I've probably offended everyone in this community now (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-04-20 02:32:27 by ursusem
Kynophile Dog lover 3 points on 2015-04-20 03:35:01

It's OK... offense is pretty low on things people can do to wrong me. So low, that it actually might be a good thing in some cases.

ursusem 4 points on 2015-04-20 04:21:29

When we discuss things freely, we can find how we can improve.

etiedkhalasar a secret horse 4 points on 2015-04-20 04:38:05

I think what you brought up was a really important issue, and I've been having similar doubts about the consent thing myself. I know I can't speak for anyone else but I agree with you that this is something that absolutely should be discussed.

ursusem 2 points on 2015-04-20 04:57:42

Wow, I thought I was going to be totally alone on my points

etiedkhalasar a secret horse 2 points on 2015-04-20 06:22:02

Nah dude- in fact it's kind of one of the biggest things that still bothers me now that I fully accept this part of myself. I've been meaning to post in your original thread but I've sorta been all over the place recently.

ulungu dogsdogsdogsdogsdogs, and coyotes too I guess 1 point on 2015-04-20 04:45:37

Huh? How?

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 3 points on 2015-04-20 06:21:49

I don't think you've offended anyone.

If you want to PM or Skype me (username is the same), we can discuss why I believe animals can consent. If not, just remember that there's no reason to believe that alternate viewpoints must cause offense. Discussion is good, and polite, respectful discord is a positive thing.

It is possible for rational, respectable people to have different viewpoints to one another, and that's okay.

ursusem 3 points on 2015-04-20 15:18:40

As I think about it more, the points that I've been making may actually be more relevant when we consider having zoophilic relationships with the wild animal species... Whereas it may not be as relevant when considering the domestic species.

I know some of my views are kind of "out there" but really this sexuality is kind of out there to begin with!

I'm kind of "overly" concerned with what the best interest of the animals may be. I would think that sentiment should be embraced by this community.

It seems that the trend among humans these days is to worry about what an animal may really want. This is why we worry when an animal is kept in a cage, we are not certain that it is good to keep animals in zoos to be gawked at, we don't know if we should allow wild animals to perform tricks in circuses. In all of these instances that I just mentioned, oftentimes no obvious harm is done to the animals... But we can put ourselves in their shoes and see that there are ways in which those life existences may be stressful to these animal beings and a big part of that is due to the fact that those situations are essentially unnatural for those animals- even though there is evidence to show that the animals receive certain benefits from living those lifestyles. Doesn't that sound kind of like bestiality? And I hope you can see why people suspect that the animals would rather do something more natural for them- like be with their own kind. What I think is wrong about the antis is that it is apparent to me that they enjoy the "witch hunt" aspect of being anti-zoophilia which is a very bad thing about the anti- position.

I don't think it's really an issue about consent. It is an issue about the animal's best interest. I just want to know more about how animals think so that I can know if they really do not have a problem with the idea of them having sex with a human, if that appeals to them, or possibly even how I might be able to help them draw a connection in their minds between humans and sex (if they've never really thought about it before).

I believe that cross-species sexuality is a strange phenomenon although it seems to work in me. It doesn't seem that it would hold a lot of benefit evolutionarily speaking.

Yearningmice 2 points on 2015-04-20 15:22:35

You wouldn't be the first person to ask questions. I hardly see you as offending anyone, although some are offended easily. If you want PM me for a skype chat, I think it would be good to chat with you on the subject.

Nowix 5 points on 2015-04-20 16:31:15

I do notice that (relative new?) people tend to do this a lot. You're looking for a way, an argument, that would make all of the issues and confusion you currently have go away in a single swoop. A proof that you're not crazy for having thoughts you may or may not have yet accepted or maybe not even realized you had. Such thing sadly doesn't exist. But that doesn't mean you'll be in doubt forever.

The issues you've brought up are genuinly good ones. Honestly. And I like reading through them. However in the posts you make you do seep through the fact that you're not even sure about all of this yourself. You're not questioning this community, you're questioning yourself.

Everyone comes to a conclussion in their own way. The best advice I have for it is to just go with the flow. Don't make rules on yourself that will limit you in the future. Just see where you're heading to and go from there. Start with yourself. You seem to be very self conscious. You certainly don't have to be afraid you'll be doing anything bad to animals because I doubt you will even let that happen. Don't worry you're doing anything wrong. Because you are not, despite what others may tell you.

Yearningmice 1 point on 2015-04-20 18:53:48

This is very good advice.