Animal Rights vs Zoophilia in Google Trends - that's surprising (
submitted 2015-03-02 18:09:46 by markozak
FunFriendly 1 point on 2015-03-02 18:34:56

That's interesting. I recommend adding the search term "dog sex" and check out that trend.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-03-02 21:10:01

Just tried that. Oddly, "bestiality" "dog sex" and "horse sex" were all about equal until 2008, then "dog sex" became much more popular, "bestiality" less popular, and "horse sex" carried on as before.

Still surprising that all three, and also "zoophilia", are all more searched for than animal rights.

Yearningmice Equus 2 points on 2015-03-02 18:55:10

Well, I can't say I hadn't been noticing this. The new vogue term for animal sex porno is zoophilia. I had been particularly noticing this over the last six months or so and it is interesting to see google back that up.

Take a look at the zoophilia search terms and all of them are sex related. The internet was made for porno, or so it seems.

Of concern is the fact that animal welfare and rights is going down.

Also, WTH Algeria?

Edit: I just wanted to add that I played with the term Zoophile, and dog sex and it is interesting.

Clitoris_Monster 1 point on 2015-03-02 19:14:46

Really strange how animal rights dips way down every August.

Equine_Aficionado 1 point on 2015-03-03 08:42:19

Yeah good point. And it always peaks in November. Maybe there's some sort of animal rights awareness campaign that happens in November that causes search terms to peak, but everyone forgets about it by the following August.

icepaws 1 point on 2015-03-03 02:30:22

add term "furry"

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-03-03 19:19:47

Wow. That's surprisingly well correlated with "dog sex". Playing to the stereotypes in the furry world, "fox sex" is surprising — I wonder what happened in January 2008 and July 2009.

Also of surprise:

Pawwsies Canines! 1 point on 2015-03-03 06:06:30

Hmm, that's interesting, although it's probably people looking for porn for a lot of the searches.

Thanks for sharing.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-03-12 00:29:13

Google is funny. Once 8+ years ago when I searched for bestiality, I got a message saying the topic is disturbing and I need to confirm in order to view the results. I only received that message once. The message had nothing to do with safe-search on/off.