Coming out (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-05-06 18:22:16 by [deleted]

If any of you have came out to friends about your zoophillia orientation how did you do it and how close where they and how did they react. Please help me out for I feel like I should tell a best friend of mine.

Kynophile Dog lover 4 points on 2015-05-06 18:59:55

Here's how it went down for me... I was spending the day with friends, and at the time I was feeling really depressed and anxious, both about the zoo thing and other stuff in my life. I tried to play along with them and be fun to be around, but overall I was really quiet. Finally, one of them (who I'll call Bear for now) jokingly asked me to say something, because I'd been so quiet all evening. At that point, I decided I felt safe enough to tell them about how I felt.

To be fair, my delivery was pretty awful. I mumbled something about being a kynosexual, and of course they were confused because that's a really uncommon word for it. Then I explained that it meant I am mainly sexually attracted to dogs. They were stunned into silence at first, but then assured me that my secret was safe with them, and that though they might make fun of me for it later, they didn't think less of me for it.

A later conversation at a bar helped out a bit too. I explained that some of my New Years Resolutions involved getting more active in the zoo community. And they were, overall, very supportive. Bear said he could see how, since dogs do hump humans all the time, a relationship with one seemed possible to him, even if it was odd. The other offered some sympathy, since he had come out as gay a few years before, and repeated something his mother had told him when she found out about him (she was upset about it at first): it's going to be hard for you. Just make sure you understand that. We then discussed similarities between gay couples, interracial couples, and interspecies couples in terms of challenges faced and how some people will never like it, but it can be worthwhile.

TL;DR: In coming out to my friends, I feel like I did it without much forethought and was lucky to have such open-minded people around me. This goes to show that coming out can be positive, but you should be careful about it, and particularly about who you tell. One phone call to the ASPCA (if you're active) could ruin your life, after all. But my best wishes and encouragement go to you.

JonasCliver Mightyenas lol 1 point on 2015-05-07 07:14:40

Not everyone lives in the US. Shocking, I know /s.

AliasTheReindeerPone Short Christmas Horse 4 points on 2015-05-06 19:29:20

I told one of my best friends that I was attracted to one of his family's horses. It didn't go well at all, and for a week or two, I figured that he and I were done. I was just waiting to see whether he would keep it to himself or out me to everyone.

Eventually he came around to the idea, and things since then have become just dandy. He's warmed up to zoophilia, and even if he doesn't entirely get it, he doesn't mind that his horse and I are very much in love. If you're planning on coming out, just understand this; a person can absolutely despise your sexuality, but if you're close enough with them, then that one aspect of your life shouldn't ruin their entire view of you.

TheEthicalZoo 9 points on 2015-05-06 20:06:23

I've been out to everyone I know for 8 years now, friend or not. Here is how to do that.

Step 1. Do you have a job, family or anything in your life that you would like to keep? No? Good. Because if you do, coming out is seriously risky business and there is a probability that if someone doesn't like the fact that you are zoo, or you piss off the wrong person, you might get into trouble or lose something you hold dear to your heart.

Step 2. When you do decide to come out, do not under any circumstance say that you have sex with animals or that you have plans to do so. Say that you are a zoophile or that you are attracted to animals. Probable cause, is probable cause and the point of coming out is to know that you are still loved and accepted among peers and to lift a heavy weight off of your chest, not to brag about the details of your private sex life.

Step 3. Have any zoo pics or vids on your computer? Get them off of it now and to someplace encrypted and hidden/safe just in case the shit hits the fan. I feel like this should have been step #2 and a default thing any zoo should be aware of, out or not.

Step 4. Depending on who you come out to, reactions may vary. Laughter is not a 100% failsafe for a positive reaction, they may in fact view you as a joke or just brush it off as you joking and may not even believe you. If you come out to someone who is very stoic, watch out for them as well as they don't exactly express their emotions willingly and may even be skilled at hiding them from you. The majority of people will have a knee-jerk reaction though, so most of the time it is easy to tell if someone approves or doesn't approve.

Step 5. Now here's the hard part. Coming out to someone you've known for a while that didn't previously know that you are zoo is always much harder than coming out completely and letting the haters sort themselves out by naturally being repelled by you and your newly found/proud self. Why? Because the longer you know someone, the more attached you get emotionally and all of that goes byebye if they do not approve.

You should probably ask some preliminary questions to gauge their reaction, such as: What do you think about gays being compared to people who do bestiality or people who are attracted to animals?, How do you view animal rights?, etc. Don't do it all at once, this isn't an interview and your friend will likely catch on before you even have a chance to come out.

Once you've processed their answers, you can probably gauge what their reaction might be to you coming out. If you still decide to come out, do it publicly in an area where the ambient noise drowns out your conversation, not in a public yet intimate/crowded setting such as a restaurant. If you do it privately, there is a chance for violence or escalation to happen with no help for you. People are less likely to cause commotion in public, than in private.

You also may want to look into your rights as a citizen. If they react badly, an officer may show up at your door and you will want to know your rights so you can successfully avoid them being infringed upon. If you live in the states, the only things you need to say are: "Do you have a warrant officer?", "Am I under arrest officer?" and "Am I free to go officer?". Say nothing else, do nothing else and always open the door with a video camera rolling.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 5 points on 2015-05-06 20:47:03

Step 3. Have any zoo pics or vids on your computer? Get them off of it now and to someplace encrypted and hidden/safe just in case the shit hits the fan. I feel like this should have been step #2 and a default thing any zoo should be aware of, out or not.

I have read that almost all prosecutions in the UK for "extreme porn" are animal porn, even though the moral panic that lead to the law was either snuff or BDSM (it was ambiguous which it was).

Yearningmice 1 point on 2015-05-07 12:01:50

Speaking of step three, having porn is complete optional and I would advise against it completely. Encrypted or not. Evidence of SWA vanishes quickly enough, bits can be forever in the wrong hands... I understand the SCOTUS just made it legal to search your smartphone in the U.S... without warrant.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-05-07 22:24:35

I believe the searching of smartphones without warrant is only authorized at border checkpoints, but I could be wrong. It's part of the anti-terrorism hubhub.

Yearningmice 1 point on 2015-05-07 23:08:36

No, this was a new ruling as of two days ago. But I didn't get a chance to read it well so I'm not sure of the implications to my US friends or when I visit. I'll try to get time to link it tonight.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-05-08 03:19:16

Thanks, it would be appreciated. I always hate this police state stuff, scary shit. It's why even my cellphone is encrypted. At least in the USA, they can't make you give up the encryption keys even under suspicious circumstances...

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 11 points on 2015-05-06 20:30:17

I came out to my family when I was 16. The results were horrible. I didn't do my homework on asking them questions as I should have, it was just kinda thrust upon me by them finding my browser history. I handled it horribly admittedly (I didn't even connect the dots that Christianity didn't really get along with bestiality, so I didn't even try to hide it) but you have to hear this story to know what happens when things go bad.

I was nearly institutionalized... The first doctor they took me too actually was ready to sign the paperwork. My parents declined, and instead, said doctor decided I would spend the next 10 years or so of my life on a drug cocktail that nearly killed me. To this day, I still feel it's effects. I pull my hair out in tufts, I bite my lip when nervous to the point it will swell up (sometimes even when not nervous), I can't sleep or wake normally, I talk/type like a clearly intelligent but completely scatterbrained Victorian lord (or something, you tell me).

...And that's after I got off the meds.

When I was on the meds, I wanted to die.

I convinced my parents i was "cured." I firmly believe this saved me from an early death. We finally saw another doctor, who took one look at my medication regimine and his first words were "what are you trying to accomplish here? You have medications with opposite effects in the same prescription plan!"

All in all, he reduced my medication plan which amounted to about 10 separate prescriptions, to about 2 and some vitamins. (The 2 drugs that remain treat the symptoms CAUSED by the initial drugs, ironically, I can't live without them now)

My parents and I still don't get along. They stopped my college funding (said I "wasn't worth it"), and killed what would've been a very good degree in the process (I was an honor role student throughout).

They still look at me funny around animals.

It's not the same, and it never will be.

Be careful. You have to be certain. Even then, you have to be prepared. If you aren't, it can and will try to destroy you.

ColeTrain0898 7 points on 2015-05-06 23:22:38

That... is... fucking... terrible... I'm at a loss of words to describe how I feel about this except I cried for almost a hour thinking about how horrible it must be for you and how it would be to me in my life I don't know what to say but that I'm sorry.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 6 points on 2015-05-07 00:06:59

I know... I hate pulling that story out of my hat man, so sorry on that front. But it's ok now... I got away from that and I'm getting better every day, so you don't need to feel sorry for me you just need to learn from it! Just remember, it can go that bad so be really really careful. I AM trying to scare you because you should be scared. This doesn't mean you can't ever come out, but do it with certainty and backup plans.

ColeTrain0898 4 points on 2015-05-07 03:42:00

Thanks man :) I appreciate the help

zoozooz 4 points on 2015-05-07 12:13:45

Did you sue the first doctor for malpractice? Did he lose his license?

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-05-07 21:11:51

I wish I could but being it's a felony in my state, it's likely he would win... and I'd be outed... It's well known treating zoophilia is next to impossible and the best practice is basically to institutionalize the person according to the idea that you don't want them to commit a felony. I'm lucky to be honest he didn't share my info with the authorities, as he had every legal argument to do so!

Being barred from doing the whole "lock him up" routine by my parents, he admitted several times he was grasping at straws and it likely wouldn't work, but my parents kept pleading with him for more.

They basically asked for what was done to me...

zoozooz 1 point on 2015-05-07 21:25:44

Hm, have you talked with a lawyer about it? I imagine being attracted to animals is not illegal and you wouldn't have to admit to any actual sexual act... but I see how it could still get bad. This is really fucked up that people can do such things and you have to fear taking any action against it.

I just feel that something needs to be done against someone who would prescribe kids such harmful drugs. Even when pressured by parents the only responsible thing would have been to refuse..

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-05-07 21:52:10

Well, there was some simplification to the story too (just to keep it short).

My mom actually used several doctors over the years. When one would stop writing prescriptions saying it wasn't "making anything better" she'd find another.

The one I looked into going after when I had money to do so, was the last one (before the good one). I was mainly on sedative/depression type things then and complaining about sleep/wake issues (uh, duh?). His response was to prescribe... adderall! (WTF? An amphetamine instead of looking at what I was taking?)

Yeah, I might have a case against him, but he's uh... dead now due to cancer that took him out rather quickly (karma win?). You can see how that makes things diffilcult. I only learned this ironically when trying to pursue legal action, because his office was not answering the phone.

Yes, I could probably pursue legal action against his estate, but honestly, I feel kinda bad for the dude. He was clearly out of it when we went to him in the first place, and who wants to beat up on a dead, sick old guys family?

zoozooz 2 points on 2015-05-07 21:54:48

At least he's not harming anyone else now...

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-05-07 21:57:04

True. To be honest I think he didn't even read my medical records... He needed to stop practicing way earlier IMO. But it's done now...

twilot_spankle 1 point on 2015-05-11 04:56:12

I'm sorry you had to go through that. If they were really your parents, they'd love you no matter what. I'm sorry. We're here for you

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-05-11 07:45:54

Words I've learned to hate:

"We still love you, but we can't love your choices"

In short, they are still my parents. I still love them, and I'm sure in some form, they still love me. They probably see what they did as "tough love." Our relationship is complicated but I still love them.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 4 points on 2015-05-06 21:07:13

I told my parents when I was 17. I think it sort of shocked them. They wanted me to see a psychologist which I did, and eventually he decided I didn't need to see him anymore. At some stables I volunteered at, most people could guess I'm a zoo, and sometimes boarders don't like me handling their personally owned horses. The staff would also sometimes periodically make lewd jokes.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 8 points on 2015-05-06 21:18:29

To be honest, if they aren't kicking you out of that stable outright you're ahead of the game IMO.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 2 points on 2015-05-06 21:59:27

Heh I didn't get kicked out. Once though there was a party going on in the house, and the owner of the stable said to me that I would probably prefer being inside the barn "petting" horses. So true.

Yearningmice 2 points on 2015-05-07 12:06:58

That is really pretty amazing and sounds more like good natured ribbing than anything. Being unsure of you is something your going to have to live with from the boarders who dislike the though of you working with thief horses I suppose.

So long as your don't get a shrieking soccer mom at the barn it sounds okay...

I have heard far many more positive stories than negative but the scale of violence in the negative ones is disturbing and outweighs any positive one.

YesIloveDogs Dags 1 point on 2015-05-06 22:14:37

Ive been out to my family for a few months now. Everything went fine with them and they love me for who i really am, but there were a few things i took away from it. My two bits of advice are as follows. 1) only tell someone if you are prepared for the worst scenario you can imagine, and then some. Shit can really hit the fan if it goes the wrong way and you risk losing lot more than you gain by telling someone in my opinion. 2) Ask yourself why you want to tell this person. Is it someone you want to tell because you feel they deserve to know? Or is it someone you want to tell to make yourself feel more comfortable? In my view (which is not everyones) your zoophilia is something that should only be shared with those closest to you, that you feel deserve to know who you truly are. When i came out, i only fulfilled the latter of these and took an uncomfortably large risk. Although everything turned out rather stellarly, i actually could have lost everything, and there wouldnt have been a whole lot i could do about it. If youd like to know more or ask a more specific set of questions, my pm box is always open.

fasterfind 1 point on 2015-05-07 00:53:51

Compare what you can gain to what you can lose.

I see little to gain from coming out to anyone. I wouldn't even call it coming out because most zoos never do more than fantasize about animals while leading normal lives where they end up mating with other humans.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2015-05-07 00:56:20

I wouldn't even call it coming out because most zoos never do more than fantasize about animals while leading normal lives where they end up mating with other humans.

I'm... really not sure about that, to be honest. Do you have anything to back up said claim?

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 3 points on 2015-05-07 10:15:54

Anecdotally, that sounds right to me. I wouldn't say most because I didn't tally the numbers, but a very high fraction of us are lustful without acting.

Yearningmice 1 point on 2015-05-07 13:17:14

I think that is the age of the crowd you hang out with. I remember a decade or two ago when it was all the rage to be lesbian in high school. She me of my wife's sisters even did that. They all grew up into heterosexuals.

It used to be you could never come out as zoo,meow it seems that is changing and it gives me hope.

coyotedrift Zoo Friendly 2 points on 2015-05-07 20:21:33

Its not really the "fantasy" side of it that disturbs me the most. Its the fact that there are all these individuals that DONT have animal lovers, encouraging those who do, to come out.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2015-05-07 21:20:01

I've always been an advocate for zoophile rights, but even so, this disturbs me as well. There are ways to protest and pursue rights online that do not require revealing your identity. I don't even have a mate atm and even I realize how foolhardy it is to come out without planning... it's just not a good idea! With a partner, it's dangerous for them as well as you, making it an even worse idea!

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 2 points on 2015-05-07 23:22:25

With a partner, it's dangerous for them as well as you, making it an even worse idea!

That's actually one of the main reasons I've not done anything. I fear being out, even though I also want to be out, but being out could itself cause harm to others if I act.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2015-05-08 03:30:53


And that is a VERY good reason. Don't let my advocacy friendly self fool you, I have very little to lose, and not everyone is in that boat. If I had a partner right now, I probably would be cautious about even posting here!

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-05-08 04:11:15

I don't have a lover, but I still have an attraction. It's not just porn. I get aroused when I am close to Great Danes and other large dogs. What I meant with my advice on this thread was, "IF you're gonna come out, BASED on my experience when people learned about my attraction, HERE'S my input." shrugs

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2015-05-08 04:28:41

I wasn't referring to you in particular, or picking on you in the least. I simply meant people with animals and without are in totally different levels of risk when coming out.

[deleted] 2 points on 2015-05-08 04:29:38

Which is still an important point to consider, so I thank you for sharing.

coyotedrift Zoo Friendly 1 point on 2015-05-08 05:29:24

I really hope you wern't as your reply was posted 4 hours BEFORE his lol.

I really hate the way reddit organizes thread replies, its more of a youtube comment system than a message board system

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2015-05-08 06:02:59

Me too, now that you point that out, lol.

I miss the ol' days of zoophilesforum, but... eh. It's about the community more than the software. You guys have been most kind so far. :)

coyotedrift Zoo Friendly 2 points on 2015-05-08 06:18:02

IMHO all other communities pale compared to ZD. and this is from a non zoo perspective. The sites that host porn (and worse, the "zoos" that comment on the porn) leave a WAY bigger impression on outsiders looking in than the countless threads of genuine discussion.

I had hopes for Knotty, but from my experience in the year or so i spent there, I find that site lacks an abundance of actual active zoos with actual experience. its basically a big romance board. Active zoos are definitely a minority there. A lot of folks I talked to from ZD dont keep up with any online communities anymore. I know as much since I still have contact with many of them by other means.

Reddit is a convenient way for me to look in on current events in the zoo world, but like, Knotty, has a younger, less experienced zoo crowd. until recently I just lurked here.

again, my opinion, take it with a grain of salt.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2015-05-08 06:22:16

ZD is all but dead... actually last I checked it was down.

I agree with you of course. I'm not even against porn in concept but the way it's presented is so masterfully disgusting on 99% of the instances. The commenters are yes, even worse.

Yeah, I loved it there in it's heyday too. I guess what I want doesn't really exist anymore. :(

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2015-05-07 21:14:49

That might be common in youthful zoos such as what you often find on Reddit, but I find quite the opposite effect if you go to the full fledged zoo forums around the web where a lot of more... aged zoos hang out.

No offense to the reddit community, it's just what I personally have observed to be the case. The old usenet groups seemed to have a lot of active zoos as well.

I myself am middleground... I HAVE commited bestiality in the legal sense (in my teens), but only fingering a doe in actuality. I never was brave enough to have full intercourse (though I later learned there was nothing to fear). For (rough) reference, I am in my 30s.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-05-07 01:00:13

I personally would never mate with a human. However I think you personally had a bad experience with zoophilia and have strayed from it. Am I correct?

demsweetdoggykisses 8 points on 2015-05-07 03:10:04

Come out to a partner you plan on sharing your life with. You really don't need to tell anyone else, as it's not going to help you or them. You may feel like telling someone is going to open up some new avenue of freedom and discussion, but it won't change your life. Even if your friend were to know about your sexuality, what would it change? Would you go on dates with your horse or dog with them and their date? It's not quite the same as coming out about other sexual persuasions. It also has far, far more risks involved.

The chief risk being that your friend is quite possibly going to see you as a freak who hurts innocent, furry babies, which is how 99% of the world sees pets. And then you may be outed to far more people in a manner you probably wouldn't choose for yourself.

See, coming out about a sexual orientation is something that can be seen by a large swath of people as a liberating thing that lets you be open about loving and being attracted to who you choose. The huge, glaring problem with zoophilia is that the partners you want to be with cannot speak. As a result, most people will say the same thing: "animals cannot consent." This makes you look like a molester. People will turn on their friends if they feel someone or something innocent is in jeopardy.

If being with animals makes you happy, then establish that lifestyle. Make a home for yourself surrounded by your partner or partners and share love and affection and be that guy who everyone thinks just enjoys nature and loves his pets an extra amount. Nobody needs to know what goes on behind closed doors, and what's more, very few people want to know. Unfortunately it is very appalling to most people, and I'm sure most people wouldn't know what to do with that information.

burgo666 4 points on 2015-05-07 06:04:11

In the end it's your decision. But I think you'll find that most people will not react well to it. This is not like coming out if you're Gay, as being Gay has become culturally acceptable (mostly). But zoophilia/bestiality isn't. My advice is stay in the closet. You can enjoy your secret passions without hurting anyone that way, especially your own reputation. Good luck.

Nowix 5 points on 2015-05-07 08:34:05

I have decided to take the path in which everyone who knows me/I care about know that I am a zoo. There are only two people left who don't know yet. People know and have seen me taking care of animals and know that I have the best intention for them. Not everyone has to know the full story, but as long as they know that I'm more attracted to animals, and have zero attraction to humans, they have everything they need to know. I invite them to ask questions in case they want to know the full story which some did.

Some people say that I'm just lucky but I think it's down to how you explain your own feelings. I rarely even call it by the name. All the people I told, including my own parents, understand that this is a personal feeling I have and are all glad that I been able to be honest about it with them. I'm glad I don't have to hide things from the people I care about.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 8 points on 2015-05-07 10:10:33

I've come out to a bunch of people. First one, I was sure she already knew zoos because of things they had written on the internet, and it turned out she was one herself too.

Second was the guy I lost my virginity to. He wasn't a zoo, but actually seriously suggested I use an animal brothel. I didn't keep in touch with him.

Third was my first proper boyfriend. I don't know how it happened, but it went well. My first girlfriend on the other hand, seemed OK with it at first, but in retrospect she was just afraid of losing me if she didn't act cool with everything. I hope she's more comfortable with life now.

One casual male partner asked me just after I came, and he seemed cool with it at the time, but became increasingly not OK with it. Things came to a head one day when he was talking about his latest BDSM escapade, then I tried to show him a zeta badge I was proud of, he got catty and I sniped back.

I briefly had a twitter account which I used to talk about zoo stuff, and it helped me come out to two friends. I only found out many months later that both of them were also zoo. There was a third who still doesn't know who this mysterious zoo is, as he's not too comfortable with it.

Just before I started dating my current partner, I chatted with a zoo friend of mine about a mutual acquaintance, asking if they thought I could come out to him. I did so very soon after, while he was giving me a lift home from an evening of board games. That's still going well. He's even given feedback on letters I've tried to write to newspapers about us.

My current partner, I was very cautious about coming out to. It took me many months, and telling her there was something important I wanted to tell her but was afraid to, before I was able to. The relief when I finally did and she accepted me was one of the happiest experiences in my life. She has also told her mom, her best friend, and her councillor, and when Denmark announcing their plans led to me having a nervous breakdown she helped me get a councillor who would accept me as a zoo.

DerErzbaronGomez Rarity, we don't wear any clothes. 4 points on 2015-05-07 15:59:15

Well, as many people already told you, you need to be really careful about how your friend thinks about this topic. If he is already neutral or positive about it you can try it if you think it is worth the risk. Othewise you shouldn't even be thinking about it. Who knows what he would do with this highly sensitive kind of information.
From my own experience I can tell you that I told my friends at the age of 15 or so. They first didn't take me seriously but after a while and a bit of pushing from my side most of them accepted that I am a zoo. Still there were few that hated me from then on. But I wasn't careful about this topic at all. Know I think I was too fast as some of them told it their other friends and they their friends and so on. I kind of went out of control and some people started hating me but most remained neutral as they didn't know me really after all.
I think that telling it to your parents/family is more dangerous especially if you are younger and still dependent. I told mine at the age of 16 but I already knew that my mother wasn't against it at all as she is some kind of person with nearly no prejudice against minorities. So I went straight forward. She was kind of shocked nontheless but it was more of a protective reaction than an angry one. She knows that zoophiles get discriminated nearly everywhere on the planet and said to me that I need to be careful. My father on the other hand didn't understand it at all which didn't change till today. Sadly.
So if you feel secure enough I would recommend it. It can surely take a huge load off your mind.

[deleted] 3 points on 2015-05-08 01:15:45

There are three people who know-- my parents and my best friend. I confessed it when I thought my "struggle with pornography" was wrong. They think I still think that way, so I guess I'm halfway out of the closet.

I noticed, despite their Christian religion, they went out of their way to tell me they accepted me as a person-- just not my attraction.

Depending on who you're talking to, I will repeat The EthicalZoo when I say that it is important to focus on the attraction itself-- not the desire to act. Even the most open-minded people should be spoken to gently. There is a stereotype for zoos, after all, and it's not a pleasant one.

Komet_ 2 points on 2015-05-08 01:39:16

I came out to some friends in my sports team when I was depressive about the new law in germany in 2013. They asked me whats going on and so I told them. Today I feel a lot better about my situation as they were very understanding and supportive. They are all students though and I don't live with an animal partner. In germany we also don't have the christian fundamentalism you find in several states of africa and in the USA.

Wether you come out to your best friend highly depends on the laws in the state you live in, wether you already have an animal partner (in some states he or she could be taken away from you) and maybe even the political ideology of your best friend. If he is a very religious person, conservative or authoritarian there might not want to tell him.

Sapphire_seam Equus 1 point on 2015-05-11 13:06:06

One day I worked up the courage and just told my mother, she sensed something was on my mind, I told her.

I knew all my shit, answered her questions quelled misinformation.

Best part, her response,"everyone is different and that is Okay" YAY