Licked some dog pussy today (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-06-12 16:50:06 by electricfoxx

I offered to (more like I was obligated to) walk the neighbors dogs (working dogs; labs). They're nice, but it is still a chore that I felt I was forced to do.

Anyway. I haven't caressed the soft pillows of dog vag in years. Still has that same scent. (Ladies, if you think you have to 'flower' up your vagina, think again.) I portray myself as a "good guy". Despite this experience, it isn't truly what I desire. (Imagine being given money, but you can only buy what they want to buy.) I desire freedom. I'm going to have to bite the bullet and go hardcore salesman. I want a full time job.

The dogs are very well trained. I had virtually no issue with them. However, they won't sit. I pull out my mechanic skills and got under the vehicle. They are more than likely spayed, so it is is bit hard to see down there. I spread her loins and gave it a lick. So much fur, but so good. Despite their "beefiness", the vulvas were small to medium.

It was an good day today. Didn't get caught, but a business I sent my resume to is closing. This is pits, man.

Kynophile Dog lover 1 point on 2015-06-12 16:53:59

Mark this as NSFW, please. Pretty clear from the title, but still.

Edit: Thanks.

electricfoxx 3 points on 2015-06-12 16:55:39


Still not sure where zoophilia is SFW.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 0 points on 2015-06-12 17:22:50

What did it taste like? Please describe the taste in explicit detail.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2015-06-12 18:18:19

i've gone down (with permission) on a friend's dog several times (made her orgasm once, which was phenomenal.. looking forward to trying that again) ... but to describe the taste... it may be my poor memory, but IMO it's hard to describe. i don't know what i'd compare it to. but also keep in mind that dogs are different... one other girl (again, with permission) i've gone down on tasted awful... she was in heat, which turns some people on, but i guess not me .. or again, maybe other female dogs in heat would taste good to me. shrug

30-30 amator equae 13 points on 2015-06-12 17:38:32

You betrayed your neighbors trust and although you haven´t literally hopped a fence, technically you´re a fencehopper now. I won´t applaud you for this kind of conduct and hope that no one else does...

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 2 points on 2015-06-13 00:02:45

I disagree somewhat. I don't define something as fencehopping unless a zoo is in the presence of an animal without the owner's knowledge or permission. The neighbours knew that electricfoxx was with their dogs, and I don't consider it fencehopping just because they didn't know what he was doing with them.

IAmAZoophile Canine 5 points on 2015-06-13 00:38:25

I think it's generally pretty safe to say that the owners wouldn't be comfortable with what he did. Humans have to be respected, too. I'm totally with 30-30 on this one.

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 2 points on 2015-06-13 00:42:12

The owners mightn't have been comfortable, but so long as he didn't harm the dogs or bring them discomfort in any way, I still don't have an issue with what efoxx did.

yelikedags 2 points on 2015-06-13 07:05:52


coyotedrift Zoo Friendly -5 points on 2015-06-16 04:58:42

you were talking about posting OC zoo porn on another sub, your opinion doesnt matter.

yelikedags 2 points on 2015-06-16 16:19:13

Non sequitur.

Are you an entirely non practicing zoo? Why would anyone listen?

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2015-06-16 18:23:33

@T-V:You contradict yourself within two posts. You said "without the owner´s permission or knowledge", one post later, you try to change the definition by intoducing the harm principle while admitting the "action" took place without the owner´s knowledge or consent. It doesn´t matter if harm was inflicted or not, the relevant fact is that efoxx did it without the owner´s knowledge and explicit consent.Please don´t try to change definitions ad libenter, there´s nothing to discuss about fencehopping and what exactly it is .

There are two main causes for exposure and , resulting from that, negative headlines regarding zoophilia and bestiality: the first is uploading selfmade animal porn that can be traced back to it´s originators and the other is stupid actions with other people´s animals (e.g.: fencehopping). Remember that owners usually know their animals and probably will sense every little change in their behavior. Sexual actions with animals who are "virgins" to human sexual advances can cause rapid change in behavior. Sooner or later, questions will arise and danger of exposure increases exponentially.

The term fencehopping never aimed solely at hopping over real fences, it referred to hopping over the metaphorical "fence" of betraying the trust of the animal´s owner. It´s comparable to stealing: no one would say "Well, it isn´t stealing because the thief refrained from beating up anyone". This kind of apologetic murmur is totally counterproductive for raising tolerance of zoophilia; people will never accept that their animals will turn into "targets" for self proclaimed "zoophiles" who obviously have no respect for property. Zoos with morals will never fencehop; recall the zeta rules, especially this one: "Always place the wellbing of an animal before your own sexual gratification". With everything than can happen to the animal that has been fencehopped on, from violence to discard the newly developed, unwanted behavior to putting the animal down, fencehopping isn´t ethical and far from a genuine "zooishness". Just imagine a stallion who is "visited" at night: He gets the imprint that he can mate with those strangelooking bipedals. What do you think will happen, when he tries to jump onto his unprepared owner ? From my 20 years of experience as a riding instructor I can tell you where this stallion most likely will end...he´ll be put down as an "uncontrollable horse" endangering everyone around him. Just because some egoistic fool couldn´t pay enough respect to other people´s property, a horse loses his life. How "zooish" is that,huh?

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 1 point on 2015-06-17 09:58:20

You misinterpreted me. My view is that the zoo must not be in the presence of an animal without the owner's permission. Reiterated, the owner must approve of the animal being in the zoo's care. Beyond that, I don't see sexual interaction is any different from anything else nonharmful that could occur between a human and a dog.

I agree that OC porn with others' animals isn't something that should ever be made.

I must disagree that animals not accustomed to human sexual advances necessarily show marked changes in behaviour. While true virgin dogs may show such changes, dogs that are simply not used to having sex with humans are more likely to display sexual behaviour only with those who provide it. However, I'll acknowledge that it's difficult to substantiate claims on either side of this point.

Theft is immoral because it involves the taking of another's property, which has absolutely nothing to do with fencehopping, or bestiality as a whole.

Note that your example discusses a horse that is being visited at night, unbeknownst to the owner or the stable. While that's true fencehopping and not something I could condone, it falls well outside of efoxx's situation, and thus the consequences fall well beyond them as well.

Be careful about your assertions of "true zoophilia", too. Like it or not, there are perfectly moral zoos, here and elsewhere, who think differently to you.

bonniebubblegum 1 point on 2015-06-18 08:38:19

not everyone has or can get pets of their own

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2015-06-13 05:22:15

what kind of zoo doesnt like walking dogs?!

The_Zoo_Brony 3 points on 2015-06-14 06:20:52

Did she like it?

luvskuvasztwat 2 points on 2015-06-17 19:51:01

sure, technically it was fencehopping, but seeing as how there was no penetration, its like the thief that steals food because he is starving to death rather than the thief that steals out of greed. its easy to condemn fencehopping, but most of us, as old as I am have done it in our youth. young people do stupid things.

that said, dog pussy tastes wonderful. dont know about broken bitches, I never messed around with any that I didnt know for certain were intact, but intact bitches are great, especially in heat. they dont call it estrus HONEY for nothin :)

electricfoxx 1 point on 2015-06-17 21:32:40

The harm principle is one of my personal ethical rules. I consider myself an Egotist Anarchist. I don't think I hurt the dogs. Fencehopping rely on the property concept, that you aren't suppose to mess with other people's property. But, does that mean just because you own something, can you do whatever you want with it? If I own a dog, can I eat it? It's my property, right? What about women as property?

EpicMisterB 0 points on 2015-07-16 23:17:36

THAT IS FUCKING SICK!!! Bestiality is very terrible, first of all its sex with another species, AND animals can't actually give consent so that's 2 reasons why what you did is pretty fucked up just saying. You should probably stop because the owner will get very angry at you and you'll get frowned upon by other people. Just think how licking a dogs genitals will lead you.

electricfoxx 1 point on 2015-07-17 01:26:38
kuvaszfucker 1 point on 2015-09-05 09:57:32

hahaha what a douche. dont you know animal pussy is FAR cleaner than a human. I'm talking bacteria count here, not to mention a dog cant give you aids. and a bitch in heat is cleanest of all. that HONEY some people see as 'blood' is actually mildly ANTISEPTIC that is kills germs. a human on the other hand has a SEPTIC, Ie: GERM-FILLED discharge. now tell me again which you would rather eat.

who gies a f''k what some old book that aint fit to clean up dogshit with says, bestiality IS safe sex. and as for consent.... try and fuck a kuvasz that doesnt know you. you wont get any unless SHE wants you to. A Kuvasz is not like those little pansy dogs that obey like a slave. She has her own ideas, and WILL act on them. She DECIDES and thus consents to or doesnt consent to sex. and try to force her, if she 'says' NO, and you're probably not going to live to regret it.

I am a Dog-Fucker, I'm proud of who I am.

EpicMisterB 1 point on 2015-09-11 01:50:42

Bestiality is illegal in a lot of countries and having sex with ANOTHER species is terrible. It is illegal for a reason