State of the Law (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-02-06 09:03:39 by SteveLebrasky

Dear Reddit, as we the Zeta-Verein try to keep up with our website and our fight against the anti-Zoophilia-Law in Germany we need your help keeping track with other countrys.

We put last year a work in progress Map ( on our website for easy reference of the state of the zoophilia Laws world wide.

Recently we still can not get these map translated and updated so we need help from you. If you at least know the legislation in your own country and could help with an error on our map contact either myself or via the webpage, it would be a great help.


electricfoxx 3 points on 2015-02-06 16:16:02

(I know dozens of programming language, but for some reason I struggle with anything other than English.)

Seems good so far. Very nice.

This seems like a great research project. I would love to see a relationship between zoophilia tolerance and Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory.

German | English ---|--- geschlechtsverkehr | intercourse pornographie verkauf | sale of pornography pornographie besitz | possession of pornography toleranzindex | tolerance index verboten | prohibited erlaubt | allowed

SteveLebrasky 1 point on 2015-02-06 16:41:28

thanks for the translations and yes it would be very interesting to to research these. Maybe someone that understands the theory more could help here.

JonasCliver Vap vap to the Moon! 2 points on 2015-02-06 17:48:21

How old is the data?

Because the Sweden popup is blatantly false, for once.

Kynophile Dog Lover 1 point on 2015-02-06 21:04:59

One question: What exactly is the tolerance index, and how is it calculated? That confused me a little.

zetaverein 1 point on 2015-02-06 21:18:17

its just an easy indicator. it starts at 5 and if something is bad it subtracts 1, if something is good it adds 1

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-02-06 21:26:21


SteveLebrasky 1 point on 2015-02-06 21:27:18

The data is collected around from a lot of sources in I think 2010.

That's why I wrote we need your help. we new there are some mistakes inside but couldn't butcher them out all by ourselves.

We also have difficulties to provide information towards countrys we didn't can find informations online like for example India.

Caristinn Kassadin 1 point on 2015-02-07 04:21:41

Bestiality is a felony in the US state of Montana as of 1865. Maximum of 10 years in prison and a $50,000 fine.


SweatySmellyHorse Ungulata and Carnivora 1 point on 2015-02-07 21:23:19

I think in Arab countries "sodomy" laws can only apply to men maybe color those countries light gray. With all due respect something (Google searches over the year) also tells me that no one is prosecuted if it is your own animal. Post one of two

SweatySmellyHorse Ungulata and Carnivora 1 point on 2015-02-07 21:35:03

Post two of two Someone I know in person said that visiting Pakistan and Afghanistan is like stepping back in time to the 1800's except their is "less" poverty compared to countries like India. Do a image search for Afghanistan animal market, and you will see what I mean. Even the United States military used pack mules during the war.