MVI 6075 Zoophilia,Sex With Non Human Animals! (
submitted 2015-04-24 00:15:34 by Yearningmice
Yearningmice 4 points on 2015-04-24 00:18:14

The American flag in the background is a nice touch. I guess they are moving on to the next target since gays are tough to abuse and fight back now. We are going to have choices to make. Few choices will be the right ones, none of them will be easy.

Kynophile Dog lover 8 points on 2015-04-24 00:56:08

This guy's a crank. He has twice as many videos as he has subscribers, and uploads like 10 a day, all in this format. For some reason, he keeps the default title from the recording software (in this case, MVI 6075), but adds the subject to it. He offers no argument for why zoophilia should be a felony (and he complains even when it's a misdemeanor, because it's "like a parking ticket"), instead wanting people to go to their legislators and ask what's wrong with them. This is a guy who thinks President Obama started calling ISIS ISIL (both names have been around since the beginning) because he wants to resurrect the Ottoman Empire.

duskwuff 4 points on 2015-04-24 03:55:10

Yeah, I don't think this really amounts to anything. Based on the content of his other videos, I suspect the guy is basically just responding to stuff he's already seen on the news or online. (Some of the titles, like "Michelle Obama is actually Michael!" and "Obama Must Be Whacked Out On Crack", make it clear that his sources are very conservative.)