Jura, Switzerland residents demand action over zoophilia (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-03-08 00:24:21 by [deleted]
zoozooz 3 points on 2015-03-08 01:43:25


According to the (warning: disturbing) photos they post it's not "just" fencehoppers, it's actual animal abusers.

It's rather: Thanks to a lack of education and critical thinking that they don't understand what they are actually opposing. If they can understand that you don't make facebook pages and demand laws against heterosexuality when a man in their neighborhood rapes a women, then they ought to understand this too...

Yearningmice Equus 1 point on 2015-03-08 04:57:44

People believe this, namely that white witches are plaiting horses manes for spells. So let me tell you these are natural twists in the mane from loose mane hair and a kink or tangle.

The idea that witches are doing this is literally medieval.

People refuse to learn, don't expect it to change for a contentious issue like zoophilia. Hell, millions of people in N. America still think gays are causing the economic downturn and moral collapse of the universe.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 2 points on 2015-03-08 09:46:24

I've seen that exact logical failure with homosexuality 15 years ago.

Perhaps I should offer help to Zeta Verein. They look like a group I could be comfortable supporting.

Yearningmice Equus 2 points on 2015-03-08 05:28:47

Unfortunately this came across my feed today just after reading your links. I know each of us condems him and feel pretty much like those commenting on the thread. But so long as crazy people like this exist we are going to have trouble seperating us from them in the eyes of te public.

I hope no animal is ever harmed by him again.

Kynophile Dog Lover 2 points on 2015-03-08 13:08:52

This man is terrible, his crimes are terrible, and his sentences should have been longer and/or more thorough. If he has been deemed criminally insane after decades of horse mutilation and rape, I agree that he should be kept in the asylum for life. He even looks shifty, with beady eyes and a scowl.

That said, he has an awesome mustache. How'd he find the time and the wax to sculpt that thing?

zoozooz 1 point on 2015-03-08 19:59:42

He even looks shifty, with beady eyes and a scowl.


Kynophile Dog Lover 1 point on 2015-03-09 04:21:47

Yes, I know, my intuitions on trustworthiness by appearance aren't reliable. But in this particular case, coincidentally, the intuition matches the personality.