A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Vomitorium (thefederalist.com)
submitted 2015-02-11 13:41:25 by Yearningmice
Yearningmice Equus 3 points on 2015-02-11 13:41:58

Works both ways.... brought to you by the people who still think gay sex is a crime against nature...

PonySmoocher Equines! 2 points on 2015-02-11 15:03:27

There is that fucking rumor again that in (country) brick and mortar businesses exist where animals are prostituted, i.e. bordellos!!

WHAT THE FUCK! This is a gigantic citation circle by now!! Why won't this die!! Why do people simple refer to another sloppily researched internet article that is not even of scholarly altitude? Oh, he said so, too? Guess what, that is the nature of rumors! What does it take to finally convince people that there are no such places, and haven't been in quite some time in Europe!? Just what?! The fucking gullible mass of sheep, I really can't take it any longer with this rumor...

Yearningmice Equus 1 point on 2015-02-11 15:28:14

Yep, all muslims want to take our freedoms, gays just want little boys, if you're not for mass surveillance you must have something to hide, illegal search is okay if you know something is there, free range hens live on a little farm and run around outside...

Unfortunately, lots of things are easy to believe when presenting to people, and once the rumor starts that's it...

Recently I had to debund a daily mail piece about stores not serving military because they were afraid to offend muslims. All I had to do was type the name of the person in the article and found dozens of different stories showing it wasn't true. The response "I guess they have their version of the story."

zoozooz 3 points on 2015-02-11 16:13:49

They're just confused.

E.g. look at this: http://www.icenews.is/2008/05/20/animal-brothels-legal-in-denmark/

Animal brothels legal in Denmark

Laws in both Denmark and Norway are fairly open when it comes to a person’s legal right to engage in sexual activity with an animal. The law states that doing so is perfectly legal, so long as the animal involved does not suffer. According to the Danish newspaper 24timer, this interesting gap in the law has led to a flourishing business in which people pay in order to have sex with animals.

On the internet, several Danish animal owners openly advertise their services. The newspaper contacted several such individuals

Those people literally do not understand that having a loving (perhaps monogamous) relationship with your partner, animal sex tourism, individuals soliciting their animals on the internet and animal brothels are all different things, (some of which may not even happen at all in reality).

For them it's all the same thing.

Or these people: https://www.change.org/p/helle-thorning-schmidt-make-bestiality-illegal-and-close-your-animal-brothels-denmark

14,893 signatures. What's the first paragraph?

It is legal in Denmark to go to an animal brothel and pay to have sex with animals. These animals are chained to a table, their arms are broken tied behind their back, and with their mouths tabed shut. Then they are raped repeatedly. All most dogs and cats die from internal bleeding. THIS IS RAPE, AND ITS DISGUSTING! STOP THIS DENMARK!

It's also animal cruelty and therefore already illegal.

They literally do not understand anything of what they are talking about. And they don't want to.

PonySmoocher Equines! 2 points on 2015-02-11 19:06:52

It's like a petition to "sign here if you are braindead". I am disappointed in those humans. I really am.

IAmAZoophile Canine 4 points on 2015-02-11 15:23:26

He argues that bestiality—or, in politically correct parlance, “zoophilia”...

Mwahahahaha. It's happening.

Kynophile Dog Lover 4 points on 2015-02-11 16:28:57

My favorite part (not zoo related, but the paranoia is delicious) is the part on "Sexualization of Children":

Kids are sexually active at ever-younger ages, spurred on by the behavior and messaging of the culture and adults around them. The clear message of sex education curricula today, promoted by SIECUS, is that abstinence is a socially unacceptable mode of behavior for youth.

That's right kids: sex education is designed to make you have more sex.

duskwuff 1 point on 2015-02-11 20:17:07

You may have also heard accounts of the “vomitorium,” at which partakers could never get enough of the banquet…

And, of course, that's not even true. A vomitorium is an exit from a Roman ampitheater or stadium, designed to "spew out" (vomere) lots of people. Its connections with vomiting are purely linguistic in nature.

Caristinn Kassadin 2 points on 2015-02-11 20:44:20

If we don’t regulate ourselves—and our laws don’t support self-regulation—a funny thing is likely to happen on the way to the vomitorium: the “Pink Police State” will step in and regulate us for ourselves.

With the legalization and de-stigmatization of things like polygamy or incest or other sexual taboos, the outcome is always hard cases that create excuses for making ever more bad laws to rule over us.

For power elites so inclined, promoting the illusion of freedom helps to mobilize and control the masses.

sober habits like abstinence and thrift have a way of becoming the new and subversive taboos, frowned upon by the elites.

Because somehow, allowing for more personal liberties is somehow only an illusion of freedom and will lead to a police state taking over. Something tells me that Morabito is one of the conservative types who believes that the Romans fell because of the damn queers. Given that she unironically referred to the fictitious vomitoriums, it really wouldn't be too surprising if this was the case.

Also, abstinence and thrift are the new social taboos? Really? Men have been shamed for their virginity before this supposed great downfall of American social values, and women are still praised for being virgins because they're seen as more "pure" for doing so. Slut-shaming being on a decline doesn't mean that abstinence is actually looked upon with scorn by society. And as for thrift... if anything, seeking to live a frugal lifestyle has become more acceptable recently, and a song literally called "Thrift Shop" is the 13th most watched video on YouTube.

Pawwsies Canines! 2 points on 2015-02-12 05:00:59

“Zoos,” as they call themselves, feel misunderstood, and they’re starting to come out of the closet.

No... We're really not. Except for the ZRD demonstrators, but thats what, a couple dozen?

Yearningmice Equus 3 points on 2015-02-12 12:29:20

I would say that we are being pulled from the closet, but some embrace it. Certainly no zoo I know wants to be in the open though.