Questions about Dolphins (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-06-02 18:01:52 by twilot_spankle

So I like dolphins.....alot, however, I heard that a dolphin ejaculating in your mouth or anus could seriously damage you, as they cum at high pressures. Is this true?

Also, where may one find a dolphin to love around wisconsin? >.>

duskwuff 10 points on 2015-06-02 18:50:46

Is this true?

No! It's a ridiculous myth from an old "how-to" posted on Usenet ages ago. Absolutely no truth to it whatsoever.

As to the other question, good luck.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 2 points on 2015-06-02 20:50:02

Edit: I was wrong.

duskwuff 4 points on 2015-06-02 22:56:27

While there's some pressure involved, it's not the hydraulic nightmare that the FAQ suggests. There's one or two videos online of people fellating dolphins and not shrieking in pain, so the "serious bodily injury" bit is obviously wrong. :)

AlRubyx 1 point on 2015-06-06 05:15:45

I've seen a video of a dolphin having sex with a girl. He cums, they're both fine. No I won't post the video.

The_Zoo_Brony 1 point on 2015-06-02 23:52:57

What how-to?

Kynophile Dog lover 3 points on 2015-06-02 20:45:37

Also, where may one find a dolphin to love around wisconsin? >.>

Basically, you can't in nature. They're ocean mammals, and the Great Lakes won't support them. The closest aquarium I could find with dolphins was at the Indianapolis Zoo. But they're unlikely to let you love them in THAT way.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 3 points on 2015-06-02 20:52:03

Your best bet to meeting a dolphin is to take a Caribbean cruise that has a "Dolphin Encounter" shore excursion that lets you meet a dolphin up close.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2015-06-03 04:51:18

wisconsin is about as far away from the oceans around north america as you can get. my condolences... i'm thankful to only be curious about dolphins, and not seriously romantically/sexually focused on them.

twilot_spankle 1 point on 2015-06-03 17:03:22

I want to develop a special romantic connection with a dolphin tho ;_;

ursusem 2 points on 2015-06-03 06:01:01

Do people like dolphins because they think they are really intelligent? Why are so many into dolphins (not that I have a problem with it- the more that people love non-human animals the better!)?

tyrynth 2 points on 2015-06-03 09:56:57

Dolphins are sexy. I can't really explain my physical attraction to them beyond that though.

twilot_spankle 1 point on 2015-06-03 17:02:51

Are you joking? They are majestic, beautiful in every way.

ursusem 1 point on 2015-06-03 17:17:00

I agree with you. But I feel that most kinds of animals are majestic and beautiful in every way. I would only have a zoophilic relationship with a bear, though (I have a particular love for bears).

twilot_spankle 1 point on 2015-06-04 04:28:40


That's a really bad idea

metrio 2 points on 2015-06-04 07:28:40

not if you wear protection

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-06-04 17:18:45

bad idea or not, there are some things people just can't help. zoophilia in general, for instance... some things you don't choose, they choose you. there's beauty everywhere, for those who have the eyes to see it. for some people it's dolphins. for some people it's bears. and hyenas. and lions... and...

twilot_spankle 1 point on 2015-06-04 23:19:59

im just saying, bears are particularly dangerous :P

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-06-05 03:49:26

this is not news to people who are attracted to large carnivores. it doesn't change the fact that the attraction is there. you're not opening anyone's eyes to something they don't already realize.

AlRubyx 1 point on 2015-06-06 05:18:14

I mean, I'd give an arm and a leg to have a relationship with a tiger, but if I tried I'd literally give an arm and a leg. Life isn't fair.

Gamercheez 1 point on 2015-06-10 23:02:56

I feel the same way. Tigers are so sexy.

AlRubyx 2 points on 2015-06-11 01:24:25

I find most animals sexy.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-06-13 20:28:09

Same, with the fact that a species of a non-human isn't really what prevents me for finding myself sexual attracted from the most smallest of insects to the largest of whales, I have a large preference for rodents and insectivores primarily porcupines and hedgehogs (Maybe because I like Shadow so much. I used to have an obsession with bats in the past as well and I still quite like them as much to this day). People are always saying, "Don't try to mate with this or that because it's dangerous etc." like anyone who isn't or is already around wild animals or an exotic pet owner doesn't already know that. (But of course there are always going to be the ones who are not aware of the possible dangers and slip up. That can make a slip-up experience more negative and painful then if someone already knew what they are up against and acknowledged the fact that they may get hurt) And therefor with things like this I look, because I want to own a pet male porcupine one day as that they are getting more common in the pet trade. I already asked for advice on Beastforum about caring for one and a forming a relationship with a male so that's a start. I know it will be some years before I should even try to go out and look for one. There are those who personally de-quill porcupines and keep them as pets but that's something I'm not looking to do as it's something I personally don't believe I should do.

To me any human can be with a wild animal or a domesticated exotic one and have a positive relationship with one if they really tried and was both serious and gained enough experience with it and was familiar of the consequences. But like all who mate and with wilds and exotics had to start from somewhere.

Yes it can be dangerous like with a lot of other things people partake in life though that shouldn't discourage someone for wanting to be with a tiger, shark or a porcupine.

And attempting to mate and form a relationship with a wild/exotic animal is not for everyone and that's ok too.

Here's a piece of something I said on Beastforum during my time there:

"I know that the world is not all butterflies and fairies, I can get killed tomorrow, become homeless, get kidnapped etc. so what's different about wanting to mate with a porcupine and knowing that, yeah there is a chance I might get injured, die or experience a bad first impression or the creature is not even attracted to me in that way?

That's why I ask questions about how to mate with such creatures and research on these things because I know of the possible dangers and want to find ways to make me and the animal both happy and have a pleasing experience with one another whether it's sexual or not. Even if I had all the info in the world to help me and I had everything that would benefit said animal like a porcupine things can go wrong, mistakes can happen but that's not going to stop myself from fixing those mistakes.

Hell, I might get a porcupine and accidentally slip and fall face first onto his back and die. I might be sleeping and accidentally roll off the bed and fall onto him if he's not in a cage or in another room. There are sacrifices and it takes a lot of courage for being around exotics, I know that. That's the challenges most exotic pet owners are willing to risk. But even exotic pet owners or people who are just into exotic animals had to start from somewhere and that is from research and from experience."

AlRubyx 1 point on 2015-06-13 21:45:05

I'd like to think a porcupine is a little different than say, a 10 foot long 500 pound jungle cat. Both can kill you, one can just do it way easier. I think either is only possible if you know the animal pretty much as soon as it's born, as wild animals become factors of ten less vicious if you do that. I almost appreciate that though, there's no such thing as a quick fuck or one night stand with a wild animal, you have to raise and slowly ease it into that, and it might still not even be interested at all. They necessarily require a relationship.