Reefer Madness (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-04-15 23:54:31 by AliasTheReindeerPone Short Christmas Horse

I tried pot once. Now I'm gay into horses.

Any thoughts on whether or not drugs and tendencies towards animals are related? I wouldn't say there's a strong connection to zoophilia (As in the actual love of animals), but perhaps being under these influences would loosen someone's inhibition towards the actual act of bestiality. What do you folks make of this?

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 4 points on 2015-04-16 00:08:44

It would sound like there's more of a connection to bestiality than zoophilia.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 5 points on 2015-04-16 00:14:23

I would say their are many drugs that would loosen inhibition. One of the reasons why their is an open bar at many charity events is that alcohol loosens people's inhibition into donating money. I would say that you were always deep down into horses, but were suppressing it, and that the pot helped to bring up the feelings.

AliasTheReindeerPone Short Christmas Horse 4 points on 2015-04-16 01:27:40

I should probably clarify that I'm not the man in the story. If you hover over the word gay, you'll see I was just making a reference that the strikethrough text decided not to color. I've always been far more into horses than drugs.

i do see both sides of the argument. On one hand, he very well could have been interested in horses all along, and this may have simply pushed him to act on that interest. On the other hand, people can get downright stupid when they're high, and it wouldn't surprise me if this was a one time thing. /u/Yearningmice does a much more eloquent job of explaining what I mean.

Yearningmice 2 points on 2015-04-16 00:31:27

If I recall the story when it first came out he was going for a get out of jail for being stupid card.

But I would hate for people to think that this guy was or wasn't zoo for this one incident. Imagine a young man, convinced he was disgusting for giving a shit about a horse, hormones at their peak and smoking a joint to try feel better. Loosing what little common sense any of us are given.

Or maybe he's just a dumb cunt raping a horse for shits and kicks. With no self control about drugs either.

I doubt we'll ever be sure.

Yearningmice 1 point on 2015-04-16 00:48:43
Kynophile Dog lover 3 points on 2015-04-16 02:57:12

Two points: first, a lot of people who get caught doing bestiality stuff blame the demon weed or the drink or something other than feeling close to the animal. Voodoo pharmacology is nonsense, because drugs don't introduce thoughts into a person's head. They just bring to the forefront aspects that were already lurking in the background.

Second, the few times in my life when I've been incredibly stoned around a dog, I did find myself wanting to get closer to them. It was in the middle of the public area of a frat house, so I never did anything with him, but I did think, "Thhhhass a ssecksy mmmuthaffffucka." while I was passing out on a couch somewhere.

etiedkhalasar a secret horse 4 points on 2015-04-16 07:28:14

It's all about inhibition I think- tbqh if you're not on some level into horses it's a little silly to suggest that pot makes you more open/suggestible to those kinds of things.

But ok thinking about this regardless of sexual or not I would love to get stoned and hang out with an affectionate horse I know. That would be just be a wonderful time IMO

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 7 points on 2015-04-16 16:56:23

The trouble with relating the two is that people just dismiss you as even more of a weirdo if you say you had some kind of spiritual awakening while high on whatever. Malcolm Brenner is the prime example. When people read the bit about how he took drugs that just gives them an extra thing to bash him with, despite the fact it probably didnt change his final outcome all that much.

I wouldnt be surprised if our most vocal opponents are also completely opposed to cannabis legalisation.

PiranhaJAC 2 points on 2015-04-16 21:30:29

There is a strong connection between doing drugs and making stupid decisions.