How/where can I get in contact with local zoos? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-05-23 21:02:32 by feelinglonelythrowaw

I really don't want to meet up to fuck an animal.

I just feel alone and don't feel that I can really connect to my friends. I do know a zoo and we get along great, but he lives far away and we can see each other in person only rarely.

I'd like to get to know more local people. Is there something like a map for zoos where people can put an anonymous email address and some basic information about their interests?

(I know about the safety precautions I need to take, no need to tell me)

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 2 points on 2015-05-23 21:19:08

Best thing you can probably do is talk to people and hope for a happy coincidence imo?

I do think something like a zoo-version of the opt-in furry map could work, though it'd be much more vague (like just select the nearest big city/county, cuz saying 5 zoos in/near the LA county says nothing dangerous) for security reasons.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 4 points on 2015-05-23 21:27:28

No offense but you should feel lucky that you know at least one zoo in person since there are many zoos that know none in real life.

feelinglonelythrowaw 2 points on 2015-05-23 22:46:42

None taken. Having someone you can talk to about everything that's eating on you without fear is something everyone should have. All the more reason to set up such a system.

Applejack_Apple Speakin' in fancy! 1 point on 2015-05-23 21:31:06

I feel you brother. It often feels like fellow zoos are few and far between. Would that I could meet with other local zoos on a regular basis, but the concern about personal security and safety is a high priority. I can say I live in New England, and would only disclose more once I got to know a person through online messaging. Even in the states where bestiality is not a crime, there are certainly no dearth of people who are repulsed or even angered by the idea. These sort of unchallanged ideas are the ones people cling to the most, and can spur irrational anger and behavior when confronted with it.

I hope your search leads you to long-lasting friendships, I am seeking much the same.

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 6 points on 2015-05-23 21:40:57

Your best bet is to become friends with as many zoos as possible, and hopefully, eventually, meet a few good people within a comfortable driving distance. Zoos commonly meet up in small groups of mutual friends, so it's not too difficult once you start getting your name around.

The problem with mapping zoos is that we all have different levels of comfort with sharing information. A few may supply their city, others just their county, more again just their state and so on. Very quickly, you lose the specificity that the map was designed to support.

I'm not sure where you're from, but if you're not American, finding zoos locally takes a good deal more patience. It happens, though! Let me put a paw forward: if you have Skype, my username is tundrovyy-volk, and if you don't, feel free to PM.

feelinglonelythrowaw 1 point on 2015-05-23 22:37:30

The problem with mapping zoos is that we all have different levels of comfort with sharing information.

That's the great thing about the internet: Use the tor browser, make a new email address and put it on a map like this with a few basic interests. No ties to your username, no ties to your real name, only an email address and a general location and you can be contacted completely anonymously.

This is a new account with no ties to other usernames too. Therefore I can comfortably share that I'm in Germany, Stuttgart.

Thanks for your offer but I'm more looking for local people.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 2 points on 2015-05-24 00:20:49

Honestly, I think there'd need to be some tie to a username somehow in order for it to have any usefulness, but that would be optional. Another feature that this could have is a list of things like furry conventions or other meet-ups that zoos could attach their username to as attending.

Again, how much information is shared would be optional, and someone could have multiple accounts, like say I'm okay with attaching zootrashcan to a furry convention, but want more distance between me and my location.

Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 1 point on 2015-05-25 02:26:09

I have wondered about this but have not looked much into it being a non-zoo. I think it would be interesting to meet a zoo in person but do not consider it much of a priority because I do not see much of a point. As far as emails go I am pretty sure some tracking programs can track where emails are from if they can get a reply but I can not remember for sure, and as everybody else has also stated many may worry about their safety. I am always open to being contacted though, through PM or through any other medium. Just ask for it in a PM. I have Skype, Email, and OKCupid (though unless somebody is A:Interested in dating me for some reason or another or B:Just wants to know more about me before contacting me, I doubt anybody will want my okcupid. I am primarily on there for dating but I talk to plenty of people looking just for friends as well. Anyway starting to tangent...). I have a Facebook as well, but I doubt anybody wants to give me their real name on here which I understand. This offers is open to all of course. Googling my username might also work but I am not sure if anybody else uses this username somewhere out there.

dogluver101 1 point on 2015-05-25 03:21:30

I'm in the same boat wanting to look for zoos local. But it's just a matter of luck finding out there's a zoo that's local. I know one very well and we skype a lot, but he's 2 states up north from me.

reddituser444 0 points on 2015-05-25 05:24:45

I'd like to get to know more local people. Is there something like a map for zoos where people can put an anonymous email address and some basic information about their interests?

The beastforum personals section's been used that way for a decade with and without sex. Other forums had personals.

Anyone can easily start a map on one of these sites. Here I just made one as an example, don't access without a proxy:

feelinglonelythrowaw 1 point on 2015-05-25 07:10:08

The beastforum personals section's been used that way for a decade with and without sex. Other forums had personals.

I know of that, but I think I don't want to get together with the average beastforum user. No offense.

The UI is a bit cumbersome, but something like that.

Perhaps with recommending tor browser and a little bit more disclaimer that warns people that everyone can make an entry, even people who wish us harm.

reddituser444 1 point on 2015-05-25 08:00:35

lol as if that would offend me. I wouldn't want to get together with the average zoophile. Maybe not for the same reasons, but only unfair act is singling out beastforum as the only people to avoid meeting.

Whether it's on BF or another forum it's about the amount of effort and time you put into communicating and validating before you decide to meet someone in person. Only difference on BF is there are more users and it's more diverse, more of everything, good and bad. And they ban Tor now so you need a chained proxy. If you go to other forums such as and try to find people with matching location tags and try to get an in on their local friends takes an eternity. Stuff shows up in their private forum section for "Trusted Members" only, but at best in private groups you find advertisements for furry con meetups, which isn't the same. So in the end BF has always been where the most by-location online finding happens (and other more zoo-oriented sites like it which had personals but which are dead). Unless you count local furry meetups and even furry sites, since there's always a 5-15% with interest in bestiality, but then you have to deal with furries.

You can make another map; not going to maintain that.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2015-05-25 23:58:56

I think the issue tends to be the asshole admins at beastforum, and above average amount of people claiming to be zoos who are really just into watching hot babes get degraded by dogs...

But maybe that's just me. I certainly haven't been there in years nor do I plan on it.

reddituser444 1 point on 2015-05-28 15:31:08

By the way, I'm not actually promoting the use of any of these sites, BF, ZF, etc. They're garbage. Just what it is. Sometimes all there is is garbage and all you have to work with is garbage.

AlRubyx 1 point on 2015-06-06 05:25:40

Beastforum is not the best site period.