Have you ever been caught in a sexual act with an animal? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-05-25 02:37:06 by coyotedrift Zoo Friendly

Here is my story, keep in mind I am not a zoo and this was my first exposure to it.

I caught my (now ex) roommate having full on sex with his female husky. Long story short, we both freaked out, had a long talk, I agreed not to involve the cops if he agrees never to involve my dogs. At that point him and his husky-girlfriend could do whatever behind his LOCKED door.

Having lived with him and his dog for several months I could see there wasnt any abuse in thier relationship. He was always overly affectionate with her which was weird but I understood why after that. If she was uneasy around him in any way I probably would have reported him.

We are still great friends.

coyotedrift Zoo Friendly 3 points on 2015-05-25 02:37:42

I marked NSFW in case the stories get a bit discriptive.

Yearningmice 3 points on 2015-05-25 03:05:17

A suspicious tube of KY forgotten on the stall window sill but nothing else.

doghumper 13 points on 2015-05-25 05:08:03

Nope, never caught but I live alone with my dog so the risk is low. I've been a bit nervous while visiting the vet just a couple days after we last had sex but apparently kept it together because the staff never acted weird around us or seemed to suspect anything. My family absolutely adores my dog and how affectionate she is towards everyone :)

I mostly just wanted to say that It's really cool that you were willing to give your room-mate a chance. Most zoophiles are good people, really!

It gets lonely sometimes though, I have always had some social anxiety but it's gotten worse over the years and I've pushed away most of my friends by moving to a suburb and avoiding social gatherings. I don't want to admit it, but it probably has to do with having to hide my true feelings from everyone for so long. I really wish I could be open about it, but I don't think I'll ever dare to tell anyone. I hate leaving my dog home alone at night to go be social with friends or colleagues too, it just doesn't feel right to do that to her.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2015-05-26 04:47:19

First off, yes, let me second that a lot of zoos are good people and it was very brave of you to give him a second chance. Thanks for that... it's a rare level of tolerance you displayed and you should be proud of it.

That last paragraph of doghumper's post got me thinking... those are sadly issues I struggle with as well. I imagine it's par for the course with the lifestyle, but still, unfortunately. It's sad that society opresses us so, otherwise it would be easy to rectify this by working with other zoos... It's not impossible of course. I know there is at least one "zeta ranch" commune type thing in existence but it's mostly for horse zoos and they are very secretive and not accepting new members (as they should be if they want to succeed).

The unfortunate condition of being a zoo... just remember, when you have those nice moments with your partner, that's your gift. That's the plus side. That's what makes all this crap worth it. :)

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2015-05-26 08:12:58

First I have to say that all of these "I walked in on a zoo" stories make me angry. Some people just can´t deal with the responsibilities involved in being a zoophile. Anyone should know how bad these situations can turn out, with the animal taken away and even euthanised. How difficult can it be to ensure safety BEFORE the action starts? Some "zoos" seem to misinterpret this as a game. There are lockable doors, other precautions and safety mechanisms...why the f*ck put people their animal´s wellbeing on the line for a few minutes of "fun"? Since I bought her, my mare is located in public stables, with lots of folks walking in and out all day. Although the circumstances are somewhat difficult to lead a proper partnership, I always managed to find opportunities so I could be intimate with her without any chance of being interrupted. It´s not only for her and my own safety, but out of respect for the normal people who simply don´t deserve to be shocked by seeing some guy cohabitating with his mare. It´s exactly this kind of irresponsible conduct, this "urges first, then reason" attitude that makes us zoos all look like complete slaves of our sex drive. Kudos for the roommate and his/her tolerance.

I don´t know if I would call it oppression of zoophiles, we can communicate freely, we can discuss anything we like without the authorities interfering. Actually I hate this kind of "zoo whining"; for me, this is only self victimisation "Ooh, we poor zoos....". Honestly, what do you expect from sleeping with an animal? Applause? Some stranger padding your shoulder "Well done, mate."? Regardless if it´s legal or not, people will always be suspicious of us. I don´t want their approval, I just want to be left alone, nothing more. I don´t want zoophilia to be "the next big thing in sex", with anyone giving it " a try".

The "zeta ranch" got me thinking....I don´t consider it a good idea to install some sort of echochamber for zoos, where only pro-zoo arguments are heard. It would interfere with the process of constant doubt that´s vital to be a genuine zoo. If you stop questioning yourself because everyone else gives you reinsurance and affirmation for almost any conduct, then zoophilia ends and bestiality begins. Additionally, it´s one of those PR bombs going off on us zoos when unveiled and/or raided. Just imagine the headlines: "animal brothel raided.", "they collectively abused their animals", " abyss of vicious sex offenders" and so on...the fact that you know such a "zeta ranch" exists is enough to say they are NOT secretive enough about it. If you know, the authorities can get this knowledge too.

I don´t feel unfortunate of being a zoo. Zoophilia opened my eyes, it taught me that animals and humans are basically the same, with mankind terribly mislead by ego. If being alone and rejected from society is the cost of that divine wisdom, I´ll eagerly pay my debts. If society wants to hang me, I´ll die with a smile on my face. If they spit on me, I´ll accept it smiling. If I have to endure loneliness, I embrace it smiling. But nothing will make me leave my path, the one nature told me to follow. I could have one million "zoo" friends or none at all, it doesn´t matter. All of this is human...and I decided to change the team long time ago. I´m happy with my mare, grateful that I had the luck of meeting her in my life and have such a mutual satisfying relationship with her...what else do I need?
Friends?Tolerance?Legality? Nice to have, but not vital parts.If zoophilia makes you pay for your orientation with loneliness and alienation, well, then bring it on, society.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 4 points on 2015-05-26 09:31:26

That's a lot of anger there. People should be careful, but all it takes is one time forgetting to lock a door or a roommate coming home early without calling. It only takes one time that the stable door doesn't quite latch closed, or one hiker going off trail.

I think most zoos would agree that they just want their sex lives and preferences to just be left alone, but that includes not facing the threat of imprisonment or being separated from their animals. We might be able to post on forums and discuss, but notice that most people have a degree on anonymity. This speech, should it be connected to our real identities, is not consequence free. There is a possibility that it can be used against us.

If you're fine being alone, that's great for you, but it doesn't make those who want to keep friends and family inferior or whiny.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 5 points on 2015-05-26 10:53:21

Most people don't think about sex beyond the typical "did I bring a condom" shit. The amount of kids that have walked in on their parents having sex is testament to this...

Back to zoos, the very fact that we have to apply such caution to an act is a form of oppression in and of itself. No, we aren't oppressed like the jews in WW2 or something, and yeah several groups have had it worse. But don't pretend the opression doesn't exist.

I do however agree with your final paragraph... I'd never trade being a zoo for being normal, but on that same token I will never call what we have or how we are treated acceptable, and worse yet, what we have is deteriorating every day. Silence is no longer serving us. It never was anything more than a (bad) contigency plan.

jackdempsey8083 1 point on 2015-05-27 05:34:58

I agree and disagree with many of the points you brought up. Part of the side-effects of constantly thinking about the morals behind zoophilia is the realization of how far we are displaced from society. Whether we like it or not, right or wrong, we are one group of deviants in modern society. One that is unlikely to change. So in that sense, I personally relate to your "Honestly, what do you expect from sleeping with an animal? Applause?"

I also understand your point on what kind of outlook on life your acceptance of zoophilia has given you. To be happy with who you are is hard coming for anyone, but realizing and believing that you're no less human than anyone else is the tip-top of achievements; at least in my book. I can definitely relate to just wanting to be left alone, for no attention to be brought to zoophilia and its "members"; to just be able to live your life in peace, without fear of other people or the "discovery".

However, I disagree with your opinions on how strictly people should follow the almost nonchalant "I'm who I am and if you don't accept me, then bugger off" approach. Many people, including myself, could not contemplate living without family. And yet if it became known, purposely or through accidental discovery, many would be forsaken by those they love most. That kind of stress, that kind of pressure... Doesn't always bode well on a persons psyche. Not everyone can accept themselves as easy as some, and some have much more to lose than some. Generalization isn't always the best move.

But all in all, I appreciate some of the points you brought up. Different flavor than the sometimes bland usual critiques.

doncox9 -12 points on 2015-05-25 05:49:27

No videos?

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 6 points on 2015-05-26 09:12:01


HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 3 points on 2015-05-25 14:24:17

I've been caught playing with a gelding's sheath and/or penis (forgot which). The person that caught me didn't tell me until months afterward. The person that caught me was my horsemanship mentor. I guess she did not mind since afterward she helped me in the process of buying my first horse.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-05-25 19:33:25

thank you for being reasonable about it. i'm sure it was a shock to see. tolerance is better than the alternative.

McAfterburner I ❤ Canines 3 points on 2015-05-25 20:32:12

Nope, but I came really close once. My first mate was the family dog when I was in middle school. I had him in my room (which didn't have a lock on the door, stupid, stupid me) and he had me mounted in a missionary position. Well mom knocked once and started to enter. I panicked and did the only thing I could do, which was hold the door closed with my foot. I tried to stay calm and explain her away from my room. Not sure if she ever suspected anything.

Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 1 point on 2015-05-26 23:27:22

I am not a zoophiles so I do not have any stories to share about getting caught or anything but I just want to say it was good of you to be so understanding. It warms my heart to see somebody be so understanding and still wanting to be with him. I think you did the right thing and I would like to thank you for that.

matangi77 1 point on 2015-05-31 07:11:36

Roommate stumbled in really drunk while I was blowing my GSD. He said "Yo, that dog's life is awesome" and passed out. He blacked out and didn't remember anything the next day.

coyotedrift Zoo Friendly 2 points on 2015-05-31 07:48:58

Lmao thats great

[deleted] 2 points on 2015-06-13 04:41:03

No but sadly I got caught with looking at pokemon porn on e621 in college...Didn't think the school cared that much about adults utilizing the school's wifi to look at naughty things. They found out through their network system...I had my own laptop was in a private location doing what naughty girls do and apparently that's wrong...