Have any of you met other zoos in person? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-02-11 06:35:28 by TheEthicalZoo

So I met another zoo on OKCupid who lives about 3 hours away from me, and I'll get to meet him sometime soon. I haven’t met another zoo in person in roughly 5-6 years, so I'm pretty excited. bounces

Sapphire_seam Equus ferus caballus 3 points on 2015-02-11 08:27:24

I have. not saying who. but I have.

PonySmoocher Equines! 3 points on 2015-02-11 08:56:24

Yes, I have. Two people by organized meeting after a long time of knowing each other on a zoo-webpage, and one person that was just oozing zooness (really, "my zoodar" exploded when he was petting goats at the petting zoo). Didn't reveal myself to the third person, as I didn't know them. I would say if people have extensive post histories that go back 2 or 3 years, you can be quite sure it's not the police or similar. They'd never spend that amount of time to jail a single pervert for a few months.

As I am quite the planner, I sat down and mused on a good protocol for meeting each other once. In my opinion, the person that proposed to meet first should pick the place (but it has to be a public place like a big McDonalds, or another big food court. Those work really well. Especially if, which is also great, you meet on neutral turf - like a town in between the towns you both said you live in). The day activities should be agreed on beforehand (we can eat lunch there, and then go to the zoological garden around the corner) In return, the other person gets the privilege to reveal second. So on the day, the place-picker would have said: I am the guy in a yellow shirt, Jeans, I will be reading a newspaper and have a photo-book about dogs on the table. So he'll sit exposed in a sense. But he proposed first and got to pick the place he'll sit exposed at. I'd sit next to a minor exit if I was that person. And I'd arrive early to spot the place and the surroundings out, then change my dress to the stated dress and sit down just in time.

The second person then arrives, finds the place-picker, and reveals himself by some prearranged knowledge: E.g. allude to the usernames - "You must run a very moral zoo" "And you kiss ponies?"

I also rather left all ID-ing documents and the wallet at home, and solely took enough cash to cover the planned days costs. Of course, I never took any "material" or other problematic things with me on a first meet up. Pretty much empty pockets. Also tell some none-zoo friend that you'll go on a blind date you found on the internet. Tell them were it takes place and when you will call them once you are back. Tell them to mark this in their calendar and why that is important. That is the person to call the police if you go missing in the real world. In addition, tell a trusted friend on the zoo-webpage in private that you meet, the username you meet, and when you will contact them once you are back. Also stress to mark this down and why that is important. That is the one outing the username to other users if it was the police and you can't do that from a holding cell no longer. Tell the one you meet you do this and why. Also diligently turn those watchdogs off by messaging both of them as soon as you are back from the meeting and in the clear.

TheEthicalZoo 3 points on 2015-02-11 15:15:44

This is actually really good advice if you are safety conscious. I might have to do this in the future. I have met 3 other zoos (this next one being the 4th) and it was pretty casual. I do plan on meeting this one at a public place first though, so I am taking that step at least.

pawsorGTFO Canidae 2 points on 2015-02-12 01:27:54

This is pretty solid advice; I'm paranoid, but haven't gone to quite those precautions! Luckily, most of the folks I've met lately are ones other trusted zoo friends have been able to vouch for.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-02-11 12:05:55

I have not met another zoo in person. Be safe.

Yearningmice Equus 4 points on 2015-02-11 13:06:25

So yea, over the course of many many years I've met hundreds of zoos. I gave off of it for a decade just because of time, distance, money and the usual excuses. In the last two or three years I've met a couple of new(to me) zoos.

A lot of very good folks, some I met as friends of friends and never knew about before meeting them. My experiences have ALWAYS been positive or neutral. The only negative experiences I've had were in trying to help folks I knew were already mentally unstable. I didn't have the tools to help properly and I don't have the time for that now.

Good advice about telling a friend and a zoo friend about who what and where from Ponysmoocher, leaving the ID behind would at least prevent non-legal identification of yourself and so forth. I've always gone with the known for a long time method when planning a meeting or the friend of a friend method which can be problematic to filter who I'd meet.

I'd add that if you are actively meeting folks, do not do anything illegal, no humping puppies, sharing videos and all that other stuff. Google "UK vet bestiality" for examples of why. You're not there for the sex, but to meet someone who is like you... what happens a year from now might include all that but at least then you have your eyes open.

TheEthicalZoo 2 points on 2015-02-11 15:18:55

I wish I could meet that many zoos, that sounds so interesting. I would imagine travel expenses add up quick though.

I have had a couple of negative experiences with other zoos who were not mentally stable as well, but I've at least met one who was and this one I am about to meet seems pretty fantastic, so my hopes are pretty high right now.

Yearningmice Equus 3 points on 2015-02-11 15:32:44

Nope, was one train ticket, a student multipass, I could make as many stops as I liked. I had to travel east until I hit NY, then travel west until I got back to where I started, but could use any of the three main E/W routes on amtrak. Folks were very generous with food and such. That kind of travel is highly recommended if you ever get the chance. It teaches you a lot about who you are, what you can do, and how to rely on yourself.

Zoos themselves are generally good down home type people with a broad variety of interests outside of animals...

duskwuff 1 point on 2015-02-11 17:09:32

Probably well over a hundred. I lost count long ago.

Caristinn Kassadin 3 points on 2015-02-11 21:00:15

I haven't, but I don't really have any pressing interest in doing so. Never been good at meeting up just for the purpose of socializing, especially if it's based on a connection as loose as sexuality. Not many things to talk about if you don't already have common interests.

pawsorGTFO Canidae 2 points on 2015-02-12 01:29:40

Yes; probably 25-30 of them. I don't think I've regretted doing so in pretty much any cases--but I'm very discriminate in who I meet. Meeting me these days pretty much either requires chatting with me for several months so I can get to know you as a person; being someone a trusted friend of mine can vouch for; or both.

Waterteck 1 point on 2015-02-13 13:29:48

I have but he didn't know I am, a group of us guys were talking about sex (go figure a group of guys talking about sex) and one guy said he has sex with dogs and NOT ONE OF THE 6 OR SO OF US REACTED like it was totally normal. Pretty awesome experience. But it was just the one time convo.

Edog91 1 point on 2015-02-18 02:52:07

I have never met another zoos.

FunFriendly 1 point on 2015-02-24 21:53:28

Yes, 2 guys. This was after much conversation online.

wallypacing 1 point on 2015-04-09 14:56:41

Would love meet zoos in new Zealand if there any