I was Wire Tapped. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-03-12 23:24:30 by [deleted]

I bite/attempted to bite a police officer on my way to the crazy hospital. But I was diagnosed with Schizophrenia so this post is probably untrue. I'm out of the hospital and will be in court a few weeks from now. My lawyer (expensive in the four digit range but mom's going to loan me the money) says everything will be dropped, so no trial.

electricfoxx 3 points on 2015-03-13 00:12:57

I believe every person needs to ask themselves: "What do I really want?" Because the view on mental illness has become subjective (is autism or Down's Syndrome bad?), you need to consider the question.

Do you want Schizophrenia? Do you think you need someone watching you to make sure you don't get into trouble?

I define normality as in relation to harm. Most people do. Religious people consider see those who sin as doing harm to their soul. Doctors see disease as doing harm to the body. Psychologist see illness as doing harm to the psyche.

Does your current state do harm, to yourself or others? Schizophrenia (holding false beliefs) may cause you harm by having you react erratically.

So, what do you want for yourself?

[deleted] 2 points on 2015-03-14 22:38:21

I have a totally Unbridled Spirit and Passion for horses. Someone is trying to break me in and put a saddle on my back and a bit in my mouth. I personally feel more sorrow for the people that are trying to break me in. I forgive them.

SunTzuSaidThat Equines 2 points on 2015-03-13 06:56:51

Uhh, good luck with that, I guess?

I don't really know what to make of this. Were you actually wiretapped or did you just think you were? What does this have to do with zoo?

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 5 points on 2015-03-13 07:44:23

AFAIK, schizophrenia causes people to see connections that are not really there. No connection from our POV can seem like a clear and obvious connection from his.

That said, if he is wiretapped, it's sensible to assume they're also looking at us — because he had already posted on here before this thread.

[deleted] 2 points on 2015-03-14 19:16:08

My gut instinct is that the gag orders are not coming from the police. I tried (or did I don't have the best memory),to sue my former employer. I trust both are not evil, but shit happens. As for court and what happened each time I was admitted to the hospital I'm just going on what my parents tell me and not what I thinked happened. Sometimes I get lost in the moment. I'm going to listen to what my parents want me to do, and handle my case well. Of course that means, doing what the lawyer/judge/parents/police (in no particular order) tells me to. After I meet with my counselor I'm going to delete this account.

[deleted] 2 points on 2015-03-13 20:14:56

I really really really like horses so I think someone is toying with me in that respect. I'm going out of my comfort zone but here is all the wiretapping. Calling my former horsemanship mentor, and the phone ringing well over 3 minutes (no voicemail), until she picked up, and said I could have a paid job "touching horses" (assumed the gag order was for grooming but touching was sort of a warning). Getting another offer to groom horses from someone I knew for years yet out of the blue asking when I had bone fracture the previous day. The rest is going to sound crazy but I figure its more of a game to break my spirit. I heard no voices but I did hear the music I like to listen to. The TV, having overdubbed speaking parts which tested my limits (like having speech for Animal Cops, overlayed on what ever show was currently on Animal) HSN/QVC hosts saying stuff implying stuff is overpriced on a sale item (again overlayed). Then their is my dad walking up to me during a Penn and Teller car commerical and saying Teller does not talk, and I said ever, and he said Never. Then their are the smells in my bedroom. Almost certain just smells from my neighbors chimmey, but sometimes it smelled like natural gas (or what they put in natural gas to make it smell). One time it smelled what I guess is weed. Another time it smelled like horses sweat, and I was so out of it (could not even handle water with no pills, for 3 days, but again was probably I just had the flu and no wrong doing) I actually ejaculated with out touching myself

[deleted] 2 points on 2015-03-14 11:35:51

But I'm going to seek treatment and take my meds, and get a nice white-collar job.

deathrally 2 points on 2015-03-13 07:45:45


Derpyshy98 2 points on 2015-03-15 03:53:57

I really hope this guy will be alright, schizohprenia can be hell for the person affected by it.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-03-16 21:33:12

I will be/am alright. The diagnosis was only based on several incidents. Also I never heard voices, only music, and scents, plus stuff on my computer like spyware. Plus the gag orders. Spyware can be used by the police. Phones can be tapped by the police. What's hell, is not knowing who did it, so that I can make amends. Even the hospital was nice, the police did their job (got me to the hospital for treatment), and my former employer did their job (long story). Maybe just a Zoo-buster is playing games with me since my behavior toward the police/employer was soured.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-03-16 23:41:55


[deleted] 1 point on 2015-03-17 18:49:28

I'm 100% sure that the wiretaps is by a zoo-buster, that has lied about me. 100% sure not my former employer (they must thank I'm an asshole, because I felt the same). 100% sure not police is as so much the zoo-buster lying to the police (as in actual lying not concerned about the wiretapping because wiretapping overall gets the true crooks in this modern age of electronics). I'm not concerned that the good cops are bad, because they are good.