Another question from my girlfriend (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-03-14 18:24:39 by furvert_tail Equine, large canid

My partner has just asked if I know any zoos who are into primates (not counting humans :P). I realised that I don't know anyone who has told me one way or the other. Do any of you know such a person?

Battlecrops dogs, big cats, snakes, ungulates 1 point on 2015-03-14 18:35:35

I like apes, and I recently got an anonymous message (that I haven't had a chance to answer/publish yet) on my tumblr from someone who likes monkeys. I know of a couple of other zoos who are into apes too.

Floridacracker1954 1 point on 2015-03-14 20:08:47

I have read that the ancient Egyptians and Romans trained baboons to have sex with women but I have also read that adult chimps are to violent and unpredictable to have any type of physical contact with. See the recent cases of chimp attacks on humans as examples to stay away from them.

zoozooz 1 point on 2015-03-14 20:49:46

the recent cases

Which ones? I know this one:

Toxicology reports confirmed Sandra's statement that she had given Travis Xanax-laced tea the day of the attack, which could have exacerbated his aggression.[34][35] Xanax (Alprazolam) is a short acting potent anti-anxiety drug that can cause disinhibition and disorientation and occasionally paradoxical reactions of hallucination, aggression, rage and mania.[citation needed]

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied. 1 point on 2015-03-15 00:12:05

woah, that xanax bit is something I didnt know about. Very interesting...

ZoroasterTheCat 1 point on 2015-03-15 06:25:24

Why the hell would she give a chimp Xanax?

foxyramirez 1 point on 2015-03-15 14:16:08

It probably came from the same place as the desire to own a chimp in the first place.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied. 1 point on 2015-03-15 16:22:14

Just a wild guess here but I bet she had a prescription for herself to settle her anxiety. One day the chimp was acting up so she gave him a/many xanax to calm him down as well, but overestimated the dosage for some reason. Xanax fuelled blackouts are very common in humans and involve the participants doing some seriously fucked up shit, while they themselves are pretty much unconcious. I would expect the same response from chimpanzees.

I'm not saying thats what happens but it does sound very plausable. On the other hand it might just be full grown male chimp going nuts. apparently its a common thing when theyre kept as a pet....

Floridacracker1954 1 point on 2015-03-14 20:11:22

Also they have small penises and copulate and ejaculate quickly but frequently, so not much fun for the females.

zoozooz 1 point on 2015-03-14 20:55:36

I have had that thought too. I personally wouldn't mind getting intimate with apes and monkeys. They're surely not my main interests, but I wouldn't mind most "compatible" species.

But I haven't heard of anyone who is primarily attracted to primates, either.

When it comes to porn, there is very, very little. And I would consider all I have seen to be abusive. It's really a shame commercial animal porn is not more harshly banned world wide. But as we all know, the porn really does not reflect reality.

ZoroasterTheCat 1 point on 2015-03-15 06:26:17

The only thing I've seen consists of a naked lady in the vicinity of a chimp. Don't know that that qualifies.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied. 1 point on 2015-03-15 02:05:21

Im not surprised its less common to be honest. We zoos seem to be mostly attracted to animals that are able to communicate with us easily (horses and dogs) thanks to thousands of years of selective breeding. Apes, although seemingly similar to us, arent able to communicate to us as effectively as horses and dogs can. I tried to find the documentary Im referencing, but I cant find it for the life of me. Its the one where they did a test where they pointed to a food thing under a cup to let the dog and monkey know where the food was. The dog followed the visual clue but the monkey would choose a random cup regardless. I'm unsure if they took into account the fact that maybe the dog could just smell the food. Even then, we could just look towards sheepdogs and farmers as a prime example of human/dog communication.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-03-15 08:38:39

i only know of one person i've chatted with who is interested in great apes like gorillas and orangutans. i have some interest, but it's more a curiosity thing than anything else. keep in mind lesser (non-monkey, non-ape) primates like lemurs (which seem somewhat popular among furries as well, if that's relevant at all). and there are some damn well hung (for their size) lemurs, i must say...

foxyramirez 1 point on 2015-03-15 14:21:07

Personally, I think they're too close to human. Not to mention the differences in intellect. I just don't think it would work out well.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-03-15 22:30:33

What do you mean about the differences in intellect? Too great or too small?

foxyramirez 1 point on 2015-03-15 23:32:08

More like the manner of thinking. We do outmatch them in several ways, and they outmatch us in a couple ways. But it's largely in that they aren't geared for survival in our modern environment, nor are they domesticated. They're still wild.