BLOG: Why some forms of bestiality may be morally permissible (
submitted 2015-01-20 02:37:38 by Edog91
ShadowOfMars 2 points on 2015-01-20 21:36:20


JonasCliver Vap vap to the Moon! 2 points on 2015-01-20 21:54:12

I'm not saying it isn't categorically wrong, even though I just dismantled any reason it would be.

Wow. such disclaimer. much denial. So Golden Mean Fallacy.

ulungu 5 points on 2015-01-20 23:27:04

I feel like he's just trying to cover his ass from weird accusations.

ShadowOfMars 1 point on 2015-01-21 13:33:45

It is not in my interests to defend bestiality


throwawayz262 3 points on 2015-01-21 04:47:25

This was a very detailed write-up. I wish we could see a well-formed retort to this as well. I think this argument would hold up resoundingly well. It covers all the main points and then some with inarguable accuracy.