Stand up comedy on bestiality (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-05-15 06:54:00 by AliasTheReindeerPone Short Christmas Horse

I was on a business trip (A real one this time) for the last week, and I thought I'd return to /r/zoophilia bearing the gift of comedy. I've found a couple of comedians who do bits in favor of bestiality, including Louis C.K. and Drew Micheal. These aren't the arguments I would present, but they're interesting perspectives, and they both got the audience laughing.

If anyone else has a comedian to share, I'd like to hear them. It would be especially interesting to hear a comedian address the romantic aspect of zoophilia rather than just the act of bestiality, although considering that neither is a common subject to begin with, I suppose things would be even more sparse in the comedy department.

electricfoxx 5 points on 2015-05-15 07:43:30
actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 6 points on 2015-05-15 15:18:27

That was the funniest comedy bit I've seen in a looong time. Glad to see he doesnt mind us zoos as well. This is what we need more of.

'If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.' — Oscar Wilde

coyotedrift Zoo Friendly 3 points on 2015-05-15 08:06:31

I dont know of any other pro zoo jokes in stand up but Ive heard ones where the comedian admits to the act in the joke

Like this Rodney Carrington bit

Kynophile Dog lover 5 points on 2015-05-15 13:41:10

It's more of a... moderate position, but Jim Norton seems to be in favor, at least in theory.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2015-05-15 17:23:18

"it's ok to laugh, because i'm right." :) i wasn't sure what to make of drew michael at first, but he was pretty funny.

and yeah, louis CK seems like a very cool guy as far as ... well, a lot of things. he's like this generation's george carlin - no bullshit, bare honesty, and if you don't like it, you're the one with the problem.

the rodney carrington bit was meh ..

the jim norton thing was kind interesting, too.

sadly, i don't have anything to add to this thread besides my appreciation for those who contributed.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 2 points on 2015-05-16 05:49:00

This bit by CK isn't quite on topic but I still think it is really funny.

Louis CK is easily one of my favorite comedians and knowing his stance on sex with animals is somewhat gratifying in a way lol.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-05-16 05:56:29
