Miley Cyrus poses nude in Paper with pet pig (
submitted 2015-06-12 16:24:12 by Yearningmice
electricfoxx 1 point on 2015-06-12 16:52:54

"I'm ready to get porked." -- Miley

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 2 points on 2015-06-12 17:26:29

I want to see her go hog wild.

ursusem 3 points on 2015-06-12 17:16:48

I found another article about this photoshoot where she said that she would have sex with anybody except under-aged persons and animals.

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 2 points on 2015-06-13 01:26:25

To be fair, isn't that an obligatory statement when you're doing nude shoots with animals?

ursusem 2 points on 2015-06-13 05:47:40

No. She didn't have to say that

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 1 point on 2015-06-13 10:03:08

Pragmatically-speaking, I think she did. She would have been accused of being one of us otherwise, and her reputation is bad enough already. She's not a zoo advocate, nor need she be.

ursusem 1 point on 2015-06-13 19:21:36

Her reputation is bad only in the view of crusty, oldie fogies (who are dying off anyway and were raised to be bigoted traditionalists). On the flip side she has tremendous influence over millions who worship her as god and will "stand by her" no matter what. I think the diehards will be open-minded toward any view she endorses.

Yearningmice 1 point on 2015-06-13 16:22:24

Well, the articles I saw were pro-LGBT and anti-religon. I would be shocked if she wasn't asked the "trap" of a question "what about your opinion on animal sex or sex with children." A firm, unequivocal "NO" is the only answer you can give in that situation for it not to be used against you or more importantly your ideas.

There is also a long history of gays throwing everyone else under the bus to get what they want. Aided and abetted by the right wing's constant attack on "horse human marriage".

ursusem 2 points on 2015-06-13 19:13:29

Nah, I think we need more ballsy people in this mother. This society will never get to having the beliefs that we zoos have at the snail's pace we are going at. People need to start dropping the bombs and speaking what you really feel. It is time for society to start feeling uncomfortable.

Cyrus is a strong person. Is there anything she won't do?? She is SO strong. Her "act" is all about pushing the envelope about what's considered normal and acceptable. My guess is that she just holds mainstream liberal views. She may not be zoo herself, and it seems to be unusual for one to be an expert on zoophilia if one is not zoo themselves. However I will say that it is somewhat strange that she decided to have herself photographed nude with a real live pig. I mean, if you are not in favor of bestiality/zoophilia- then why the pig and why you naked with this pig?? Shock value? Breaking the Internet? Just a ploy to get attention? She probably did it for attention but what a weird thing to do as a pop star when your misinformed belief is that bestiality is immoral. She has a lot of loyal supporters/fans and she can be very influential due to her celebrity power. It would have been great if Cyrus expressed a pro-zoo stance (which she could have because it WOULD have been a fit for her act), but she did not.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-06-13 23:44:24
