Anyone wonder if they're able to have a human and animal relationship in their life? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-04-08 23:08:46 by Ervadii

I'm a 22/m and I told one of my girlfriends what I was into and they shunned me and ruined my name in that place. Now I'm wondering if there is anyway to have both. I'm starting to lose hope...

Kynophile Dog lover 3 points on 2015-04-08 23:34:41

Some people do have both, actually. I'll admit it can be very difficult, and isn't very likely to happen. But some members of the community (both here and elsewhere) are married or in long term relationships (though I'll leave it to them to explain that if they so choose).

Some people try to find female zoos to make this sort of thing happen, but personally I don't agree with that because female zoos are reluctant to come out as it is, and don't need the additional pressure of a hundred suitors and five hundred fetishists asking for porn pics. If things work out with finding another zoo, then that's excellent, but I wouldn't hold my breath on that.

Rather, I would say the best policy is to find a woman that you can along with generally (without the zoo thing), preferably one who is open minded and reasonable in other areas. Have them get to know you as you get to know them, without being deceptive or manipulative. When you feel that you have gotten close enough with this person, tell them about your feelings about animals, in a direct and sensitive way (they may be shocked no matter what you do). At that point, the decision to continue in the relationship is in their hands, and if they do decide to break it off, hopefully they'll be concerned enough for your well-being not to slander you.

There may be other ways of hinting at zoophilia (my favorite being the game "Cards Against Humanity", since offensiveness is humorous in that context), but you can't really force the issue. The odds are against finding a human mate who is willing to let you sleep with animals on the side at the same time, but it can happen, and you can help to improve the odds by generally being good to them in other ways beforehand.

yelikedags 2 points on 2015-04-09 02:05:37

God, cards against humanity is such a good suggestion.

To gauge reactions and such.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 3 points on 2015-04-08 23:46:22

You should read the NY Mag article "What It's Like to Date a Horse":

Yearningmice 1 point on 2015-04-09 09:51:18

Yes and my experience is that we are not particularly rare. It is not easy but if that is what you want you can find it. Mine is very supportive. I'll just add that I was a virgin until your age so you have lots of time to find someone.edit:spelling

TheEthicalZoo 2 points on 2015-04-09 15:14:19

I have been in many relationships with humans who knew about me being zoo. I am "out" to friends and family as well and have been for 8 years now.

However, I am only able to do this because I know exactly what to look for in other humans to be able to tell if they are accepting or not and on top of it all, I am in a position to be out because I don't have to keep a reputation with an employer nor do I give 1 single fuck about what people think of me because I am confident in who I am and I have the social support I need already.

I am also confident of not being arrested for anything. I don't keep illegal stuff on my computer and I keep all of my experiences private unless I know for a fact that the other person I am revealing myself to is a zoo themselves. It's not illegal to simply be attracted to animals after all, although I might be a bit more cautious if I were living someplace less liberal and tolerant, like Arizona where sheriff Joe Arpaio has been known to go hunting for zoos.

There is another thing that makes it easier for me to find accepting human partners, I am female bodied. From my experience/perspective, females have a much easier time getting dates than males do and to make this a double whammy, females are much less likely to be accepting of zoos and female zoos are much less in number than male zoos. The odds are not in your favor if you are male.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-04-10 20:21:45

My partner, /u/fluffalupagus, knows I'm a zoo. It was difficult, but worth it. I spent ages testing the waters with both jokes and references to the fact that I know some zoos and asking what she thought about various zoo topics. On the first date I mentioned an un-named friend who lost his virginity to a cow to see how she reacted. She told me later that she briefly thought it was autobiographical, but changed her mind when the next words out of my mouth were "I have no idea what it's like to be attracted to a species other people consider 'food'."

Took me about six months to finally come out to her, and we've been together for about 18 now.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2015-04-11 00:23:38

My human is also a zoo and we've discussed at some point bringing in a canine partner.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-04-11 09:38:18
