Question about zoophilia.... (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-05-04 11:30:45 by dvdgreen

Ok, so my question is... since I myself am not attracted to animals but love the idea of my partner being attracted to them, even helping her explore and partake in her experiences... does that make me a zoophile or what would I be considered? And for the record I am single... finding the right girl open to this is a whole other thread all together.. lol... :P

burgo666 -2 points on 2015-05-04 13:58:10

In short: yes it does.

yelikedags 8 points on 2015-05-04 14:48:30

I disagree. I feel that if the first being in mind is the dog, that's zoophilia.

If the dog is to be "utilized"as part of the sex, but their pleasure is secondary (or worse, not taken into consideration) that's fetishism, rather than paraphilia / orientation.

Not to say there aren't zoos who love seeing their dog get off with another sexual partner.

burgo666 1 point on 2015-05-06 04:09:29

If you download child porn and get caught, go to court, and get charged - you're called a pedophile. You may never have actually had sex with a child, but you've probably masturbated to the fantasy/porn of it many times. Now, if you had a partner who is a pedophile and you enjoy watching them "do it" (but you don't participate) and you get a sexual rush from it (jerk-off or sex) - it still makes you a pedophile too. The same goes for bestiality/zoophilia.

It doesn't matter if you're a participant, an enabler, a voyuer, just look at porn on the web and jerk-off, or just read zoo stories and jerk-off - all this makes you a zoophile. To think just because you don't participate in actual sex with animals means you're not really like that is just you lying to yourself.

yelikedags 2 points on 2015-05-06 11:15:45

You must have missed my point.

I AM a zoophile, not because I have sex with my dogs (which I do, not denying, lying, or ashamed of it), but because I love them and that their happiness and pleasure is at the forefront of my thoughts.

Thats the Agape, Storge, and Phileo (root of -philia) types of love coming into play.

Now, do I think they're attractive and sexy and do I act on that? Yes.

That's Eros (root of erotic).

Now, we can continue semantics of definitions of zoophilia in psychology versus the law, which is generally more ham fisted in the nuances I'm talking about, but I think it (the answer to OPs question) boils down to the old distinction "zoos" make between them/ourselves and those who just want to watch or simply be fucked by dogs.

Fetishists are into dogs as a sexual tool. Bestiality is the act itself.

I love my dogs, wholly and fully.

I am a zoophile. I don't condemn the act of bestiality(as it is something i do), but the single layer approach I see with many fetishists on the different fora (esp chat groups...). "Do you have a dog I can fuck/be fucked by?" as an introduction... That's a fetishist who is into bestiality.

"omg your dog is so handsome - what's his name?" A little more likely to be a zoophile who may or may not practice the act of bestiality.

Does that make better sense to you?

burgo666 2 points on 2015-05-06 14:35:44

Don't interpret my response as misunderstanding you. I do understand your POV. I just don't agree with your sugar-coated view of it. By your definition all the good pet owners out there are zoophiles because they love their pets and treat them well (but not have sex with them). I find that kind of dumb.

But as soon as you add any form of sexual act with an animal whether you're directly participating, or watching it, or reading about it - then you're zoophile. Especially if these things cause you to have an orgasm too.

Lastly, I wouldn't be too dismissive of the legal definitions because one day that may come back to bite you.

yelikedags 1 point on 2015-05-06 14:59:10

I'm not trying to sugar coat, I'm being more specific. OP asked whether wanting to watch a dog fuck his wife/gf (without participating beyond logistics/mechanics [aiming the penis, for example]) makes him a zoophile.

Now, he could be into seeing his wife try new things and orgasm, that's a new kink - add a dog, that's bestiality. If the dog is necessary or required , that's a fetish.

He could be into seeing his wife ravaged animalistically, or even "degraded" by being fucked by a "lower" animal. That's Dom/sub with beast elements.

He could be equally into and concerned about the pleasure and orgasm of both his wife and dog, that's a good relationship with zoophile elements.

It seemed like OP was curious to try/spectate with his lady. He didn't go into detail about motivation, so going on what was said "I'm not interested in doing it myself" I'd say he's not a zoophile.

About the law, of course I can't and am not dismiss it, but it's varied by state and country, draconian and archaic. It does nothing to accurately define zoophilia, so I didn't use it in my explanation.

Also, I doubt many people would call me a zoophile if they knew about my activities. Zoos call zoophiles zoophiles. Non zoos call zoophiles "dog fucker".

yelikedags 1 point on 2015-05-06 15:00:44

I still Upvote for visibility though

Yearningmice 10 points on 2015-05-04 14:04:28

Well, no, I'd say it doesn't. You are not attracted to animals romantically or sexually. If it is just certain sexual situations, then it is more of a fetish.

But that doesn't mean you can't hang out here. Welcome!

KnuckleDragging 3 points on 2015-05-04 14:08:56

Zoophile adjacent.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 5 points on 2015-05-04 16:21:56

Cant we just call these people bestialitists (or something similar) seeing as they only get off from the act. I'd say they are completely different from zoophiles. Theyre not adjacent either as they are not having sex with an animal for the relationship. the animal is a fuck toy for them or in this case, their partner.

Im going to say OP is a bestiality-voyer.

KnuckleDragging 1 point on 2015-05-04 17:02:38

I was going for humour but I get turned on by watching women have sex with animals. I understand people's attraction to animals and that some form true bonds with their animal partners that can be more meaningful than most human relationships, but personally I'd still say zoophile.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 5 points on 2015-05-04 17:14:20

Fair enough, I seem to be a minority when I say I want to differentiate between zoophiles and beasties. In my opinion I think its important for zoos to distance themselves from the beasties in order to get away from the stigma that we're all animal rapists. You may be reading this thinking I hate bestialitists, but I dont. I'm not making this distinction to throw beasties under the bus but when a news article says that a 'zoophile' abused their animals I cant help hurting a little inside.

Its pretty obvious we have different feelings towards animals and I feel this should be acknowledged with different terms.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 7 points on 2015-05-04 17:37:41

I'm not sure why you'd be a minority. I think that there should be a distinction because imo zoophilia is slightly different. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with being a bestialist, but I also don't think that people who are into bestiality without feeling sexually attracted to the animals themselves are zoophiles.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 2 points on 2015-05-04 17:44:12

Im not sure why either, but I get the feeling that's the case.

KnuckleDragging 1 point on 2015-05-04 19:10:20

Nah I get it there are plenty of folks out there that are very quick to jump the gun and label people and distinctions can be most useful especially since some zoos just want the sexual aspect of it and don't care about the impact on the on the animal.

Nowix 6 points on 2015-05-04 22:25:34

In my mind zoophilia is the love for an animal. Bestiality is sex with an animal. You can easily be both (and many are), but realise that love != sex. You can be a zoo without wanting sex but if you're in this just for the sex I wouldn't call it zoophilia.

Again, this is how I interpret it. Others may see if differently.

JonasCliver Mightyenas lol 1 point on 2015-05-05 16:32:02

Unless you want to snog a dog or something, you aren't.

Dravosa 3 points on 2015-05-04 14:18:58

Being open-minded like that makes you a good partner.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 9 points on 2015-05-04 14:56:48

Ehh... I think there's a difference between "I would be open to having a zoo partner" and "I want to watch my partner with an animal".

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 3 points on 2015-05-04 19:00:02

Agreed there is a difference but neither would make one a zoophile.

dvdgreen 2 points on 2015-05-04 20:17:00

Thanks for the input everyone... So I guess I should clarify a couple things... First, I absolutely do consider the dogs satisfaction... I would definitely consider the dog as part of the family, as I've always done with my pets in the past. They live a pretty awesome life and spoiled to the max. So I wouldn't be viewing the dog so much as a sex toy, as much as if it was part of the overall relationship. If that makes sense. I would not do, like I've seen in videos, try to find someone with an animal so there are other people involved. mainly a single guy. Couples into the lifestyle, maybe if we were extremely close friends or something. Or another female willing to help my future partner if she is inexperienced, maybe. But I don't want to share the experience with strangers, it's something more for us, privately. It wouldn't be, hey were going to find a dog so u can fuck it.. lol... it would be our dog and a loving member of our family. Again this is all based on finding the right girl open to this.

JonasCliver Mightyenas lol 2 points on 2015-05-05 11:37:41

This makes you a polite, honest and decent bestiality voyeur. Not more, not less.

yelikedags 1 point on 2015-05-06 15:02:08

There we go.

TheEthicalZoo 2 points on 2015-05-05 03:35:35

Good luck with your search, but as a female zoo I have had my fair share of creeps (especially on BF) treat me or animals as a fetish rather than having a legitimate sexual orientation (Thinking about the polyamory community and the term "unicorn hunting". shudders) and that is not attractive to me in the least bit. I would rather date another zoo who understands my attraction (which I am) than date someone who views my attraction to animals as a fetish. I've talked to other female zoos and I am not the only one, so a word of caution is in order.

ThrowwwayGurl 3 points on 2015-05-05 09:19:34

IE: what your inbox looks like after admitting to being a woman on any of these forums.

I can't really imagine forming a relationship with someone based around a fetish or link. I'm sure it happens and works at times, but there is sooooo much more to a healthy relationship, and discovering and adapting to each others quirks and "dark secrets" and fantasies is part of what intimacy is really about in my opinion.

dvdgreen 1 point on 2015-05-05 11:38:36

I'm not looking to base any relationship on a fetish of any kind.. just saying if she was into it that would be a very big plus... honestly, that's why I'm single... there's so much more I expect out of a relationship that people just generally don't do. I mean I'm attractive and in pretty good shape so finding a girl to be with is no issue. it's finding a girl that is willing to put into a relationship what I'm going to put into it is what I'm looking for. I have very high standards on relationships. Being able to open up to my future partner with this side is something that I want. Just not something that I find is particularly easy to do. I can live without all of this, for the right person. But if I'm able to find someone along the same lines as myself would be better. And honestly I wouldn't message any female on here unless they expressed an interest in chatting outside of this thread. But I do know how most guys are.. lol :)

dvdgreen 1 point on 2015-05-05 11:51:54

See it's very hard to explain my concept on this. I totally understand the attraction. I myself just have issues being a male. I can see the male dog totally consenting and giving into mounting the female, but not how a female dog could really consent to a human male. Maybe I'm just naïve about it. But I'm not judging anyone, by all means.. as long as the dog isn't hurt then to each their own. And I can definitely say I'm not into or looking for a poly relationship. the only reason I had mentioned another couple or female was based on level of experience and more as a learning tool. And I don't necessarily want a girl looking to have sex with a bunch of different breeds or animals, just one that is part of our family. I honestly didn't enjoy BF, I mean I'm not looking for play partners and that seemed the be the ongoing theme there. For me, the best part of any experience is seeing the attraction my partner has for something. the excitement and pleasure in her face. My all time fav video, zoo based, actually has no sex in it at all... its a woman laying naked with her dog stroking and petting him all over his body, even the naughty bits (lol) but the dog doesn't get sexually excited. she is more just cuddled with him showing affection. I love it because you can see her attraction and build up, but if they do have sex you don't ever see it. I Love that... So I mean there is definitely a sexual aspect for me, but there is this whole other side that I like even more. Hope that makes sense... lol

JonasCliver Mightyenas lol 1 point on 2015-05-05 16:53:51

how a female dog could really consent to a human male.

Tail to the side, lay it on her butt.

d1ogenes 1 point on 2015-05-09 17:25:14

My all time fav video, zoo based, actually has no sex in it at all... its a woman laying naked with her dog stroking and petting him all over his body, even the naughty bits (lol) but the dog doesn't get sexually excited. she is more just cuddled with him showing affection.

This video sounds wonderful! I love zoo videos with just fondling/foreplay type stuff. Is there a link to that video?

demsweetdoggykisses 3 points on 2015-05-05 10:07:54

FYI, there seem to be hundreds and hundreds of guys asking to meet women into this kind of thing over on the less wholesome subs. I don't know what it's called technically, but it's certainly not unique. It could be a number of things, from wanting to see humiliation, to wanting to share your partner with another male, to wanting a partner who is willing to do anything to even envy of the female role in being taken by an animal. Whatever causes it, there's no shortage of guys looking, and no shortage of fake girls cashing in.

lonkin1234 1 point on 2015-05-05 19:10:19

you are a zoo-voyeur.