New zoo seeks relationship with mare, seeking advice and help (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-04-23 01:55:55 by Applejack_Apple Speakin' in fancy!

Hello friends,

I've been lurking here for a few days, and I've decided to post a request for advice from more experienced like-minded persons. I'm a fairly new zoophile; I've never had a relationship, neither romantic or sexual, with an animal before. I would very much like to have one though. My intentions: ultimately, an intimate relationship with a pretty mare. I want to the mare to like me, so I thought I could first establish myself as a friendly person; pet her, feed her, clean her, and so forth. I would hope that after some time, the mare would trust me and see me as a potential mate. If she didn't, maybe I could express my own interest as a stallion would by sniffing her hindquarters, pinching or nibbling her rear end, and such. The welfare and wishes of the animal are paramount however, I wouldn't engage in sexual contact if she wasn't responsive.

Thankfully, I live in one of the few states where there are no laws regarding bestiality or owning animal pornography. A decent, liberal state too. I would think I should be able to find someone like-minded who would let me pursue my wish. As I've never done this before, I've researched it as best I could, and I am nervous that I could be successful in my pursuit. Here are my questions;

How do I meet people of like mind in the first place? Do I place an ad on craigslist, openly and honestly stating my desires and hoping for a kind soul that would allow me into their horse's (or pony's) life? Is there another site I should be aware of? Can I post some sort of personal ad here? Anything to help kickstart my plan would be very appreciated.

I think first meeting in a public location would be best for the safety of all involved, after a number of introductory e-mails to determine character and thoughts on the matter. I would be willing to work with the animal(s), help out around the farm or what-have-you. I would not begin a sexual encounter without first asking permission. If the mare was raised from a foal, then her owner would be like parents to her, and I would humbly ask to date their horse-daughter if I thought she was interested in me.

I like to believe I am an open-minded and empathetic person and would never hurt an animal. I don't even swat flies in my home. I have pets and I treat them like my own children. I want to take things slowly, develop a relationship and bond with the mare, and have her want me to be her partner.


Sincerely, Applejack

SunTzuSaidThat 7 points on 2015-04-23 02:49:50

Welcome! Sounds like your head is in the right place! The only thing I would say is that an open and honest statement of your desires on Craigslist is probably not a good way to find the mare of your dreams, and it may be very difficult to find someone willing to let you pursue the relationship you want with one of the mares in their life.

Although I'm just beginning down the road of life myself, my advice would be to get into the "normal" horse world in some capacity before anything else. Take riding lessons, volunteer to muck and do manual work (you seem willing to do that, which is great), or do both! Neither will immediately lead to any opportunites, but they will give you experience and rapport in the local horse-owning community. Not only that, you'll always be in close contact with the species you love. Eventually you will be in a position to lease or own a horse...and who knows, maybe the one you end up with will be a mare that you have come to love in the course of your experience. And depending on where you are, maybe you will occasonally be capable of having some private time, where you both can just enjoy each others' company.

In all of this, the fewer people who know the true color of your desires, the better, IMO.

AliasTheReindeerPone Short Christmas Horse 12 points on 2015-04-23 03:50:36

Do I place an ad on craigslist, openly and honestly stating my desires and hoping for a kind soul that would allow me into their horse's (or pony's) life?

I would vehemently advise against it. The ad might reach the correct person, and they might be willing to let you get to know their horse. However, the much more likely scenario is that it will reach the incorrect person; someone who will feel compelled to take matters into their own hands whether there are laws against bestiality in your state or not.

Unfortunately, I can't really provide you with an alternative. I was quite fortunate in that I was already close friends with the person who currently owns my equine partner, and even that arrangement was close to falling apart at one point. However you go about finding a connection, just be safe, and remember that most people are against our lifestyle and have no qualms about voicing it.

That being said, it sounds like your intentions are where they ought to be. You have this hypothetical animal's best interest in mind, and if you do happen to find a like minded person, it seems like you would do your part to make it work. I wish you the best here, and however things turn out, remember that you can check in with us here at /r/zoophilia whenever you'd like.

fasterfind -2 points on 2015-04-23 04:16:42

I'd recommend getting to know what horses are actually like. It ain't My Little Pony. To be blunt, there are other animals that are more compatible with humans where one mistake is less likely to get you killed.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 5 points on 2015-04-23 22:51:44

lol, you cant just decide to be attracted to a different species.

Applejack_Apple Speakin' in fancy! 3 points on 2015-04-23 23:38:47

Were that it was "My Little Pony". It would make things much easier;

Me: "Hello Twilight Sparkle. I find you very attractive. Would you be my very special somepony?"

Twilight: "Okay, it will be an excellent opportunity to study your species!"

Just point me in the direction of Equestria and I'll find my way there, somehow. =)

ursusem 9 points on 2015-04-23 05:03:22

No one has said but I know that there have been under-cover police and arrests made on zoophiles through Craigslist

Applejack_Apple Speakin' in fancy! 1 point on 2015-04-23 23:42:47

Given bestiality is not illegal here in my state, I could not be arrested even if caught in the act. That is, if the owner of the horse was okay with it, which I would make sure they were beforehand.

aknottyproblem 2 points on 2015-04-30 20:37:26

I'm sorry, but that is very naive. The police and prosecutors will frequently "creatively interpret" other laws, such as animal cruelty laws, in order to arrest and convict you.

Yearningmice 3 points on 2015-04-23 12:05:55

Well, you say you've never had a relationship but have you ever spent any real time near a horse. A trail ride would even be sufficient although those horses tend to be very different and you seldom do much with them except be carried.

Here is something you've never thought of, horses fart, in your face. A gut rumbling farting horse is a happy healthy horse. It's just the way it is.

There are a whole bunch of good things to learn by going to your local stable, taking lessons, and paying attention to everything you do when not in the saddle. The most important things with horses are the things that no one really thinks about, cleaning stalls, picking out hooves, feeding, turn-out, gut sounds and so many things. You can't get familiar with that unless you spend time with them.

If you're state is liberal and doesn't have a law you should be able to find a lot of opportunities to get experience with horses. That relationship you seek will practically fall into your lap without ever meeting another zoophile. If you still wish to meet someone and see how they feel about boarding your horse in a zoo friendly environment then it is going to take at least a year of you posting regularly, talking about your thoughts and commenting intelligently on the stuff you read for someone of quality to be ready to make it more personal. I would be suspicious of anyone who has animals and is willing to meet with you this month. Think about it, what have they to gain except another mouth to feed?

That being said, it is possible, and craigslist or other public methods would be a really bad idea.

The_Zoo_Brony 4 points on 2015-04-23 12:44:17

In my case, it helped that a guy I had already known for years was a zoo and was more than happy to help me IRL. If you don't know anyone you can trust about this, better not take chances. Never know when you might bump into some anti-zoo who will just try to doxx you.

NBRPony Equiphile 3 points on 2015-04-23 13:43:40

I honestly don't have anything to add outside of what has already been said. There is a lot of very good advice that has already been posted. It sounds like you have your head in the right place, and I definitely wish you the best of luck in your pursuit.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 3 points on 2015-04-23 23:19:44

You should volunteer at horse stables, you would learn ALOT about horses their.

Applejack_Apple Speakin' in fancy! 3 points on 2015-04-23 23:49:53

Thank you all for replying. So craigslist is a no-go. There must be other zoophile-related websites and forums, perhaps even one I could post my proposal for romancing a mare. Links appreciated. Furthermore, I would relish the chance to meet a fellow zoophile, so I must put myself out there, one way or another.

I will look out for places with horses, and offer to volunteer to help. In fact, I went to the dentist today and the receptionist lived on a farm with numerous animals, including horses. Next time I go I will instigate a conversation and offer my services, as meager as they are. I am not experienced with horses, I was born in the city and raised mainly in the suburbs. I am willing to learn of course, and I hope enthusiasm is enough.