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submitted 2015-03-31 00:33:47 by [deleted]
actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2015-03-31 16:13:57

Hey that seemed to go pretty good, most everyone being pretty respectful and some great answers in there. good job :)

[deleted] 2 points on 2015-03-31 16:17:01

Hey, thanks! I'm not doing it alone anymore though!

Dogsnogg 1 point on 2015-04-01 21:33:53

Was a lot of fun, and I think we opened a few minds. :)

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2015-04-01 23:59:50

man, your responses were the tits! New account, how come your arguments are so well presented? Are you an old timer that made a new account?

Dogsnogg 1 point on 2015-04-05 00:33:11

Sorry for the delayed response. This is my "Zoophile" account, so I only pull it out when discussing things of a sensitive nature.

And thanks for the compliments! I've been around the zoo community for a very long time, and had these discussions dozens and dozens of times before.

I strongly believe that we need to present an intelligent argument that reasonable people can accept, if we're ever going to change things in the long term. And we must present that argument in a respectful manner that shows we understand that our critics aren't usually attacking us, they are attacking what they believe to be abuse.

As I said in the thread, we're all on the same side (mostly). While there will always be bigots and those with irrational objections, for the vast majority of people who come to zoophile threads, we all care deeply about animals and all want to prevent abuse and stop suffering.

We already have a common ground with our critics, and we should work to remember that they are not the "enemy", just people who haven't been exposed to our side of the argument yet. We must build on that common foundation if we want to win non-zoos over to our side. :)

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2015-04-06 17:25:20

We already have a common ground with our critics, and we should work to remember that they are not the "enemy", just people who haven't been exposed to our side of the argument yet.

So good! I'd never thought of this before, but you're right. I never get involved with arguments with non-zoos as I can never see their logic, but this gives me an entirely new perspective. I might give it a go next time I get the opportunity, we shall see.

Hopefully I'll see you around :)