What's a good way to communicate to an animal that you want to have sex with them? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-05-14 01:06:29 by ursusem

I'm just curious what you all think. I don't think I really know how to "tell" them this

electricfoxx 2 points on 2015-05-14 01:46:13

"Did I do something wrong? Was it because I didn't sniff your butt first?"

"What? No! I mean, yes, that's how I would know you're interested, but Meg, the fact is that you and I are friends, and that's the way it needs to stay."


coyotedrift Zoo Friendly 1 point on 2015-05-14 03:33:56

Mean while Brian licks himself to lois

metrio 4 points on 2015-05-14 08:50:09
actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2015-05-14 02:30:33

which species? 'animal' is too broad in my opinion.

ursusem 1 point on 2015-05-14 05:27:02

It can be any species of which you are knowledgeable of.

Kynophile Dog lover 6 points on 2015-05-14 03:47:54

I think the best way, for dogs at least, is imitating their mating rituals through body language, at least the first time. Hopefully then instinct takes over, and they understand that you're available for them.

After that, you can use classical conditioning to set up a common signal. Some people only use a certain room, or put on their dog's collar for that kind of signal. The best I've ever heard of, though, is a towel or blanket, used to wipe off both parties after sex, and then brought out by you or your partner to signify to the other that you want sex. You'd have to do it yourself the first few times, but eventually they may start using it themselves.

ursusem 3 points on 2015-05-14 05:26:17

What is the mating ritual that you imitate for dogs (I'm just curious- I'm not attracted to dogs. I never will be)... I'm assuming you've done this?

Kynophile Dog lover 3 points on 2015-05-14 05:47:15

I personally have not done this (not all of it anyway), but here's generally how it goes:

It starts with a bit of ordinary play, involving play bows, growls, wrestling, and general romping about. This is followed by sniffing at the dog's sensitive areas, usually the groin and ass. No need to get really deep into there, just an imitation of a dog's sniff will do.

At this point, what happens depends on whether you're dealing with a stud or a bitch. With a stud, you essentially present to him, raising your ass in the air and wiggling it while looking back at him. Additional play and teasing might be helpful here, though it also helps if the stud is in the mood. He might climb on, or he might keep playing, or he might lose interest, but that's all you do body language wise.

With a bitch, you basically need to pay close attention to her body language and watch for signs that she's receptive. Flagging her tail, or licking or pawing at your genitals, tend to be good signs. From there, it's a matter of moving slowly and paying attention so that she enjoys herself.

fasterfind 6 points on 2015-05-14 04:34:37

Read a book. Seriously. Learn how they communicate. If you don't even know the animal, then you frankly have no business interacting with them of even wanting to fuck them.

ursusem 1 point on 2015-05-14 05:22:52

So how do you go about getting to know them (personally- I understand about reading up on the literature as to how they communicate)? I'm asking these questions mostly because I am wondering how other zoophiles deal with these sorts of things. Zoo is a pretty weird sexuality. There isn't a lot of information on it so I want to understand it more. I hope you can understand me.

pinkstray 1 point on 2015-05-17 00:53:38

As with anything, spend time with your dog. Be affectionate and actually show care for the animal (person) Help them develop through training and patience. de-sensitize their adverse reaction to having their genitals touch with constant inclusion of those areas in your tactile communication. Dogs respond to verbal commands but are very sensitive to tactile and visual feedback. Put your dog and their emotional health first. They will tell you when it's time to ramp it up.

Yearningmice 5 points on 2015-05-14 12:04:30

Whew, that's a big question.

First of all, get to know them, they might be offering you more than you noticed because we've been trained to think of animals as asexual and any sexual behaviour as symptoms of disease.

For instance, my lover. On day one she was presenting her rump to me. Previously she was owned by a women so I do not suspect there was any zoo reason this might be the case. If you know horses this can be a very scarey thing for a strange horse to do...

Anyhow, she wanted "scratches" all over her butt area. It got to the point where, after worming her, and checking an FEC I called in a vet to make sure there wasn't any infection or something else making her itchy.

So after the course of a few months and several heats I called in the vet again to check her hormones (strong heats that come often can be a sign of cancer or cysts) because she was not only backing into me, but lifting her tail and rubbing against my chest(and posts and stuff too) I was trying to be a gentleman but ignoring what she wanted. (I have always excessively put aside my desires "for the good" and that has occasionally distanced myself from a most excellent time) Once I was sure she was okay I became a lot more direct in my touching of her, each time she responded very well.... and came back for more. So perhaps looking at what they are telling you is a good idea? My bitch sends off classic dog signals as well when she is ready and reading about breeding can help you see those signs. I'm not interested in her really but it is an example of how humans ignore(or neuter) things they don't want to see.

So that's one way.....

As for a horse you know well enough to try. It is more difficult to emulate a stud when asking but human analogues seem to be clear enough to a mare. Touching the hip and watching for signs of acceptance for example. Under the tail should be washed fairly regularly for comfort so my hands are already under there. In horses sex is often all about how high the head is and where the ears are pointed.... it's a multifaceted thing.

That was a little quick as I'm trying to squeeze this in between other things I'm doing. Please assume that I take the time to respond to her body language.

SunTzuSaidThat 2 points on 2015-05-15 04:15:50

You are very lucky to have your mare.

I really hope that I can be on the receiving end of that kind of behavior someday...hopefully with no discernible medical cause, like you are saying. I always wonder if many mares have had that autonomy - and that idea of people as possible partners - trained out of them. I'm actually worried about that for when it comes time for me to bring a horse into my life in the future.

I don't mean to pry too much, but are there any more specific things you do with your partner, beyond just touching her croup area, that seem to get a really good response when she's in heat? Stuff that she understands better?

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-05-16 00:23:52

A good teasing stallion will make a deep grunting noise when in the presence of a mare in heat, so maybe also try that.

Yearningmice 1 point on 2015-05-17 13:52:59

Well, I'd rather not be much more specific than leaning against her and imitating some of the noises studs make. Another favorite of hers is standing behind her and bumping her butt with my chest. It's a completely chaste movement since the tail is down which gets the message across rather well and the tail moving up when she's in the mood.

ursusem 1 point on 2015-05-18 23:57:49

That's all interesting what you say here... I think it is very true what you say about us human people being "trained to think of animals as asexual" This training, I believe, has many negative implications especially in regards to zoophilia. It is true that animals are not asexual- despite what our culture may wish was the truth. I always think that it is best always to embrace what the truth is.

And then humans also have the tendency to see things as existing as part of groups. And humans also have a tendency to belief that it is wrong or immoral or unnatural or something undesirable for different groups and categories to become "mixed and matched." Society's objection to zoophilia at times seems like a child's objection to different kinds of food touching on the dinner plate! I think in part that because humans have a way of thinking like this is why many may worry that animals don't actually want to do sex with humans- because that signifies the mixing up of different categories which we assume is undesired by all lifeforms. However, humanity's suspicion about this may not be the viewpoint of all individuals that we can classify as being a part of these different groups (i.e. animals). I also think it is good to be skeptical when interpreting animal behavior. We need to start recognizing that animals are not asexual beings. We need more literature on animal behavior- especially in regards to how they interact with humans. Perhaps zoophiles telling more of their experiences with animals in an observant and objective (versus subjective) tone (sort of like what you did here in the detail that you wrote) would be helpful in terms of getting people to see how animals actually are like. Currently people have this view of animals that they are mentally, emotionally, developmentally the same as human children. People need to start to understand animals more accurately and closer to the true reality.

Is your mare harmed by having sex with you? I am going to say that it looks like the answer would be no. Is it strange what you do? Maybe. But then again it actually may not be so strange.. (and I'm not going to get into how). I would say that it would seem that your horse is accepting this activity. Why should we need further confirmation to show that the horse really is okay with it?? Maybe if the horse seems emotionally fine, that may be because she actually really is fine? That is what the bigger society needs to ask itself when questioning the morality of zoophilia/bestiality. For as long as we are never able to actually speak with animals, I think we should understand them from the world of their form of body language as it comes to us and as it naturally happens to be. I think that is called a "meeting at their own level." ----Which, by the way, may not- and probably doesn't- put a stigma onto sex (as humans do.... some of our concerns about zoophilia/bestiality stem from the fact that we are attributing human attributes to non-human entities- also known as anthropomorphism).. And yes it is time for me to go.

Yearningmice 1 point on 2015-05-19 13:04:09

Okay, so this happened yesterday, and I'd note that I've been unable to really be with my mare for some time.

She'll often present her butt for the purpose of scratching which I throughly did. After a few minutes of that she stepped forward two steps, looked over her shoulder, nickered low and throaty, lifted her tail, winked and squirted and finally stepped her legs apart.

It was like textbook breeding stance and could have been used as a video of signs to look for. It makes it very hard for me to give credence to anti-zoos who talk about rape and all the other arguments that take away animal agency.

Her antics actually makes me very sad that I cannot often give her what she so desires. It's too dangerous for the both of us at the moment.

ursusem 1 point on 2015-05-19 16:49:41

Why is it dangerous for you now?

Yearningmice 1 point on 2015-05-19 18:36:36

Privacy, primarily. As much as she is capable of anything, my mare would not be valued at her age and such. Trip to the meat market I saved her from so long ago...

I personally don't want to take any court case to the supremes either.

ursusem 2 points on 2015-05-20 23:12:26

You mean that, due to the current general public opinion, it is not safe for you to be open about the zoophilia you experience, right? But you seem to be talking about how your horse wants to do the sexy thing with you but you are not able to give it to her....? I would think that surely you should be able to have sex with her in the privacy of your personal property or your barn. Who will see you there? ...Don't know why you can't give her what she would like. It would seem that due to the current climate on the issue, you just can't allow others to know about it.

Yearningmice 1 point on 2015-05-20 23:32:47

You make the assumption that she stays at home. Much to my grief my financial plan fell through and I have to keep her off my property with no privacy.

ursusem 1 point on 2015-05-20 23:37:07

That sucks. Especially if something did not work out for you... So she is legally your horse but can't live with you how does that work?

Yearningmice 1 point on 2015-05-21 12:52:22

Actually, it is pretty standard practice to board your horse to get facilities you just cannot afford to build yourself.

I could keep her on my small amount of property but I don't feel it would be healthy for her. The property that I keep her on has windows looking onto it from all sides and no indoor stable.

Buying a horse is cheap. In fact I paid nothing for my mare. The thing that makes it more expensive or problematic than a dog is they cannot sleep at the foot of your bed... So you have to pay for land, or for board to keep them.

ursusem 1 point on 2015-05-21 21:20:45

Ah, I don't know much about keeping horses. So I learn something new everyday. Would you ever let a horse come and be in your house sometimes? I've found someone who does this with a grown adult male buffalo and someone else who does this with an adult hippo.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-05-19 01:04:06

Nobody mentioned stallions so I guess I will: Most stallions will get in the mood when they smell a mare in heat. You could put some mare in heat smell on a rag, and place the rag on the stallion's nose and he should get an erection. You got to be very careful with stallions though. You should read the How-To's on BeastForum for more in depth information.

Yearningmice 1 point on 2015-05-19 20:09:15

I am so surprised this only has two up votes.