I think I will with my dog today... (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-03-26 17:58:02 by thisgirllovesdogs

I've been lurking this sub for a while. I'm 19/f/asian finally able to not be bashed about my age (I hope). I've had sex with two different boyfriends of mine, it was alright but I feel like my bond is much stronger with my big bully boy, who I've had for almost 5 years now. I've rubbed him off a couple times and I know he likes it. Sometimes he'll just come stand on me, as if hes trying to nudge his dick and balls on my knee when I'm sitting in a chair. I've let him sniff and nuzzle in between my legs, outside of my panties until I've had an orgasm...but I've never let him lick within or mount me. Today is the perfect day because no one will be home until tomorrow, and it's a bit gloomy out. Should rain a lot later in the day. I've wanted it so bad for so long..just writing this out of apprehension I guess. But, I believe today we will take each others animal love virginity.

Pawwsies Big Ol' Canines 6 points on 2015-03-26 18:59:45

You won't be bashed about your age, there are plenty of people around that age here. Welcome and good luck with your boy.

tyrynth 1 point on 2015-03-27 01:49:53

Late to the party, but I hope you both enjoyed your time together!

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2015-03-27 03:05:14

Good luck. Hopefully it'll be as fulfilling as you imagine.

thisgirllovesdogs 3 points on 2015-03-27 04:18:24

Thank you so much! It was pretty great though I believe it can get much better. Next time I hope..maybe tonight before bed if he's feeling up to it again. I know I am.

SmallzBallz 1 point on 2015-03-27 04:46:10

Congratulations! Would you be willing to post more about it? Everyone here would love to hear how it went.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 2 points on 2015-03-27 05:15:53

great! please make sure you don't get caught though, that would be bad.

thisgirllovesdogs 6 points on 2015-03-27 15:50:29

So, we went though with it best we could. I think in trying he got too excited! Because he knotted up really fast and had what looked like humping convulsions for a bit less than a minute. Give him a break, though cause it was a first attempt ;) I was rubbing myself and my clit a bit (soooo horny) and when I felt his dribble on me I got off really hard. In total I got off 3 times..it was so amazing! I finally let him eat me out which was totally awesome..I knew it would be, but my dog is incredible. I want everyone to know! He lapped me until I came, and then lapped up all my juices. I think he really liked that because after it was all cleaned up he seemed to want more, found my clit and I was like YES! I had to tell him to be easy, and he listens very well. But then the most amazing part...he started very gently nibbling on my clit...yes, a bit of teeth and tongue. I had the best orgasm ever. And he licked it all up again! It was so seriously incredible that I had to give him a big treat afterwards and go to the park :D he seemed happy and tired, and believe me, he will be eating me out again today..maybe twice...maybe tomorrow..and the next day...omg I'm such a horny girl! And I will definitely attempt him penetrating me again soon when I am home alone again.

wallypacing 0 points on 2015-04-09 14:31:12

Lucky u wish i was there helping g you two