AskReddit bans: a word of caution. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-02-26 08:09:25 by [deleted]


First of all, the increase in posts and number of users in the last month or so has been very impressive. Thank all of you, especially the new folks, for keeping it active around here.

Following a few zoophile bans from /r/AskReddit for the use of "novelty accounts", I decided to get in touch with the mods diplomatically. I explained that "novelty", or single-purpose accounts are a requirement for us because the risk of mixing zoo and non-zoo affairs is too high for most. Their stance remains.

While I must give them credit for abiding by set policies (to a fault?), I think we should minimise our bans so as not to incur any more as a community. We can't afford to get on anyone's bad side. As such, I would recommend any of the following:

  • Varying posts/comments to AskReddit (but be careful!), trying to make at least one non-zoo post for each zoo post you make;

  • If possible, using a username that does not explicitly state zoophilia;

  • Reducing your activity on AskReddit altogether.

I know that none of this is ideal, but the mods simply are not interested in placation. Let it be.

yelikedags 3 points on 2015-02-26 11:11:58

So foolish. What got the stick up their butt lately?

Yearningmice Equus 4 points on 2015-02-26 14:36:32

They hate us for our freedoms.

YesIloveDogs Doggehs 2 points on 2015-02-26 16:15:22

What I learned from my ban is that they're willing to ban people for things that arent explicitly stated in the rules. They classified me as a novelty account, even though their rules clearly state

Novelties that are dynamic, can contribute to and progress the conversation by offering some degree of 'original content' are permitted.

Even though the majority of my comments were zoophilic in nature, they were within threads that they were relevant to.

The mods also clearly dodged a lot of questions I had regarding the ban. Specifically, what classified me as a novelty worthy of a ban. The closest response I got was "we dont like accounts that are mainly for propaganda" which in itself is fair enough I suppose even though its not exactly stated in the rules.

All in all, the suggestions that TV put forward are likely the best solution to this problem. The mods clearly are not interested in placation and we have to play by their rules if we want to play at all.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-02-26 17:15:40


[deleted] 1 point on 2015-02-26 19:36:15


btwIAMAzoophile 2 points on 2015-02-26 19:44:42

I will say that there are two specific moderators that seem to be singling people out. They completely threw away their rule set in order to ban me because they did not agree with my ideals: u/GustavoFrings and u/TheJackal8. Namely the former. I proposed very good reasoning and defenses toward their claims and they refused to listen or even give reply to those claims, as can be seen in my post. Although you can attempt to follow their rules, as I clearly had, even after them telling me to limit my posts about zoophilia(as I was), they still tried to dig up reason to ban me. On top of that, a friend of mine was banned due to claims of him being me, even though we were making separate posts at the same time.

Ultimately, they are the ones in control of the subreddit and they can ban us for whatever reason they want. It is bullshit but its true.

All I can say is good luck if you post over there, because they may end up kicking you off too.

Also, their reason marked for my ban is because I was "harrassing the mods." By harassing I suppose they meant I was challenging their unfair opinions. I don't know how the PM system works for moderators, but I don't even know if other moderators could actually see the conversation I had with the two. Because I know that rather than going by the rules they have listed, they were going by their own opinions of what I do and making up their own bullshit excuses.

[deleted] 2 points on 2015-02-27 20:28:48

Well, first you are a novelty account, then you make too many posts (about zoophilia, although all the threads posted in are about sex or fitting - they just have a slippery subreddit there), and then in fact you are harassing the mods when asking them to make up their mind.... should be happy you got out without them busting your kneecaps. ;)

btwIAMAzoophile 1 point on 2015-02-28 06:50:06

They need to either get their shit straight or say it like it is.