I got licked by a dog and I don't know how to respond (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-01-11 04:50:05 by [deleted]

I'm not the confessional type, but I could use some input from other zoophiles about something that happened today. As the title suggests, it's not something I can trust with my immediate friends/family (none of whom are zoo, or know about my reddit account on here).

Today, I went over to my friend's place (I'll call him Jeff) with two or three other friends (I'll call them Jake, Jeremy, and Jim). Every Sunday we pick a house to congregate at to watch football. We went to Jeff's house, drank beer, and watched the Patriots-Ravens game with Jeff, his girlfriend (I'll call her Jennifer), and their dog, Mary Jo.

I have had an intense sexual attraction to Mary Jo ever since Jeff first adopted her. She's a gorgeous Great Pyrenees-Newfoundland mix.

At halftime, I went to use the restroom, and I forgot to shut the bathroom door all the way. The next thing I knew, Mary Jo came inside and saw me standing in front of the toilet, and starting to pull my pants back up. She started sniffing my naked crotch. When I realized what was happening, I got a massive erection. Mary Jo got curious and started licking it a little. I froze in place, not sure at all how to react.

Before I could move a muscle, Jeff barged in and pulled Mary Jo away, laughing hysterically. Jim, Jeremy, and and Jake ran over, saw me standing sheepishly, and inwardly terrified. When Jeff explained what happened, they laughed and made some crass jokes that made my inner zoophile incredibly paranoid that they somehow knew that I had enjoyed her oral attention.

I haven't said a word about it since, but Jeff has-- both him and Jennifer. They tease me from time to time about how much Mary Jo loves me. Maybe I'm going crazy, but I think they perceive that I feel something for their dog. I pet her all the time when I'm at their house, and give her belly rubs (which always gives me a secret thrill). They tell me I'm such a natural dog person. Something about the way they say it seems... pointed.

I want to resolve my fears, and my feelings about the whole thing. I don't own a dog myself, and have never been involved in anything remotely sexy with an animal. I expected a dog to be licking me at some point, I guess- but not today, not so soon! It's overwhelming, and I feel some shame and some excitement and some feelings that I don't know how to express.

Should I confront Jeff and his girlfriend and ask why they keep teasing me about being "in love" with their dog? Should I stay away from their dog? Should I keep petting her and being kind to her? Is right for me to "fool around" with her a little, just to see what it's like? Or should I just not worry and wait until I have money saved up to cultivate a relationship with my own dog?

I don't participate in this sub much (I'm much more active over at r/animalromance), so I feel like something of an opportunist, but this quandary is driving me nuts and I don't have any other outlets right now. Has anyone been in a situation like this?

TL;DR: I got licked by a beautiful female dog, and I think her owner might know that I'm in love with her. I don't know what I should do, or whether I should do anything at all.

icepaws 1 point on 2015-01-11 07:56:02

In my opnion you should not bring it up spefically, just don't. It squigs out people and they are not yet prepaired to hear it yet.

You should not "get more personal" with Mary Jo, you should however continue your friendlyness, keep the belly rubs up. If/when you do save up enough, don't get a dog for the aspect of only bedroom stuff, get a friend because you genunly connect with him/her.

And continue to keep your friendship with Mary Jo.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-01-11 08:04:40

wow. ok. i didn't realize you weren't a "practicing zoophile".

i hope others speak up because i'd hate to be the only one with any sort of suggestion .. because i don't trust my judgement enough to want anyone to actually follow my advice .. moreso that i don't want anything bad to happen. so maybe i'll just say "if i was in your shoes..."

i know in my head you should just keep denying, denying, denying .. laugh off their comments, etc. but the fact that they haven't stopped inviting you over makes me think either they wouldn't mind if you were in love with her or they are zoophiles too. shrug so ... if i was in your shoes i'd be very tempted to confront them about it but still deny, deny, deny. as you asked above... why do they keep joking about it? unfortunately, as i said, i know the most prudent thing to do would be to just keep going and not bring it up.

regarding the rest ... as tempting as it may be, you REALLY need to NOT fool around with her. that's a surefire way to serious trouble. however, avoiding her isn't fair to her either .. she won't understand why, not to mention the fact that it will seem odd to jeff and jennifer. you absolutely should be looking to the future when you can have your own dog. it's not easy at all .. but it's the safest path and eventually the most rewarding.

i hope this all works out for you whatever you choose.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied. 2 points on 2015-01-11 08:32:24

I think youre reading way too far into it. despite how sickened normal people get about people banging animals they seem to make an awful lot of jokes about it...

They tease me from time to time about how much Mary Jo loves me.

My advice would to be just roll with it. Sarcasm is kinda my style so if they bought it up I'd say something like, "yeah shes my girlfriend, the weddings in a week, you want an invite?". Just make the whole conversation so ridiculous that they'd be odd ones if they suspected that you actually had feelings for mary jo.

Theyre just messing with you like buds do. Unless you can honestly feel the atmosphere between you guys being a bit different than usual I'd carry on enjoying your current companionship with MJ.

In regards to whether or not to fool around with her. Well, obviously the right thing to do would be to keep your relationship strictly platonic. Thing is though, speaking personally, if I had the chance and the moment was right, I might try some things on her especially as you seem to have a pretty close bond with each other. Understand that this carries a HUGE risk. Not only will you lose your friends and Mary Jo, they might call the police on you for animal cruelty, mary jo's family might give her up for adoption because she reminds them of the guy who 'abused' her, or somthing else equally logical in the minds of the normies.

Try to enjoy the memory of her...appreciation licks, and try not to take your friends too seriously.

thousandcows 17 points on 2015-01-11 09:01:00

Should I confront Jeff and his girlfriend and ask why they keep teasing me about being "in love" with their dog?

No, laugh it off. Any further reaction from you other than treating it like being teased about letting out a loud fart in public one time will make the situation into something suspicious rather than funny.

Should I stay away from their dog?

Yes, she is not your dog. You don't have any rights to do anything with her. Treating their dog as anything other than a friend's pet will again shine suspicion on you.

Should I keep petting her and being kind to her?

Of course.

Is right for me to "fool around" with her a little, just to see what it's like?

No. She is a member of their family, and you need to respect that.

Or should I just not worry and wait until I have money saved up to cultivate a relationship with my own dog?


I'm in love with her.

No, you're attracted to her, a zoo-crush of sorts. Enhanced by the fact that she seemed to show you curiosity/affection. You're tricking yourself into thinking there's a real relationship. I would say the same thing to a guy who said they were in love with a girl they just met. Infatuation =/= love.

Bring home your own companion to really have a personal relationship with and care for and maybe it will evolve into intimacy, but that shouldn't be your primary goal. If you cannot afford to adopt a dog or do not have the lifestyle that supports owning a dog, then this should be your motivation to do the absolute best you can with your life so that you can live it the way you want without worry about the suspicions and judgements of others. (This is also a huge reason to be really, really careful about other people's pets or making anyone suspicious. If they discover you're a zoophile in any way, and you later on own a dog of your own, they or someone they know may learn of it and make an effort to interfere in your life under the banner of "saving" your pet.)

Yearningmice Equus 5 points on 2015-01-11 15:17:22

First, no, don't pursue a relationship of any kind more than you already have.

Second, odd that someone would burst into a bathroom like that, that sets off all kinds of alarm bells for me. Including the "it didn't happen" one. But if it did, I can't think of anyone who wouldn't have at least knocked first unless the door was wide open and they happened to be passing. Do they usually follow their dog around when the game is on TV?

Third, I always recommend against telling folks unless you are really sure. This situation does not seem ideal at all. But also, you gotta trust someone, sometime. You might be feeling the need to say something not out of what you think they will do but because you are feeling lonely. It is a really tough call that only you can make, just keep in mind the consequences.

Good luck. I hope you find a pup that is safe, someone you can love, and enjoys playing.

Pawwsies Canines! 1 point on 2015-01-11 16:40:28

I dunno, my father tends to just walk in without knocking all the time. ._. he's awkward

Yearningmice Equus 1 point on 2015-01-12 00:33:39

Yea, but a friend at their place seems odd... Meh, not the way my people do it but I'm also not particularly a prude so... just seemed odd.

Pawwsies Canines! 1 point on 2015-01-12 04:05:11

Yeah, at a friend's place it's more unexpected. Alchohol was supposedly involved, so that might have played a factor. ;)

Pawwsies Canines! 2 points on 2015-01-11 16:42:51

I don't think you're in love with her, you're just infatuated, as others have said. Listen to what /u/thousandcows has to say, he's got everything covered.

kennel_dweller 4 points on 2015-01-13 05:53:25

After getting a chance to calm down and think, I'd like to say thanks for the advice. It won't be easy, but I'm going to try to maintain the status quo, and keep saving up.

And don't worry. When I have a pet of my own, there won't be any fooling around unless she asks first. blushes

You guys are awesome.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2015-01-13 19:38:24

i didn't think to mention it in my earlier response and no one else said it, so i'll say it now. something i forget about on occasion... if they are zoophiles, that's their "woman" and to do anything behind their backs is very, very unkind to say the least.

coonpoof 1 point on 2015-02-03 09:15:16

The fact that they keep joking about it reminds me of something that happened to me. I'll spare you the details, but in the end it turned out that the jokers were actually really disturbed by the whole thing, and their joking was just masking that, trying to put on a happy face about it.

It could be that they already know how your feel and are super uncomfortable about it but are just trying to be polite. I mean, if you're like me, and it's totally obvious that you love Mary Jo, then this is probably how it is.

My advice is that you try not to be nervous or awkward about it. Just chill out and let things happen. Don't try to be nefarious and do anything behind your friends' back, or set up situations to be alone with her. Just hang out with them and try to be as much like you were before the incident as possible, so it's like it wasn't a thing. Try to be chill and appear genuine -- admiring their dog is part of you. Enjoy your time with her =].

If they really are ok with you being a zoo with their dog, they will probably be the ones to tell you. No need to confront them or ask them about it. The ball is in their court on that one, since they already know you like her =].

West_dogger 1 point on 2015-05-08 23:03:35

Maybe they know your a zoo, Hey have you seen kennel_dweller no I can't find Mary Jo ether.


Jeff find them kennel_dweller has been drinking !!!!!