Legal Sex with Animals in America (Zoophilia): A Lifestyle Choice (
submitted 2015-06-09 19:51:05 by Yearningmice
Yearningmice 3 points on 2015-06-09 19:53:27

Not particularly useful being red state, but here you go. Wish these social conservatives would go find some babies to burn or whatever turns their crank.

zoozooz 3 points on 2015-06-09 19:59:49

I recommend listening to the linked radio show recording:

To masochists at least. It's really painful listening to that.

Also her twitter account: where she tweets stuff like

Listen: Tragedy of #TransJenner … #Transgender = #MentalDisorder #Sex Surgery = #ChildAbuse #Malpractice #TCOT #CCOT

Kynophile Dog lover 6 points on 2015-06-10 02:27:00

Reactions to the recording (because I'm a masochist, and listening to her makes me want to defect to Mexico, so I'd rather save you from that):

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... wait, she's serious? Shit...

"Everyone's transgender, mothers and fathers don't exist, it's legal to fuck animals in the military (fraid not, sorry)..."

She's lisping and slurring a lot... is she drunk?

The slippery slope seems to be frictionless, as far as she's concerned. Legalizing gay marriage means that no word can be defined, essentially.

"There are very significant differences between people and dolphins." One is not named, however.

What is the three percent she keeps referring to? There's a thing on urban dictionary, referring to how three percent of the U.S. population rose up against King George to found America. Is that what she thinks liberals are doing? Really?

"Dolly and Flipper aren't equal to people." Frankly, with you as a person, I kind of prefer them.

Comparing anything she doesn't like to black people should insult them, apparently. Why?

"In Germany, there is an erotic zoo phenomenon that is spreading like wildfire." That was a lie when the Daily Mail printed it three years ago, and it's still a lie. Also, it's ILLEGAL ALREADY THERE.

"You can go to an erotic zoo in Germany and abuse animals from llamas to goats." What order was the list placed in? Can't be alphabetical, or reverse (no dogs there). Something taxonomic?

"Last time I checked, laws defined morality, that's the point of having laws." She knows nothing of either, apparently, since blind legalism is a shitty morality and laws neither exclusively nor even mainly concern moral questions.

She seems to just read from newspapers, adding nothing new. Why is she even broadcasting, if she can't add anything?

"Sex with animals is legal in Denmark." Wow, she sucks at checking facts. And yes, this was posted last week, so it's been illegal for a month and a half there already. HER OUTRAGE IS COMPLETELY FUCKING USELESS.

More about rabbits? We aren't Lennie from "Of Mice and Men", despite the stereotypes.

End the show with a story of killing a baby rabbit with a bike pump, then skinning and eating it, because... why? Oh, because farms are cruel, and this is ironic somehow? Or because fuck Denmark, I guess... even though they already did what she wanted, because she can't use google translate or wikipedia.

Repetition might be good oratory, but it doesn't make a sensationalist article true. It does work well for Huffpo, though.

"I won't allow this!" Persecution complex, much?

That was a lot of whining over nothing. One guy is honest about how a dolphin and him had sex, and suddenly the world is ending, and countries that have already banned it need to have a finger wagged at them because God Bless America. Meanwhile, we don't have a national ban or any consistency in laws between states. I thought conservatives liked states rights. I guess not, in this case.

ursusem 2 points on 2015-06-10 02:47:38

Obviously zoophilia = apocalypse!

And about humans and dolphins being different- So what? Why should that mean that they can't be sexual together/ with each other?

Again- Very Superstitious... Writing's on the wall.

zoozooz 3 points on 2015-06-10 07:02:05

What I noticed is the complete inability to get any meaningful perspective. Apparently it's okay to talk about commercial animal brothels and personal loving relationships without any distinction, because apparently it's all the same...

ursusem 3 points on 2015-06-10 07:33:35

They do see it the same way. Because to them sex which crosses the species border is evil period. They are not really capable of making distinctions in regards to it. This is called "being conservative."

Kynophile Dog lover 3 points on 2015-06-10 13:24:37

Ironically, she is refusing to make that rather clear distinction between abuse for profit and mutual love between partners, because she has to defend the more arbitrary distinction of human and anything else. It's all very silly.

ursusem 1 point on 2015-06-09 21:58:49

That woman! How superstitious can one be??!!

AliasTheReindeerPone Short Christmas Horse 5 points on 2015-06-09 22:27:50

Yes, having sex with animals is a crime against your human nature. You are devaluing your humanity by having sex with a horse, or a cow, or a dog, or a goat, or a rabbit, or a dolphin.

Can we acknowledge that humans aren't that special? We're different, absolutely. But if she believes contact with animals is that degrading, then surely humans also shouldn't keep pets or eat meat.

As a side note, how does everyone here pronounce Zeta? She says Zeeta, like PETA with a Z. I always thought of it as Zayta, but who knows; maybe she was right about one thing.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 3 points on 2015-06-09 22:40:41

(I don't have thick enough skin to read anti stuff, so this is entirely from what you're saying here.)

I think the argument is that it's not "contact" but "treating them as equals in any way" that they have a problem with. So, [showing human dominance by turning their skin into leather and then fetishising that leather is fine, but letting them mount you is "devaluing your humanity"] ( (link to academic paper). Myself, I look at humanity and despair that we came off the wrong branch of the grate apes. If we were as humane as we like to call ourselves, Jesus (if you assume he existed) would be considered "normal" rather than a role model; and if we were as smart as we like to call ourselves, he would have been born on a moon colony.

ursusem 3 points on 2015-06-09 23:34:19

If being a human means being a STUCK-UP BITCH then I hope to be degraded by those other LOWLY, DIRTY FILTH non-human creatures time and time and bloody time again!!!

When will humanity WAKE UP and see that their anti-bestiality stance is fucking WRONG AND IMMORAL AND WRONG?!!!! in my humble opinion

coyotedrift Zoo Friendly 2 points on 2015-06-10 01:36:44


two wrongs dont make a right

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 2 points on 2015-06-10 09:34:09

"… but three lefts do" ;)

otsoko 3 points on 2015-06-10 00:25:15

It's pronounced "Zayta", as it corresponds to the Greek letter ζ which is pronounced as such. That lady is just an idiot.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 2 points on 2015-06-10 09:33:32

Good to know; I've always made this mistake precisely because of the PETA association I have with the name.

Yearningmice 1 point on 2015-06-10 12:32:54

Apparently I've been pronouncing PETA wrong all these years.....

I learned ζ via math so.... always had that one right.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 2 points on 2015-06-10 04:24:01

I'd rather just people acknowledge that I couldn't care less about devaluing myself as a human.

also, I say zeeta but then that might be cause I'm english. we say beta like beeta as well.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-06-12 05:08:07

ur weird! ;)

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2015-06-12 14:18:52

haha....yeah :P

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 4 points on 2015-06-09 23:45:56

I want to know why they listed rabbits as something zoophiles have sex with. Sounds biased to me, since rabbits are way too small.

Yearningmice 3 points on 2015-06-10 12:38:12

I'd like to remind people that folks like this may not actually believe anything they say. The only thing I can be absolutely sure about them is that they are in it for the money and there is a particularly exploitable resource in the conservative right at the moment. (self help guru's seem to be the left's version)

I think much of what she says is to get and keep ratings and that's pretty much it. The problem being is that you cannot argue against it, logic won't solve it, personal experience and facts won't solve it.

In the end I am glad you guys all posted, the sub was seeming very empty lately.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-06-10 19:56:13

That's very plausible, but also very sad if true. For both the left and the right.