Why does this bother me so much... (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-03-08 04:36:56 by zoolet

Alright so here is the situation.

I'm currently seeing a fellow zoo who happens to own a female dog. I never asked when we first started dating to play with her because I respect that it's his dog and just because we are dating doesn't mean that I should have full access to her. However, a few months ago he brought her with him on his visit and allowed me to have my first time with her. (For which I am very thankful for)

Two months have past and we haven't played with her together since. He told meawhile ago that he loves her too much to share her and I was completely understanding. However, two days ago I went over to his house and when a beastiality related topic came up he talked about finding a guy to come have sex with her... he said he wants to watch a guy fuck his dog. I'll admit...I was extremely jealous of this and on the inside I was like "shoot I'll do it and you know that I'd do it."

Also, later that day we went out to his dad's house who was working late who has 3 female dogs. I thought for sure we would play together with them, but I basically sat there and watched him fuck the dogs. At one point I asked if I could play with them too and he told me no. I felt as if he was rubbing it in my face.

I hate how jealous and mad this is making me feel.. I'm getting to the point where I'm resenting him and I don't want to.

Can someone just put this in perspective for me because I can't help but feel like its an ass hole thing to get mad about since it's his animals.

todaywefox 4 points on 2015-03-08 04:52:43

You definitely need to tell him about your feelings. You said you had those thoughts on the inside, you really need to let those thoughts out. Internalizing over this will put you in a worse state and your friend, or mate, may never know what's eating you up. The comment about him wanting to see another guy sex up his female hurt you and he needs to know how you feel. He may have just expressed a sexual fantasy but maybe it was just that.

zoolet 2 points on 2015-03-08 06:28:23

I don't want to tell him how I feel because I don't want him to feel that he has to let me play with his dogs. Plus it's his dogs and I don't feel it's my place to tell him what he can and can't do with his dogs.

I want him to want me to play with dogs. So when we are out with the animals usually I'll show signs of interest and kinda wait for him to ask me to join in... but he never does.

I'm just feeling worthless and petty..

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-03-08 08:17:18

by telling him your feelings, you're not telling him what to do with his dogs. you're just pointing out something that .. i have to say is inconsistent at best (considering he let you be with her at first but now won't), and at worst a complete dick move (though you shouldn't tell him that exactly, of course). yes, as electricfoxx said, it would be a non-issue if you had your own animals, but that's evidently not the case. maybe he doesn't realize what he did/said was .. odd. maybe bringing that to light will help him understand. or maybe as anaz said, it's best to cut and run. how do you feel about him other than this situation? is he still a very special person to you otherwise?

zoolet 1 point on 2015-03-08 08:22:13

Yes I love him with all my heart and didn't even get jealous about the dog until he started wanting to find some random stranger to screw his dog. I just took it as the biggest slap to the face because he knows for sure how I feel about sleeping with him and his dog.

WeAreDifferent 1 point on 2015-03-08 15:27:04

You just tell him exactly that. You understand and respect that this are his dogs, but you also need to explain how you feel about it. You don't want to step in between, but if he's wanting a stranger to play with his dog, instead let you do it, I would be really concerned about the situation as well.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied. 3 points on 2015-03-08 06:38:41

If youre only hanging around with him for the chance of banging the dogs he knows you need to press the issue and get a definitive answer. if he says yes, then great. if he says no, cut him out your life and move on.

Thats the best advice I can give with the situation youve outlined here. obviously you know the situation better than any of us could hope to.

zoolet 1 point on 2015-03-08 08:19:45

I might press the issue. . When the time is right I guess.

electricfoxx 3 points on 2015-03-08 07:46:26

He sounds like a jerk. However, you need to decide: do you want to be with him or with a dog?

My problem with sharing animals comes from two perspectives:

  • Property. (Can I play with your toys?)
  • Significant Other. (Can I fuck your girlfriend/boyfriend?)

I see animals as sentient and would seem my dog as be closer to as a SO. Both of these cases with humans are easy to deal with. I'm sorry, but you'll have to get your own.

zoolet 1 point on 2015-03-08 08:19:11

I want to be with him, but don't know why it bothers me if I'm with him for him. I didn't know he had a dog until we got to really know each other so I know I'm not with him because of the dogs.

But in my head, I can already see him of accusing me of that if I brought it up.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-03-08 09:37:04

I would tell him that "he wants to watch a guy fuck his dog", he made you feel really jealous in exactly the same way that you being with her made him jealous.

There isn't enough context for me to offer advice about the other 3. Did he say no because you don't know them well enough yet (very reasonable, if so)? Or does he feel the same jealousy with the idea of you and them as you and his? Ask him, if you haven't already. It might be their body language, his jealousy, or something entirely different like your cock being bigger than his and he's worried about the physical.

Whenever I've had strong negative emotions in my relationship with my (human) girlfriend, talking has not only helped us through those differences, but helped us understand the world in new ways and appreciate each other's positions the next time things happen.

jrbobdobbs90 1 point on 2015-03-09 02:50:42

Can't you get your own dog?

zoolet 1 point on 2015-03-12 08:04:06

Very soon!

[deleted] -1 points on 2015-03-22 23:06:40


duskwuff 1 point on 2015-03-10 07:14:59


Wanting to play with her is understandable. Doubly so because he's let you in the past; triply so if he's inviting other people as well. But that's still his choice to make.

The business with his dad's house is kind of ridiculous, though. Inviting you under the circumstances sounds like it was a kind of implicit invitation; him playing with the dogs in front of you, but not letting you get involved, is just plain inconsiderate.

I'd agree with the other people here who suggest he's kind of being a dick. I'd urge you to bring this up with him.

zoolet 1 point on 2015-03-12 08:04:32

I posted an update and long story short I'm breaking it off tomorrow.