That guy in Arkansas (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-06-14 00:03:06 by zoozooz
[deleted] 7 points on 2015-06-14 00:07:47

• Don't ever talk about zoophilia with strangers (Check ✓)

Honestly those Facebook comments anger me to the point of doing the unthinkable. @_@ I need to stop reading these kinds of things...It ignites panic attacks, anger and old horrid memories of people mistreating me because of my zosexuality.

Looking at the petition just disgusts me...

zoozooz 8 points on 2015-06-14 00:31:20

I've read a lot of the comments and I got the feeling that there are about 2-4 people who are controlling and fueling the whole outrage and speculation.

But I don't understand what the people who participate there are thinking. So far there has been no conviction and no evidence that he harmed animals, except some hearsay. While the investigation is still ongoing people are harassing his online accounts, posting his private address and phone number and there's more than one death threat.

I wonder if this will have consequences for the people who do this.

ursusem 3 points on 2015-06-14 00:43:55

They hate bestiality, that's the problem. What is so bloody unlikable about us?

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 6 points on 2015-06-14 05:36:14

people hate you when you're different.

ursusem 2 points on 2015-06-14 05:52:08

What the fuck is up with THAT??!!?? REALLY!! what the fuck

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 5 points on 2015-06-14 06:01:16

probably cause these people dont realise why they hate other people, they just 'do' without thinking about it any more than that. Im saying they're stupid.

Yearningmice 3 points on 2015-06-14 17:11:24

Reporters are also scum. A friend was involved in a very violent incident, he's an ex-soldier and has severe PTSD... which the forces delayed the treating of because "money". Anyhow, the stuff that people said about him, in the papers, the way the reporters hounded his friends and the groups he was in... I had seen it before but it was an incredible reminder of just how horrible people can be for "the story", any story. More than one, more than one hundred completely made up facts were paraded around the paper as if it was real... never retracted... It is very interesting to know someone who ends up in the paper like this, gives a very different view. Edit:Spelling

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 2 points on 2015-06-14 20:44:13

yeah, I dont read the news anymore, its just another form of entertainment for the masses now. Notice how they say things are the worst thing ever (eg ebola) then when people get bored they just stop reporting on in. The days of honest and informative news are long gone.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-06-14 00:57:23

Yeah, doesn't matter whether or not the facts exist that there actually was any harm, people just hate bestiality and think it's disgusting and wrong either way and would love to see someone who practices it or confesses of being a zoosexual behind bars or murdered.

ursusem 2 points on 2015-06-14 00:40:14

OH MY GOD IT PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH to see what people say!! D:<

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-06-14 00:58:49


zoozooz 2 points on 2015-06-14 00:25:22

Someone alleges that he killed a dog. Interesting. Allegedly there's also a sheep that has been injured by dogs. Let's see how much of this stuff turns out to be true.

ursusem 4 points on 2015-06-14 01:02:45

The non-zoos reactions to this makes me really hate humans. For the record, I don't like anybody who doesn't like zoophilia!

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 11 points on 2015-06-14 04:05:12

So this guy has been helping animals (presumably out of his own pocket) with vet care, food, and rehoming. But oh no he did a sex with one so he's literally Satan.

[deleted] 0 points on 2015-06-14 16:34:02

I never thought I'd live to see the day where one man's compassion, could be seen as evil. I feel your pain. I stand with Jonathan Ford, and it should know that we all stand by him.

zoozooz 3 points on 2015-06-14 16:40:29

I'm not so sure yet if I want to stand with him. But in contrast to the people posting this stuff, I am going to wait whether the vets can find any harm in any of the animals. So far I have not seen any charge of animal cruelty and it looks like he came out to his parents and close friends, so I wouldn't expect it, but I still don't know.

reddituser444 3 points on 2015-06-14 23:57:58

Please don't presume to speak for others.

[deleted] -4 points on 2015-06-15 01:15:40

I know how the healthy human thinks. I hope you are one of them. It means a lot to me.

ursusem 1 point on 2015-06-14 05:24:42

Somebody told me that he drugged the dogs that he had sex with but didn't send me a link and I haven't seen this bit of news? Anybody know about this?

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 3 points on 2015-06-14 06:10:05

The drugging looks like rumours based on people's hindsight impressions of the pictures he took of the dogs. There's a lot of ridiculous stuff like people thinking a picture of a sleeping puppy captioned 'he knows what time it is' is evidence.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 8 points on 2015-06-14 05:35:18

oh god, look at the poor abused dog in the photos used on the petition site. what a sicko, just look how upset that dog is... /s

poor bastard. hasnt even been charged yet but those people are rabid over him. Im disgusted that innocent until proven guilty isnt a thing anymore. Im wondering who the real sickos are here.

ursusem 1 point on 2015-06-14 05:54:00

I saw some adorable pics of him with a dog. What is wrong with people these days??? I know who the real sickos obviously are!!

zoozooz 5 points on 2015-06-14 08:01:18

It's funny because these pictures would perfectly fit into /r/ladybonersgonecuddly.

stalnixrm 2 points on 2015-06-14 05:36:13

I had to stop reading fairly quickly. That they would even dig through his past and trash him... nngh. I could just as easily vomit.

Maybe he did hurt some animals, maybe he didn't. But that's not for the court of public opinion to decide - that's for a court of law. This social media frenzy activity needs to be called for what it is - armchair vigilantism. Taking the law into one's own hands.

Regardless of his (lack of?) crimes, people make me sick.

ursusem 2 points on 2015-06-14 05:50:26

Yeah! The public is going CRAZY online! It's scary and wrong

zoozooz 4 points on 2015-06-14 08:53:51

Okay, now I don't like him:

It seems a neighbor's dog killed one of his ducks and he "popped" the dog with a gun. wtf?

For the second picture: It doesn't actually say he shot "Isis" - or that he even talks about the same dog here.

For the virus: I'm not sure if he knew, should have known, or is to blame.

That leaves shooting the neighbor's dog.

Also this:

Kynophile Dog lover 4 points on 2015-06-14 13:02:47

This case, like most of them when you dig deeper, gives me mixed feelings. I see this guy as trying very hard to help these dogs, but also satisfying himself too much in the process. The shootings were just something that a property owner who believes in the Second Amendment (a.k.a. many people in Arkansas) would do. As for the parvo, that's more of an "occupational" hazard, which might have been preventable but only with some difficulty.

To me, this is the equivalent of someone running a homeless shelter and occassionally having sex with those he helps. Whether consent is there or not, it is a little sketchy to take in the most vulnerable among us and, while also finding them homes and taking care of them, engaging with them sexually.

zoozooz 2 points on 2015-06-14 13:29:48

The shootings were just something that a property owner who believes in the Second Amendment (a.k.a. many people in Arkansas) would do.

But as a dog lover, I can't imagine doing it...

while also finding them homes and taking care of them, engaging with them sexually

Was he? I have read it the way that all these people are assuming this, but just as well he could only have been with "his rottweiler" that was taken away. Or not?

Kynophile Dog lover 1 point on 2015-06-14 15:02:40

To be fair, I have no idea which is true. The rumors outnumber the facts by about 100 to 1.

Yearningmice 2 points on 2015-06-14 17:15:52

I think it is less likely to be true that he was sexing everything under the sun. It's an implication to dirty the good he did by helping animals... "I mean obviously he just did it to get them alone..."

Yearningmice 3 points on 2015-06-14 17:19:21

If you've read any FB anti-muslim site, right wing hate site, N*gger bashing site, trans bashing site you would get basically the same kinds of comments. Everything from kill him, digging though his past for any small mistake, and so on.

The only recourse is another court case for defamation(which is not protected under the 2nd amendment in the US btw but is much harder to win in the US than most other places.) and what zoo, having gone through the destruction of his life would even want to consider engaging with these people. Where there is one, 100 will pop up and each will have to be sued in turn... ya know?

The internet has failed to live up to its promise and I regret to see how the mob is ruling it.

zoozooz 1 point on 2015-06-14 17:27:05

The internet has failed to live up to its promise and I regret to see how the mob is ruling it.

Is that really fair, considering that you just used the internet to post this to a community of likeminded people?

Yearningmice 2 points on 2015-06-14 23:21:28


Yeah, and that's the problem.

There is also the signal to noise ratio.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-06-15 09:15:39

We look at them and see an echo-chamber of evil. They look at us and see the same thing. We look at ourselves and see caring people who look after the weak and voiceless. They look at themselves and see the same thing.

It's weird for me, having gone from Christianity through Neopaganism to "it's a bit of fun but don't take it seriously", to end up quoting Biblical passages, yet the one about the mote and the beam seems quite apt. Alternatively, "I have an independent mind, You are eccentric, He is round the twist."

Yearningmice 1 point on 2015-06-15 15:19:58

I'm not sure what to say, since I agree that we are the same kind of "likeminded" echo chamber. You seem to think I do not group zoo communities in there, which is your assumption.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-06-15 19:53:14

I think I agree with you; my intent was to reply to zoozooz. :)

jackdempsey8083 2 points on 2015-06-14 19:19:03

Reading all those comments...

I just want to go cry in the corner of my bedroom for a couple years.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 2 points on 2015-06-14 19:57:16

So much hate just because he is different.

Yearningmice 1 point on 2015-06-15 15:22:21

Some new random people claiming stuff about him. This is one of the things that happened to my friend from the story above. They asked some guy walking his dog what he thought happened and published it as a fact. The dog walker stated he didn't know what had happened so repeated a rumour, but they had their quote!

Rescue group saw signs of animal abusers scam

zoozooz 2 points on 2015-06-15 17:29:29

I don't get why everyone says that he was only scamming people and was only out to get dogs.... He has this small photo album on facebook called "placed animals": and a few "adoptable dogs":

So I don't really get what everyone is out about. He did actually do what he said he'd do... or not?

Yearningmice 1 point on 2015-06-16 13:11:48

Well it comes down to the fact that all the "attaboys" (and dogs he may have helped) will not count for anything when the "oh shit" happens. Suddenly he must have had some ulterior motive for all of this, right? He couldn't be a mostly good person....(I'm not willing to say either way based on the papers)

zarfytezz1 1 point on 2015-06-21 06:19:37

How did they catch him? It sounds like it was because he, like many others, were stupid enough to take pictures of it, not just talking about it...seems like the only way people really get caught who do it in private.

I'm not sure why one should "never talk about zoophilia with strangers," unless you mean "never admit to breaking the law to strangers," which is good advice in general...