I thought I would ask you all this- it's been on my mind (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-05-03 04:42:24 by ursusem

Why do you think it is that most zoophiles (and it does seem to be the overwhelming majority) are primarily attracted to dogs and/or horses?

What are your thoughts? Also can you let me know whether you are zoo and what is your favorite specie(s).

McAfterburner I ❤ Canines 6 points on 2015-05-03 06:03:25

My theory on dogs specifically has to do the the amount of time we've spent domesticating them. Probably more time than any other species. There's documented research (sorry I don't have links handy) that suggests that dogs respond more positively to people than to other dogs. For example, a dog is more likely to make eye contact with a human than with another dog. I have a theory that amidst all the domestication we were selecting for traits that fit in well with human traits, perhaps so well that we made them a little too pleasing.

Not really any serious scientific backing to that, just fun thoughts.

ursusem 1 point on 2015-05-03 06:26:33

Are you zoo and what animal do you like best?

McAfterburner I ❤ Canines 4 points on 2015-05-03 15:20:23

I am zoo, mostly exclusive. My animal partner of choice is dogs. Any other animals I might think about are more of just a fanatasy (I am a furry as well).

ursusem 1 point on 2015-05-03 23:10:17

So you say that you might fantasize about other animals, but why would they be just a fantasy?

McAfterburner I ❤ Canines 1 point on 2015-05-04 19:24:50

The attraction to them doesn't hold up if I start to think of real-life scenarios, and/or being in a relationship with such animals is currently impractical (wolves, for example). With dogs I don't lose interest when I'm around them.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 2 points on 2015-05-03 19:09:57

That's actually pretty true. We select animals, often subconsciously, for more human-like traits. Domesticated dogs tend to have more anthropomorphic faces than wolves with larger foreheads, more pronounced stops, and shorter muzzles.

Applejack_Apple Speakin' in fancy! 2 points on 2015-05-03 07:32:28
DerErzbaronGomez Rarity, we don't wear any clothes. 5 points on 2015-05-03 16:14:16

I like Applejack too but I don't know. For me it seems that a lot of bronies is just into real horses because it is what is the closest to their MLPs.

Applejack_Apple Speakin' in fancy! 3 points on 2015-05-03 20:49:36

I think My Little Pony is more of a gateway. For those who explore the 'clop' side of things, it can lead to stories, photos, and videos of real horses, which depending on the individual, will come to the conclusion that horses are, in fact, sexy.

If anything, My Little Pony gives an appreciation for real horses; the strong, loyal, intelligent, sensitive creatures they are. I don't just want to sex up a horse, I love to love a horse, and if it so happens that the horse is orange with a blonde mane and cowboy hat, all the better. =)

The_Zoo_Brony 2 points on 2015-05-03 22:16:44

I think that the main appeal of MLP is that it combines the natural grace of real horses with things we find familiar in other humans, so it's only natural that the interest eventually expands to RL equines. First you find their eyes and voices sexy, then you start admiring their beautiful tails and elegant gait, and eventually you just catch yourself fantasizing about actual horses.

DerErzbaronGomez Rarity, we don't wear any clothes. 1 point on 2015-05-03 23:38:32

For me I started realizing that I like horses in a different way before I started watching MLP but as soon as I started watching it my interest grew surely. I guess it pushed me a bit into the zoophile direction. Too bad I can't compare how it would have happened without the show.

The_Zoo_Brony 2 points on 2015-05-04 00:23:35

Well, I think that I have always had a thing towards animals, but it was mostly in furry form, MLP helped me embrace the zoo side of it (four legs, horizontal position etc.)

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2015-05-04 00:40:51

honest question, what percentage of bronies do you think are closet zoos?

Applejack_Apple Speakin' in fancy! 3 points on 2015-05-04 01:55:45

A fair percentage. There's a lot of zoos on 4chan/mlp/, not that you can have a thread dedicated just to that (the mods are no fun), but it does pop up in various other pony-related threads. Much posting of sexy horse butts.

ursusem 2 points on 2015-05-04 02:54:57

I used to know a zoo who became a brony.

incredibledentist 3 points on 2015-05-03 12:17:05

I guess in terms of how we've bred animals over the millennia in the Western world, dogs and horses are the most individual animals we use.

While people that use working dogs may keep them in a pack, a shepherd will use a single collie as a sheepdog. And a horse rider will form a bond with their favourite horse.

Other animals we use tend to be kept in herds, or, in Western terms are food animals - Sheep, pigs or cows.

Yearningmice 5 points on 2015-05-03 13:56:54

Well, the mythos around noble horses and dogs is pretty strong. We all want to incorporate(or are told we should) the traits and character of the horse or dog. To a lesser extent lions and such which might explain the number of big cat zoos.

To be honest for myself, I really don't know the origin of my love of horses. There is nothing in my childhood which would lead me to believe that it is an environmental factor to the choice but...

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 2 points on 2015-05-03 16:11:42

I think the reason why it is mostly horses and dogs is because humans have raised them to be the perfect partners for thousands of years.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 2 points on 2015-05-03 19:07:52

Dogs are both very common animals and also large enough to have sex with. Many people also have early 'sexual' experiences with dogs, be it a dog mounts the person's leg, licks/sniffs the person's crotch, drops its genitals during petting, or the person witnesses the dog copulating.

Dogs and horses are also pretty sexualized animals in our culture. Even our language reflects this with phrases like 'hung like a horse' and 'horndog'.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-05-03 21:18:09

I've wondered about this recently too. Is there any possibility that zoophilia caused the domestication of various species, and the degree of domestication is down to the frequency of attraction? Dogs seem to be the most domesticated species, cats are more like wild animals who happen to live with us.

The_Zoo_Brony 2 points on 2015-05-03 21:59:29

Is there any possibility that zoophilia caused the domestication of various species

Wouldnt it be hilarious if it turned out that without zoophilia there wouldn't be any civilization?

ursusem 1 point on 2015-05-04 00:25:16

LOL I would love that!! I'd love to see the haters eat that for breakfast!! LOL!

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-05-04 10:31:25

Absolutely! :)

Yearningmice 1 point on 2015-05-07 13:31:41

I have had that thought on and off for decades. What made us go from eating horses to eating out horses... Err... Working with horses and dogs in such a close major. I doubt zoophilia explains it all but I expect there is something to that idea.

The_Zoo_Brony 2 points on 2015-05-03 21:56:58

Both horses and dogs have always played a huge role in our civilization, plus they are both very social species. Besides, dogs are pretty much the most easily accessible animal to most humans.