Why do you guys keep arguing with kkllee? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-03-31 01:15:32 by Neinikuy I am Nein, Hear me rawr

Youre not getting anywhere arguing with a stone wall.

YesIloveDogs Dags 2 points on 2015-03-31 01:24:49

I don't even know anymore. Some part of me wants to believe that deep down there's someone who actually cares about zoophiles and could remain a friend of us, but that diminishes every time he replies o_0

ursusem 1 point on 2015-03-31 02:08:48

We shouldn't be so negative about things. Nor should we "scare off" someone who isn't zoo- which he revealed to me that he is not. He said he is attracted to inflatibles or something and can somewhat identify with us..

YesIloveDogs Dags 4 points on 2015-03-31 02:10:34

Inflatables are a kink that hardly relate to a sexuality that society at large think is worthy of laudable suicide. As others have said, the attempt to bridge the gap is appreciated, but he is belligerent and ignores the requests of the group he seems so interested in helping.

ursusem 2 points on 2015-03-31 02:19:01

I think you are correct to differentiate between our thing and the kink of inflatables... We definitely do not have a "fetish". It is a form of relationship that we are after.. (sexual orientation)

kkllee 1 point on 2015-04-01 00:12:59

That's the more reason why I feel empathy toward you.

danpetman 4 points on 2015-03-31 01:29:20

I think at this point it's best to just ignore him and hope he'll go away. If he gave a shit about what zoophiles actually wanted (rather than what we "should" want according to him) then he'd have got the message after the first time he posted here and received such an overwhelmingly negative reaction. What he wants is attention and validation, to stroke his ego, so if we don't give it to him, maybe he'll just leave.

kkllee 1 point on 2015-04-01 00:40:12

So not doing anything helps getting zoophilia legalized?

letsgetphysiological 3 points on 2015-03-31 01:32:52

Yeah I've just about had my fill. He's clearly just here to talk big and jack his ego so he can feel like he's standing up for the underdog.

throw_a_zoo 7 points on 2015-03-31 05:55:45

The problem of "friendly and positive community" webpages is that you don't have an "ignore" button. While his last post had 160 comments (as of this time), there's 2146 subscribers here. And some more people who drop in frequently, but don't subscribe for reasons.

So it is save to say that more guys are ignoring him than arguing with him. Yet you don't see it, as reddit doesn't tell you "1000 people are ignoring this".

Besides that I too find him somewhat unsettling. First of all the effort is vain, as imho the golden rule suffices to derive all moral behavior by and large correctly. Second the zeta principles do what he wants to do also by and large yet are much less intricate and thus easier to follow, get accepted, broadcast etc. Third, he didn't take it enthusiastically that someone already had done the zeta principles, nor does he want to debate whether other constructs may work. The golden rule is for tossers, or something. nonono, he had this idea, and it is his idea, and he's really caught up in something there. The fact that he has (he thinks) a little audience exclusively for himself that urgently needs his thing is a tiny powertrip, perhaps.

On that last note: I find it patronizing really. While it is nice that someone from "outside" drops by and even engages in things instead of exploding - dude, I am not a stupid sheep shagger, nor did I lack a good moral compass all my life. How about introducing yourself, and listen for a long while before you blast in with a huge grand scheme of kkllee that is supposed to regulate everything once and for all (which will not work thus)?

kkllee 1 point on 2015-04-01 01:11:02

Ok, thanks for lying about me, it was specially nice when you said I said "everyone here lacks a moral compass", good stuff.

The truth is that you haven't proved you are just angry, what would you say to the ones that actually agree with me? do you want them banned to?

The golden rule suffices to derive all moral behavior.

Then we don't need a constitution, we don't need to regulate anything, we just need to treat others the same way we would like to be treated. What if I want people to turn me into his slave? Should I put on example and make other's my slave, in the hopes they will do the same in return?