Midlanders Push For Stricter Bestiality Laws in Texas (permianbasin360.com)
submitted 2015-03-24 04:20:35 by [deleted]
zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 5 points on 2015-03-24 05:07:46

"Midland police say their report shows it was a dog that caused the injuries but Evans said that is unlikely.

"Male dogs and female dogs are going to consent there is no way that a Male dog would be able to rape a female dog," Evans said."

This vet is a moron. Not only can dogs rape each other, a large male can easily injure a smaller dog.

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 2 points on 2015-03-24 05:22:42

While I agree, I wouldn't complain: a vet, in Texas of all places, is on our side. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, heh.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 4 points on 2015-03-24 07:04:16

I don't see how implying the dog's injuries and death must have been caused by a human, despite the evidence saying otherwise, is on our side. She's not saying dogs can consent to bestiality, she's saying that dogs can't rape each other.

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 1 point on 2015-03-24 07:13:31

My mistake, I didn't see her say that she thought it must have been caused by a human. Oh well.

zoozooz 1 point on 2015-03-24 10:03:37

"It just clicked in my head that there has to be something we can do about it, there has to be someway to reach out to lawmakers to have laws changed," Allison said.

Animal cruelty is illegal, but the social media page is calling for bestiality laws and for a harsher punishment.

It really creeps me out how these people time and time again get so much support without ever giving any reasonable explanation for why the law must be changed. If a human did this, then how is it not animal cruelty, which is illegal?

I get the feeling these people do this kind of activism because they want to be outraged about something and nothing else.

There was this case of obvious animal cruelty with a dog that was later renamed to "Rose": http://www.news-journalonline.com/article/20140919/NEWS/140919330. And these people somehow believed they needed to make a petition and make a demonstration with signs and everything and created a facebook page named "Justice for Rose": http://www.thepetitionsite.com/809/261/307/justice-for-rose/ (And read to the end of the petition: "some of you missed that message. Not only did you contact the Judge, you sent her hate mail. I am not only disappointed, but I am embarrassed that we are stooping to this level."). As if any of this was necessary to convict someone of animal cruelty who committed animal cruelty...

Or the case of "Charity": http://www.examiner.com/article/sexually-abused-puppies-inspire-fight-for-charity-s-law. I believe the only reason the perpetrator was not convicted of animal cruelty was, because it was a 13 year old boy who lived in an abusive (I believe) home:

Performing her own inquiry into the alleged abuse, McDuffie found a witness who told her she saw a neighbor’s 13 year old son “having sex” with the puppies. The witness will not come forward to testify for fear of reprisal. The boy’s father apparently is a well known dog fighter and breeder of fight dogs in the area. McDuffie also told me that this boy’s father was recently arrested and jailed in lieu of $100,000 bail and all of his children are under protective services with the state of North Carolina.


She believes the boy is also a victim of being born into a household and culture where dog fighting and the resultant violence is an accepted standard. She is also pragmatic enough to realize that putting any effort into bringing him to justice will do nothing for all the future animals who may become subjected to similar abuse.


Yet people demand "Charity's law" with a petition where they just assert there is "ambiguity" or whatever: Technically the act of bestiality could be construed to fall under some animal cruelty statutes as is but there should be uniform and stringent laws that address bestiality directly so ambiguity about this act does not exist, and, obviously, another petition. Also, what mindless activism would be complete without a facebook page?

What I find so creepy is that none of the thousands and thousands of supporters of these campaigns find it weird that none of it makes any sense. With the right motivation, what other laws would these people support?

but back to this article here.

"I have two little girls and my thought are, if he is doing this to this animal could a child be next?" Allison said.

How is a law against "bestiality" supposed to help keep her children safe? As has been said, animal cruelty is already illegal...

"Human to animal contact is not rape it would be bestiality and it's not common with humans to dogs or cats it is more common in livestock or larger animals," Evans said.

O rly? Seems like our "Veterinary Practitioner" is a real expert here.

"Male dogs and female dogs are going to consent there is no way that a Male dog would be able to rape a female dog," Evans said.

Nuh-uh, dog's can't "consent"!

Or so I was told?

What does that even mean, "Male dogs and female dogs are going to consent"? Is she trying to say that every time a male dog tries to have sex with a female dog, the female dog will be okay with that? Or what?

And in the video, is it just me, or is she smiling very creepily when she says that?

Pawwsies Big Ol' Canines 2 points on 2015-03-24 10:45:35

"In Muffin's case, a different vet decided it was best to have her be put down."

:/ I see it over and over again, lovers murdered for no reason.

zoozooz 4 points on 2015-03-24 10:53:35


Not really applicable to this case...

If you watch the video, it looks like she is injured/in pain, but they give no details and don't show the injuries. It's possible she actually had severe injuries in this case. We don't know.

Pawwsies Big Ol' Canines 3 points on 2015-03-25 02:26:23

Ok, didn't see that. But the point still stands, lots of zoo's dogs are killed for no reason.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 3 points on 2015-03-24 14:36:48

The dog in this case was bleeding internally (you can see blood on the towels behind her) and couldn't move her hind legs suggesting spinal injuries. Also the actual police report on her says that the injuries were caused by a dog, not a human.

Pawwsies Big Ol' Canines 1 point on 2015-03-25 02:27:18

Didn't see that, thanks. The point still stands for other cases, though.

electricfoxx 2 points on 2015-03-24 17:48:22

(I don't understand people.)

Guy: My human girlfriend has been raped!

Doctor: Holy shit! We must act now. I know! Euthanasia!

zoozooz 2 points on 2015-03-24 19:38:38

Probably some sort of delusion.

Try googling "rape victim punished sharia"...

the_northern_fox 1 point on 2015-04-10 04:05:08

Consistent with medieval religious laws but not with other modern animal abuse laws. Which is evidence (but not proof) that this law is based on ideology rather than genuine concern.

Pawwsies Big Ol' Canines 1 point on 2015-04-10 06:55:23

Yeah. Though this wasn't true for this case, I was mistaken. The dog had serious internal injuries, wasn't anyone's lover at all. :(

Yearningmice 9 points on 2015-03-24 11:12:45

A real mess of idiocy... paraphrased... "It's already illegal but we should make it super double illegal" "Think of the children" "Human to animal contact is not rape..." (Well, at least the vet had a good head on his shoulders, of course, he is completely wrong on the stats and lacking any knowledge of zoophilia or its prevalence.) "Male and female dogs consent!" (Wow, two for two Mr. Vet) "No dog could rape another dog, even though the report from the witness says so and it has been well documented to happen" (well, 2 out of three ain't bad Mr Vet. ) "Didn't actually happen but it might!"

The facebook page has under 900 likes so far. Considering the subject I am surprised at how poorly it is doing. I mean, everyone want to hurt the bad guy, right?

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 2 points on 2015-03-24 14:33:42

If you watch the video, the consent line is actually "Male and female dogs are going to consent to each other" in response to the evidence saying the injuries were caused by a dog.

Yearningmice 2 points on 2015-03-24 17:00:39

True, I paraphrased it, but noting that they CAN consent even to each other is interesting and an obvious chink when confronted with, "well, what if they did that to me?"

I was also amused at the idea of dog on dog rape never ever happening in the same statement to argue that there must have been something more going on.