Woof warm body's fur and unnatural thoughts. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-01-26 14:18:40 by Tommy-gutrot a dog kinda guy

I posted this in confessions however this seems to be a proper place.

I'm a 22yo male and I'm attracted to dogs. I'v been raised around dogs from childhood needless to say I'm a huge dog person, However around puberty when I started to like girls I also started to take interest in dogs, Most people seem to believe it's about power or dominance maybe it is with some tho you can have all that with a human. I'm attracted to the body shape the fur tail ears Well everything about them really. Just petting the fur or rubbing their stomachs would arouse me I soon started sleeping nude with my dog her warm fur presses agents my skin nuzzling my face into her neck and sniffing even the smell of fresh dog would arouse me. I don't know why it is how it is but I do know one thing No matter how long I would deny it repress it... It never go's away, And I honestly don't have a problem with that anymore. What brought this up to me I was walking down town last Friday and seen a beautiful women walking an amazing looking dog, And well my first thought was I'd love to se that Pitt mount that girl. So I told he she has a beautiful dog and continued on with my day. Feels good to talk a about this.

Pawwsies Canines! 4 points on 2015-01-26 17:22:10

Just something to consider: Nothing can be unnatural. Everything that happens exists in nature, it's just a word used by people to demean those who are different from them when they have no legitimate agrument.

Tommy-gutrot 1 point on 2015-01-27 00:53:15

Aye that's very true nothing is or could ever be unnatural. I supposes taboo thoughts would have been more appropriate.

Pawwsies Canines! 3 points on 2015-01-27 03:50:53

Right. Just don't let people get you down by saying stuff like that. :)

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied. 1 point on 2015-01-26 17:55:07

No matter how long I would deny it repress it... It never go's away

ha, that got a laugh out of me, sounds so familiar...

Welcome to the fold :)

Tommy-gutrot 1 point on 2015-01-27 00:57:45

Haha thanks

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-01-26 19:13:45

You don't have unnatural thoughts. Did you know many years ago, that it was "normal" and "natural" for people in Wartime to kill all the men captured, and enslave the Women and Children. At that time Prisoners Of War (ie in Jail during the war) was a very "unnatural" concept.

Tommy-gutrot 2 points on 2015-01-27 01:05:43

to be honest it was just a title, Like Pawwsies explained I don't believe anything can be unnatural. Pore choice of words on my part. Aye and thanks

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 2 points on 2015-01-27 02:18:16

Welcome aboard.

It's absolutely fantastic that you're on better terms with your attractions now. Life as a zoophile is much easier after the hurdle of acceptance. What you share with dog is absolutely beautiful; always treasure her and remember how lucky we are to have their faith.

Welcome once again and I hope you enjoy yourself around here. I think you'll fit in just fine.

~ T-V

Tommy-gutrot 1 point on 2015-01-29 20:49:45

I will and thanks.