Help me understand what it means to be a zoo. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-02-16 21:35:46 by Curious_JohnDoe

I've been reading the posts on this sub and I think I'm a zoophile. I don't identify as a zoosexual because I find women attractive and have had a few relationships and flings in college. I have done the stereotypical peanut butter on my genitals to get a dog to lick me when I was around 14-15 but haven't had any other kind of sexual relations with animals. I find the idea of having sex with a female dog extremely arousing (I seek out beastiality videos to masturbate to), however the videos of male with female dogs I find uncomfortable because I can't tell if it's a sexual relationship only or if they're doing it right and treating their dog with the same level of respect that you would with a human lover. To me that means creating a strong emotional bond before progressing to sexual intercourse.

I have found a deep non-sexual relationship with my current dog, a male beagle. I treat him with the same as I would a sibling. He sleeps in my bed and it's become so routine that it's not uncommon for him to lift the blankets with his nose and crawl under. I want to get a female dog, not sure what breed yet, someday when I get a house of my own and have a strong emotional bond as well as a sexual relationship with her. The sexual relations are definitely not necessary but I'd LOVE for it to be a part of the relationship. Does this make me a zoo???

EDIT: Removed my dogs name from the post; all the CSI detective work that people can do with scraps of info like that scares me.

AliasTheReindeerPone 9 points on 2015-02-16 22:39:15

I want to get a female dog, not sure what breed yet, someday when I get a house of my own and have a strong emotional bond as well as a sexual relationship with her. The sexual relations are definitely not necessary but I'd LOVE for it to be a part of the relationship. Does this make me a zoo???

I would say so. To me, being a zoophile means having the desire to love animals in the same way that most people would reserve for humans. You're not an active zoophile at the moment, and really you can define yourself as whatever you want to, but the fact that you want romance (In some senses of the word, anyways) with a hypothetical dog seems to be a fairly solid indicator.

I think it also says a lot that the sexual side of the relationship would be an ideal, but only a secondary one. That's what distinguishes zoophilia from bestiality, and not that I bear automatic resentment for anyone's way of life, but I do feel that zoophilia is the more preferable of the two. So for what it's worth, you probably have the support of most folks around here.

And keep in mind, this realization doesn't have to change anything. You don't have to find every animal attractive, you don't have to become zoo exclusive, and you don't even have to tell anyone if you don't want to. It can just be a part of your life like any other.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 5 points on 2015-02-16 22:45:23

I think you've said almost everything I would say.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-02-17 00:51:48


Kynophile Dog Lover 5 points on 2015-02-16 22:46:20

Well, no one can really know but you. But Francoeur's definition of sexual orientation (used by Hani Miletski in her research) gives a good framework for figuring it out. To do this, you basically figure out the answers to three questions:

1) Who or what do you bond with emotionally? 2) With whom or what do you fantasize about having sex? 3) With whom or what would you prefer to have sex?

I personally can't answer these questions for you (though your post does make me lean towards certain answers). But in my opinion, if nonhuman animals form a significant part of your answers to all three questions, then you are zoo at least in part. If you like women too, then that's great, and it doesn't necessarily make you any less of a zoo; we just don't have a word for the zoo analogue of a bisexual, so I pretty much just lump them all under the "zoo" label.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied. 5 points on 2015-02-17 00:48:17

Well you get the nod of approval (zooproval?) from me if that means anything.

Sounds like you've got it nailed down pretty well so I'd just say keep doing what you're doing. If you've got any other questions feel free to make a post. Its always nice getting another zoos point of view.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 5 points on 2015-02-17 05:51:16

Does this make me a zoo???

i don't wanna scare you, but ... i think it does. :)

I don't identify as a zoosexual because I find women attractive and have had a few relationships and flings in college.

as was said, there isn't really a word for that as far as i know. the opposite is zoo-exclusive.

you definitely seem to have the right frame of mind .. you seem like a good person who wants this for the right reason - to have a strong, loving bond with another being. seeing past the species barrier is relatively rare, but there's nothing wrong with it. i hope you are able to have that kind of a relationship in your life soon.

JonasCliver Vap vap to the Moon! 2 points on 2015-02-17 17:50:00
Soveee 3 points on 2015-02-17 23:51:38

If you're a zoo, you will often find animals inside you. You may also find people inside of you. Different types of zoos prefer different types of animals. Some people will argue that you're unethical, or unnatural. They'll compare you to the meat industry. Others will come to point and laugh. But you can be found all over the the world, and ultimately you mean only the best for your animals.

It was a joke. Because you're a zoo. Like a "zoological park." GET IT?!

Curious_JohnDoe 4 points on 2015-02-18 00:16:39

Good one...

FunFriendly 1 point on 2015-02-23 17:44:11

By definition you most certainly are.