What's your ideal for society? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-03-08 03:50:56 by AliasTheReindeerPone Short Christmas Horse

Let's put aside the way the world is currently arranged. If you could lay out your own way for society to treat zoophiles, or even people in general, what would it be?

I've heard many people say that it's best for us to stay hidden, and in the real world, I would have to agree with that sentiment for the time being. But if it were up to me (I fully acknowledge that it's not, but if it were), I'd just rather not hide. I think it would be fantastic to live in a world where zoophilia was seen as equal to heterosexuality in terms of legitimacy and acceptance.

I doubt I'm alone, but I also doubt that I speak for everyone, so what are your thoughts? Call it an endgame or just a fantasy, but what does your ideal society look like?

todaywefox 5 points on 2015-03-08 05:04:05

Our ability to remain private is becoming less and less possible. That being said, I often fantasize about a world in which nothing is private. Everything out in the open. People starting to realize that people are just different.

We all have our specific desires and our little quirks. Without privacy there's no social norms because those norms are pretty much random. There's no shaming others to convince others, or yourself, that you uphold societal norms. I imagine people understanding that other people can be different yet still maintain a healthy relationship with society and how that could end all this bigotry.

Yes, this is just a fantasy I fall into when I start to think of society. I could be way off from reality of it all but I still like to dream.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied. 3 points on 2015-03-08 06:40:59

All I want is to be able to give a reason why I dont have a girlfriend and have no interest in picking up babes. So yeah, I guess I wished it was on par with homosexuality. I'd be able to open up to select people, but most people who looked at me wouldnt immediately think I was a zoo.

electricfoxx 4 points on 2015-03-08 08:07:35

Hippie society.


James W Prescott's research states that societies that repress sexuality are violent.

Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 6 points on 2015-03-08 08:33:09

I am not a zoophile but the way I see the world should be ideally starts with better communication. People communicate poorly, yelling, insults, etc. People should never be afraid to say out loud who they are and how they feel and way they feel that way. It should be allowed to calmly discuss anything.

Hatred should never be considered okay. I do not care who they are or what they did, hate never helps. Hatred only breeds more hatred. I do not care what flag you fly your hate under or how you justify it, your hatred should be considered wrong.

People would be less entitled and less into others business as well, things that they have no reason to get involved in (such as others sex life, like zoophiles) they just would not without legitimate reasons.

People would be more open minded, and most people do not even knows what open minded means. Open minded to the point where literally anything is considered a possibility and there are no limits to what is willing to be accepted given enough evidence/reason. If some guy says the earth is flat, they would not say no, they would ask why. Why he thinks that, and not just for the response to ridicule, but because maybe, just maybe he is right and we should give him a chance.

People would recognize that fear and limits are illusions, normal is an illusion and people would do the hardest work of all more regular: brain work. Thinking critically, thinking much, thinking about what they do and think. Think what they really want, and who they really are. Think about what has made them the way they are now and whether that truly is them.

There is more, but I think that would be a dang good start in my opinion.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-03-08 09:57:18

I'd add "curiosity" to that list. Being curious about everything — not saying "boring!" or "disgusting!" and thinking no more about it as far too many people do.

Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 1 point on 2015-03-08 19:38:07

I think that would fit under brain work, but yes I agree. As an very curious person myself. My friend jokes that I am the guy who dies first in horror movies because whenever I heard something weird at night my first response is "let's go check it out" :D

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 3 points on 2015-03-08 09:54:14

1) A world where we have a definite measure of what this "sentience" thing is,

2) Where every sentient being ("person") is given the same basic rights (almost, but not quite, the set things that would now be called "human rights"),

3) Where the only restrictions on what people can do is things that violate those rights, and those restrictions are the smallest possible restrictions that enforce others' rights.

Kynophile Dog Lover 4 points on 2015-03-08 13:00:46

I'm a bit more conservative in my views, as I don't think zoosexuality should be considered on par with homosexuality in terms of marriage rights, representation in media, etc. That being said, however, my ideal would involve the following (roughly in order of their achievability and importance):

  1. More thorough scientific study of animal sexuality and its possible expression with human caretakers, including all risks and benefits to the animal and the human.
  2. Sex with animals being legally considered on par with other forms of behavior common in pet ownership, where the test for legality is one of animal cruelty properly defined rather than behaviors having more to do with disgust for the human.
  3. Stronger animal cruelty laws with better enforcement and more education among both vets and the general public about what is and isn't harmful to animals.
  4. Representation of zoophilia in a minor way in sex education, to let young people know that this happens and, if they're into it, they're not alone and can do it without being monstrous.
  5. Some form of zoo-positive media (plays, movies, etc.). Not equal representation or only positive messages, but something for the general public to consider other than tragedies and shock comedies.
  6. A minor point (and practically only relevant to dog lovers): more public places open to bringing a dog (perhaps on a "date" :P).

Pretty much everything else I can think of is more generally an animal rights sort of thing than just a benefit for zoos and their partners. Still, work in even one of these areas would be great, in my opinion.

ShadowOfMars 2 points on 2015-03-08 18:14:20

Sexual Marxist here. I believe in a Reichian sexual revolution ^^minus ^the ^pseudoscientific ^^"orgone" ^crap as part of a wider libertarian-communist social revolution. Gender and sexuality are socially constructed: by nature we're not men and women attracted to men and/or women; the biological reality is that humans have a diversity of primary and secondary sexual characteristics, and every individual has unique preferences for their libido which evolve throughout one's life. A rational (utilitarian) attitude to sexuality lets everybody do their thing without judgement. There's no such thing as perversion or "doing it wrong", only pleasure and harm.

Once society is sufficiently enlightened to realise that principle "an it harm none, do what ye will" is obvious common-sense ethics (which will require a massive cultural revolution, a transvaluation of values), then nobody will even think of confusing positive zoophilia with animal abuse.

Kynophile Dog Lover 1 point on 2015-03-08 18:58:06

Interesting ideas, with which I am mostly in agreement (if not precisely with labelling myself with such terms). I do disagree a little with the idea that gender and sexuality are entirely socially constructed, however. Now, to be fair, I think that the oversimplification of those terms as commonly viewed by people as representing them entirely (male/female, straight/bi/gay, etc.) are social constructs, which do not reflect reality in all its nuance. But there seems to be a biological component to these forms of identity, which can be influenced by society but cannot be entirely ignored in a proper discussion of the topic.

ShadowOfMars 1 point on 2015-03-08 21:52:20

There's a great discussion related to this question going on right now in one of the SRS subs.

thelongestusernameee these posts are too deep for me. im starting to get all weird ag 2 points on 2015-03-08 20:24:08

i think it should be completely legalized.

[deleted] -1 points on 2015-03-22 23:00:54
