A Lovely Valentine's Day That by All Means Shouldn't Have Been a Lovely Valentine's Day (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-02-15 11:10:30 by AliasTheReindeerPone Short Christmas Horse

So I've been lurking around here for quite a while now, and since I just recently made an account where I'm going to be open about my love of animals, I figured I might as well introduce myself with a story.

I met this girl a few years ago. We'll call her Sobriquet, because I'm not good at fake names. At first, I'll admit that Sobriquet didn't really stand out to me. I figured I'd seen her type before, and while I did think she was pretty, I just didn't think much beyond that. But let me tell ya, after getting to know her even a little, I realized that she was much more than I'd given her credit for. I can barely even describe her. She just defies any black and white label, and I mean it in the best of ways. Although if I did have to label her, I guess "horse" might be a decent place to start.

Well a few months pass, and by this time, I've completely fallen for her. The problem was, I knew her through a friend of mine, we'll call him Alan Smithee. Al and I were both living with our folks at the time, and Sobriquet was owned by his family. Not that I'm keen on the idea of owning an animal to begin with, but regardless, I felt that it would be inconsiderate to pursue anything with her before at least talking to him about it.

The conversation didn't go well. I told Al how I felt about her, and in return, he said some things that are more than a little too vulgar for my taste. If I'm being honest, his reaction was about what I'd expected, but it was still disheartening for a lot of reasons. I lost touch with him and Sobriquet for a couple of weeks. It might not seem like long, but when you're living down something like that, time just seems so much more impacting.

It shouldn't have worked out as well as it did. I should have spent this Valentine's Day alone, with a court order stating that I can't get within a hundred feet of Al or any of his folks' animals.

Thankfully, that wasn't the case. After that week I got a call. It was Al, saying that he didn't understand why I was interested in Sobriquet, but that she had seemed to like me well enough, and that I was a decent enough guy. I went over, and we all took the time to sort things out. I don't think it was easy for any of us, but even 'til this day, he and I are still good friends.

I've been spending a lot of time with Sobriquet since then, and yesterday, I had Al's blessing to spend Valentine's Day with the creature I love. Let me tell you, it was downright peachy.

So yeah, that's the story of how I ended up spending Valentine's Day with a horse. That was actually a lot longer than I intended, sorry about that. I just felt like getting everything out there.

How about all of you? If you've got a story about the day of love or about love in general, then please, feel free to share.

[deleted] 2 points on 2015-02-15 14:42:46

I would have loved spending "unsupervised" time with my horse.

Yearningmice Equus 3 points on 2015-02-15 17:26:28

Alas, this V-day was spent with nothing but a kiss on the cheek for my mare at -30C and a wife that was sick as a dog.

That is a really great story and I'd love to hear more about the discussion that you and Al had and the eventual outcome that lead to you being welcomed to spend a V-day with her. Perhaps a PM or a forum post on knotty?

It is really nice to hear something worked out for a change, what prompted you to even tell him about your feelings? Was her lure just so much you had to take the risk?

AliasTheReindeerPone 2 points on 2015-02-15 20:21:17

Alas, this V-day was spent with nothing but a kiss on the cheek for my mare at -30C and a wife that was sick as a dog.

Sorry to hear that the day left much to be desired, though on the bright side, at least you have a mare and a wife to begin with. Still, I hope your wife and your weather get better before too long. I remember being sick and I remember having winter, and neither has been especially pleasant.

what prompted you to even tell him about your feelings?

One part honest intentions and three parts bad judgement. Fence hopping just seemed too shifty in my opinion, so I thought it would be better if I was up front about everything. What I didn't consider was the fact that Al was still tentative on the idea of gay marriage, and that romantic zoophilia and zoosadism often come across as the same thing to the general public, and that the place where this all happened still technically has laws that make any homosexual act a crime (Albeit one that nobody could be convicted of). Like I said, it shouldn't have worked out as well as it did.

Was her lure just so much you had to take the risk?

Even when I didn't know her on the level I do now, it was clear that she was something special. I don't know if she was worth being ostracized over, but I was so wrapped up in the idea of getting to know her better that the extensiveness of the consequences didn't resonate until after I'd opened my mouth. So really, I think her lure was just so much that I didn't completely realize the risk to begin with.

Anyways, I'm nowhere to be found on knotty, but if you'd like to chat then I'll be sure to send a PM your way.

Yearningmice Equus 2 points on 2015-02-16 13:45:18

I am honestly shocked you didn't get more comments on this!

Thanks for your PM. It is an interesting story. It is always a good thing to have friends, real friends. I hope the both of you have a long life together. :)

Lateoss Horsedude 2 points on 2015-02-17 18:51:53

Well... i guess ill be the first to say welcome to the subreddit! Glad to see someone got to have some fun on this valentines day. For me, simply waiting for an opportunity to meet a nice mare will have to do. Regardless of his initial response, i'm rather surprised "Alan" was so willing to let you spend time with her.

AliasTheReindeerPone 1 point on 2015-02-17 22:41:49

It surprised me too. During those two weeks (Roughly two weeks anyways. It was a while ago now, so some details are iffy), I just assumed it was over. He's a good guy, but he can be stubborn as well, and I wouldn't have bet on him coming around to something he reacted so harshly against. Whatever the case, I'm just glad that things worked out.

And thanks for the welcome Horsedude. Like I said, I've been lurking for a while now, but it's good to have a voice.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied. 2 points on 2015-02-18 08:37:39

Congrats man! That couldnt have gone much better. youre lucky to have such an understanding friend. Did you ask him what made him change his mind about you? was there anything specific? are you still friends or merely acquaintances connected through sobriquet?

For me it was just another day, not in the right position to take care of a dog just yet. I look forward to when I will be able to share it with a mate, hopefully by this time next year, but who knows.

Glad to have you posting around here as well :)

AliasTheReindeerPone 2 points on 2015-02-19 06:33:06

Thank you, and yeah, he really has become surprisingly understanding. Through a PM I told /u/Yearningmice a bit about what happened between me and Al after those two weeks or so of silence, and since I can't see a reason to keep that part of the story more secret than the rest of it, here's what I said about Al changing his mind.

As for convincing Al that I meant well, I took the same approach that got me into the situation to begin with; I was honest. I told him that I respected Sobriquet, and that I wanted nothing more than to treat her right.

I think hearing me say that (Many time throughout the conversation) warmed him up a bit, but he was still very skeptical. He trusted me enough to be around her as often as I liked, but only if he was accompanying me. This went on for quite some time, but eventually, I suppose he saw that I had always been honest about my intentions.

He still might not understand it completely, but these days, he doesn't seem to mind that we're together. He's actually the one who encouraged me to come over and see her this Valentine's Day, so that meant a lot.

Anyways, that's just how I see it. Maybe to him it was something else entirely, who knows? I've yet to ask him directly about his reasoning. We are still good friends regardless of Sobriquet, although it's possible that she's helped keep that friendship solid as time goes by.

Man I talk a lot. I really need to work on that. Thanks again, and hey, here's to next year.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied. 2 points on 2015-02-19 07:21:40

man thats such an awesome story! Its kinda funny, if you'd had asked for any advice beforehand no one would've predicted this to be the outcome. Fair play for taking a chance like that, who knew it would've ended so well?! The fact he actually encouraged you over for valentines...you are one lucky zoo :P

And I'd rather you talk more rather than less, I find chatting about zoo stuff pretty fun and I've got a fair chunk of time free at the mo (visa stuff).

AliasTheReindeerPone 1 point on 2015-02-19 07:57:22

you are one lucky zoo :P

\/u/LuckyTheEquineZoo, that has sort of a ring to it... oh well, I'm happy with my current alias. Yours is quite nice too by the way, I'll have you know that your flair has gotten a chuckle out of me at least once.

And I'm sure I've repeated it a dozen times by now, but I couldn't agree more. This just shouldn't have worked out in the way it did. If I didn't know what the outcome would be, I probably wouldn't have advocated my carelessness either.

But enough carry on about me. How about you? Have you ever taken a chance that, in hindsight, you probably shouldn't have taken?

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied. 1 point on 2015-02-20 04:01:05

Well, I mean I take chances all the time that in hindsight probably weren't the best ideas. Have I taken any in regards to zoophilia? Not yet, I haven't really had the opportunity. I did go for an interview at a dog groomers but unfortunately didnt get the job due to lack of experience . Oh and this one time I asked a girl out but It was only afterwards I realised I did it because she mentioned her parents were bernese mtn dog breeders. I didnt follow anything up with her. I guess I'm kind of thankful I haven't had the opportunity, god forbid I make friends with someone who has a gorgeous german shepherd, I dont think I'd be able to handle that situation without giving away the fact im a zoo.

Besides, Im so close to being in the right situation anyway that I dont feel the reward is worth the risk in my case. I seriously cant wait though, it's been a long time coming.

Yours is quite nice too by the way, I'll have you know that your flair has gotten a chuckle out of me at least once

Heh thanks. I made this username when I was still hadn't properly come to terms with being a zoo and I figured if someone found this account it would give me a hint of plausible deniability. Obviously it can result in some confusion but the flair does a good job of clearing that up. It still gets a smile out of me as well, it reminds me how nice it is to finally accept that I'm more attracted to animals than humans.

AliasTheReindeerPone 1 point on 2015-02-20 21:17:14

Oh and this one time I asked a girl out but It was only afterwards I realised I did it because she mentioned her parents were bernese mtn dog breeders. I didnt follow anything up with her.

Heh, that's actually pretty interesting. And even if not much ended up happening in any of these situations, just keep in mind, that's not always a bad thing.

I made this username when I was still hadn't properly come to terms with being a zoo and I figured if someone found this account it would give me a hint of plausible deniability.

Man, I wish I knew about communities like this when I was trying to figure everything out. I'm sure they existed and I just never bothered to find them, but still, the people around here are incredibly helpful when it comes to that type of thing. Regardless of the journey though, being at peace with ones self is quite nice, and it's good to hear that you've come at least one step closer.