What would you do? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-02-19 02:08:58 by incredibledentist

The first zoo content I ever came across was in my father's filing cabinet. A Colour Climax mag, with Bodil wanking off a horse, and a couple of girls failing to satisfy a dog.

I have a couple of dogs, a bitch and a dog. But they're neutered. My bro's dogs aren't. And he saw the same porn stash as me back in the day,

I'm sorely tempted to bring up our father's porn stash, and my leanings towards beasts in a conversation with him, and perhaps have an evening with a nice spaniel stud.

The alternative being that they throw me in the local head medicine hospital, and throw away the key.

In my situation, what would you do?

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied. 5 points on 2015-02-19 04:04:28

I would absolutely not ask my brother if I could spend some quality time with his (theoretical in my case) dogs. you can choose your friends but you cant choose your family. I mean, feel free if you think its worth the risk but the chances of him being sympathetic to your feelings are basically zero. Realistically the alternative would involve you being ostracised from your entire immediate and most likely extended family. Only you know your exact situation and what you have to lose but i would seriously recommend against this.

Equine_Aficionado 3 points on 2015-02-19 04:58:09

yeah.... no. I'm seeing basically two outcomes here, with the first being much more likely than the second:

1) he has no zoo leanings, and you ruin your relationship with him for the rest of your life;

2) he does have zoo leanings, he loves his dogs very much, he's incredibly offended that you asked for "time" with them, and you ruin your relationship with him for the rest of your life.

I would keep my mouth shut, and if it's really that important to you, buy a third dog.

Kynophile Dog Lover 2 points on 2015-02-19 05:11:06

Frankly, there's not enough here to suggest that your brother likes animals in that way, or even that your father likes them that way. If it's literally the only way to keep yourself out of the nuthouse, go ahead, but otherwise, this seems like an incredibly bad idea all around.

Yearningmice Equus 3 points on 2015-02-19 15:09:16

Well, you know your brother better than any of us do, but it sounds to me like you're thinking with the wrong head. Sex isn't worth taking unnecessary chances. It's waited this long, wait a few more year and set yourself up the way you want and so that you're safe. If you don't see anything in your bros dogs except availability, that's not a good reason to do anything.

thousandcows 3 points on 2015-02-19 19:13:34

In my situation, what would you do?

Leave your brother and his dogs alone. Don't bring this up with any family members unless you absolutely have to. Because the vast majority of pet owners look at their pets like children, so imagine how they would feel if approached by someone who said "Hey bro, I think I like having sex with kids, by the way can I babysit your kids?"

I'm not in any way equating pedophilia with zoophilia, only giving an example of what goes on in people's minds who are not zoophiles, and why their reaction may be so very, very bad for you. You could literally lose all safety and normality in your life.

The alternative being that they throw me in the local head medicine hospital, and throw away the key.

Oh come on, don't be a drama queen. It's your life, you can decide where you're going to take it. (I'd say that to someone pining for a girl this way also.) This does tell me though that you have serious zoophilic feelings, and if you can, you should change your lifestyle/living situation to allow you to own more animal(s) that are capable of developing intimate relationships with you.

incredibledentist 2 points on 2015-02-20 01:19:31

Oh come on, don't be a drama queen. It's your life, you can decide where you're going to take it. (I'd say that to someone pining for a girl this way also.)

That's fine advice. We all need to get over ourselves some times.

But I do live in a country that makes examples of zoos. I do feel a certain amount of paranoia simply in posting this, because we know that governments are tapping our data.

I do worry about the idea that I could be jailed, tomorrow, for my leanings.

This does tell me though that you have serious zoophilic feelings,

Well, the CC mag that belonged to my father inspired me about 20 years ago.

I'm in my mid-30s now. In terms of people, I've had glancing sexual relationships with men and women, but, to me, there's nothing hotter than a dog at full pace.

So I guess it's completely accurate to say I have zoophilic leanings ;-)

incredibledentist 1 point on 2015-02-19 23:20:45

Thanks for the comments.

What got me into this line of thinking was when my bro visited the other day, and his spaniel was clearly happy to see me: lipstick, lol.

Thanks, and take care of yourselves.

FunFriendly 1 point on 2015-02-23 16:08:36

The risk is way too high based on him being a family member.

If he initiates the conversation, that's a different thing.

Cromcorrag 1 point on 2015-03-05 06:04:17

Don't do it. Never tell anyone. NO ONE. Keep it to yourself.