humans by acting out as if I was . Has anybody else overcompensated? And what was your overcompensation?

[deleted] 3 points on 2014-12-30 13:33:29

Yes I have at times, in fact at times some people that could expect I am a zoo overcompensate for me: I go up to a big muscular horse on the crossties and stroke his chest, and smell his sweaty back where the saddle was, and say to the person that just rode him that the horse is muscular. And they reply back "yes he is dirty" (even though the only minimal dirt on this grey horse was from days ago practically only dirt stains)

yelikedags 2 points on 2014-12-30 22:37:15

Haha, in ways, definitely.

I'm curious about your therapy though - did you come out as zoo to your therapist? If so, then what?

Edog91 2 points on 2014-12-31 08:19:17

I did come out to my therapist about being zoos, and for the remainder of our time together was spent talking about my attraction to dogs and my relationship with them .My therapist had never talked to anybody who was attracted to animals, neither could she find any information online that would inform her about zoophilia. So she asked me questions like , what do you like about dogs , what dogs have I been with, how would I know if they're consenting or not, what kind of relationships do I have with dogs , questions about my interaction with the dogs in my childhood and so on. At the end of my sessions she had told me that she believes I don't hurt animals , so my experience was pretty much positive. My therapist main concern was over me being lonely not having another human around.It's not humans that I need, it's dogs

yelikedags 1 point on 2014-12-31 13:10:08

Interesting, thanks for explaining.