I have arrived... (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-05-06 03:41:35 by Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo

Yep, I finally decided to give Reddit a try. I'm not a new zoophile, but I am new to Reddit. I take it this is just like a big message board only it supports links as well?

Well then, maybe I can get past my reddit-phobia.

I'm Rannoch. A deer zoo (yep, a real one!) that has been around since the zoophile.org days (I was under the name "Trangol" back then, a misspelling of the spirtual animal/human hybrid's called "Trangles" present in some fantasy novel I forget)

I WAS underaged and acted like an unmedicated ADHD kid back then, but heck, we all do dumb things in our youth. Please don't judge me by that. ;)

I had a good reputation in the zoo community until about 3 years ago, at anyrate, I earned some infamy after then... If you don't know that story, you probably don't want to (though I will gladly address any concerns or rumors you may have heard!). The short version is, I lost my non-human partner doe about 3 years back. I proceeded to do some stupid things and lash out at the community in general in some negative ways. I'm not welcome on most message boards about zoophilia for that reason. I don't condone my behavior but in the process of doing this, a lot more rumor was generated about what I did than actual fact. Don't believe everything you hear.

Let's dispense with the cautionary notes however, I'm actually a nice guy! Say hey if you recognize me, or even if you don't. I could use a new community to call home.

Thanks for being so open. You can also find me on knotty.me if you need some context, I highly recommend that forum.

To give this a topic beyond just "hai, I am new!" does anyone have any reddits they recommend I should subscribe to besides this one? Thanks.

coyotedrift Zoo Friendly 1 point on 2015-05-06 04:00:53

wearnt you on ZD while it was still up? Theres a deer zoo that lives a few miles down the county road from me.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-05-06 04:07:24

Yep, that'd be before I lost my partner and had a badshit insane period... glad someone remembers me in a positive light. :D

As for said Deer zoo, happen to be that one whose email begins with "cervid" would he? ;)

coyotedrift Zoo Friendly 1 point on 2015-05-06 04:13:06

No clue, I met him through another in person zoo friend so I have no idea what his online handles are.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-05-06 04:30:32

'Tis cool. Just curious if we knew the same dude. Giving the first deer related part of his email seemed innocent enough. ;)

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 1 point on 2015-05-06 04:11:45

Nice to see you here, hope you enjoy it!!

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 1 point on 2015-05-06 04:18:33

Yes, I have seen you quite frequently around Knotty. Happy to see you've joined us. Hope you fond the time to stick around and contribute.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2015-05-06 04:34:07

I'll do my best. I didn't realize there was such an active zoo reddit until just recently... I'm very pleased to find it. No offense to knotty, but it's a graveyard compared to my usual expectation for community (the people that are there though, are awesome).

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 3 points on 2015-05-06 06:23:49

Rannoch! It's great to see you!

It looks like you're receiving a warm welcome and I'll add to that. You are, and always have been, more than welcome here. The past is long gone, and I doubt any remnants of it will bother you here. So come in, sit down, sprawl out: we're all friends here.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2015-05-06 07:09:19

Heh, to be honest some people don't think that way, Trundrovvy-Volk (how do I abreviate such a name? 'Tis impossible!)

A lot of the "older" parts of the zoo community hold grudges hard, and long.

Thanks for reassuring me that won't be the case here. From what I can see, I'm not missing much here outside of the forum model, and may even be gaining some things, so cool!

It seems younger zoos are drawn to reddit, from what I understand (at least that's the stereotype elsewhere). I myself am not of that group, though I'm far from old. I'm just not of the "reddit generation" I guess so hang with me while I learn this new platform. Hopefully it won't be as bad as my brief attempt at using twitter (under a different username. Fun fact, there's a different Rannoch on Twitter who is on zoophilia threads and claims he is some kind of "prozoo but not a zoo". I have no relation to him and no idea who he is)

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 2 points on 2015-05-06 08:28:12

how do I abreviate such a name?

Well, most people call me T-V. I think they did on knotty as well, actually. Even I don't usually write it out, since it's a mawful.

A lot of the "older" parts of the zoo community hold grudges hard, and long.

Well, I suppose Pan Pipes' New Year's celebration revealed a few grudges and a little vindictiveness to me, but as Flehmen said at the time, we have a good thing going here, regardless of anything that goes on outside.

It seems younger zoos are drawn to reddit

It's true. It's easier to assimilate with a reddit community than many forums, so it lends itself to those who would otherwise not participate at all. Such people tend to be younger, in my experience, but with all that said, there is a great diversity of age here, as well as on reddit as a whole.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2015-05-06 09:06:38

Well, I suppose Pan Pipes' New Year's celebration revealed a few grudges and a little vindictiveness to me, but as Flehmen said at the time, we have a good thing going here, regardless of anything that goes on outside.

It did? Not surprising to me to be honest. As I said earlier, before it happened, if I had poked my head in there then they probably would've bit it off within 5 minutes!

Sort of glad now I didn't attend.

Some of the ZF mods seem to think I am the devil. Not really sure why to this day, but I did ban evade them a few times so I can't claim I'm COMPLETELY innocent... hehe.

They eventually admitted the first ban (based on some rumor from god knows where) was basically without reason, but it didn't matter because I acted like an ass in the meantime (I sorta made shell accounts just to bite their heads off, call them spineless, that sort of thing. Might've even been right on a few points but I was still an ass, so I can't really disagree with the outcome)

Yearningmice 3 points on 2015-05-06 11:23:54

G'day and welcome! I am surprised you find knotty "dead" considering the other forums I am on have even less discussion unless porn. I saw 30-40 messages on ZF yesterday but maybe 3-4 were not porn related. It seems all the serious posters have left there except for a few who are obfuscated by their own brilliance. Shame really. It used to be my go to place for new zoos.

I am also concerned about the safety of any bb type forum nowadays. At least big places like reddit have a reputation to maintain and a lot of knowledgeable people holding their feet to the fire.

I have been thinking about running another panpipes but for some strange reason my VPN has stopped working with telnet servers like that or other MUDs and MUSHs that I've attempted to connect to. Unfortunately support e-mails have gone unanswered.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-05-06 13:24:01

Admitedly, being banned there for the past 3 years maybe I am thinking of it in it's prime. It's long past I take it.

I thought about setting up a darknet zoo site at one point to address some of those general forum concerns, but it proved too much work to really get most people to go through the initial setup.

Reddit seems a good compromise... though the security nut in me still screams "being big is not a security method!," however it seems to be working thus far... lol.

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 1 point on 2015-05-06 21:48:21

I have been thinking about running another panpipes but for some strange reason my VPN has stopped working with telnet servers like that or other MUDs and MUSHs that I've attempted to connect to. Unfortunately support e-mails have gone unanswered.

Ohh, is that why there hasn't been another full moon thing? That stinks, I was enjoying hanging out there when people showed up. Hope you can figure something out soon??

Yearningmice 1 point on 2015-05-07 00:39:35

Yes, unfortunately, it's like the VPN blanket banned the telnet ports. Possibly due to abuse by hackers looking for open Unix or routers?

If you wanted to host one I can announce it for you. Or you can announce it yourself. I wouldn't be offended.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-05-07 00:45:23

I've seen this. Outside dedicated servers, a lot of VPN and Virtual Server providers block telnet ports now.

Heck, for whatever reason, one provider I looked at even had a clause forbidding "IRC/telnet hosting" in their TOS.

Why? No idea. But there is some reason I am sure and it's becoming more widespread.

The_Zoo_Brony 1 point on 2015-05-08 17:56:31

It's always nice to see more people into deer!

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-05-10 03:52:55

Heh, when I entered the zoo community, I was the only one I knew of, so I can relate to that comment! :D

twilot_spankle 1 point on 2015-05-11 04:59:55

I'm new here too! 20 years old ^_^

Nice to meet you