How to hide my Zoosexuality while living on Campus? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-06-17 01:54:14 by [deleted]

Just curious because I'll be moving in a couple months to a new college campus to work on my bachelor's in film and 3D animation.

I already hate the fact that I won't have any privacy nor the comfort and security to talk to my fiance openly nor know... look at porn, have astral sex and masturbate for a while under the radar of my roommate and other people who populate the campus environment.

It's is a bit silly I ask this but I hope I can get some useful tips to make sure I don't slip up and someone finds out about my zoosexuality or my relationship/feelings with Shadow. Because I don't want to be more stressed out then I'll already be.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Edit: I'm a female sharing a room with another female if that matters.

When I mention my zoosexuality and Shadow The Hedgehog they are two separate things. I do find creatures like Shadow attractive and him, personally, see him as my fiance and not the limit to my sexual attraction. I find those who are not part of the anthropormorphic spectrum, like the animals on this world, also sexually appealing and a large variety at that from porcupines, hedgehogs to reptiles etc. I always been attracted to non-humans both (real) and (not real) back when I still had interest dating humans. I would like have a polyamory relationship with (real) animal(s) and hopefully engage in sexual intercourse with one on this planet someday.

I'm not the many who like anthropormorphs because I rather "be with a non-human if they are more human because it's more acceptable". Personally, I don't like that way of thinking. So I hope no one sees me as someone like that because I know many people who are interested in anthros think that way.

Kynophile Dog lover 4 points on 2015-06-17 02:28:36

This is basically an internet privacy question first and foremost (though I'll go into other personal bits later). There's a good guide to this on knotty, but here are the main points:

  1. To look at zoo stuff online without the college knowing about it, use Tor. It bounces your browser activity around a bunch of relays, effectively preventing people from tracking which sites you visit. I wouldn't use it to watch youtube videos or something else network intensive (as all that bouncing around makes the connection slow), but for forums or image boards it's fine.

  2. If you want to use a normal browser, there are still some things you can do. I use Google Chrome, which has an Incognito mode so that your activity isn't saved to your computer locally. Other browsers also have a Private Browsing mode, which does essentially the same thing. In addition, you can turn on a "Do not track me" option on many browsers which will allow some websites not to track your activity, but not all websites will actually do this. Another thing you can do is to disallow your browser from accepting third party cookies, which can also be used for tracking purposes.

  3. Encryption. This is more for if you save anything on a hard drive. A program called Veracrypt can help with that, basically by encrypting part of your hard drive (or even all of it) so that it can't be unlocked without a password.

So, that covers basic computer stuff. As for personal details... my advice is to give yourself partial outlets with other people on campus. I wouldn't tell them anything explicit, but you might express your love in benign ways, for example by sketching Shadow in a notebook, or joining a video game club on campus and gushing over Sonic Adventure 2. That shouldn't be the only subject you talk about, of course, but it can be done occasionally. Just stay away from the subject of astral sex and conversations with Shadow.

And if you want privacy in your dorm, you can occasionally ask for it. College kids are going to need alone time every once in a while, and being clear with your roommate (while respecting their needs as well, and not being too pushy) can be useful to both of you.

P.S. Don't be surprised if your ideas aren't the most bizarre on campus. I never came out as a zoo in college, but the experience definitely broadened my horizons in a lot of other ways. And your experience being ostracized and hiding parts of yourself might give you some insight into how other people with secrets are feeling.

[deleted] 2 points on 2015-06-17 03:05:11

Thanks, I'll be sure to look at Knotty.

I did the mistake of being open about my zoosexuality at my last college....didn't go too well. Also being caught from the school's wifi system from looking at pokemon porn...I regret my ignorance. But won't be doing that again for sure.

bonniebubblegum 2 points on 2015-06-18 08:27:18

vpn might also help, especially if tor is blocked.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-06-18 12:03:51

Ok, thanks.

zarfytezz1 1 point on 2015-06-21 06:15:21

Why would a college do anything about someone looking at porn? Porn isn't blocked at my college...what did they even say to you? "Hey, you were watching porn...that's...bad?"

Or do you go to a Christian college or something?

zarfytezz1 1 point on 2015-06-21 06:27:10

Is there a reason one would need to hide the internet history though? There's nothing illegal about just looking at online zoo porn, at least in the US, right?

Kynophile Dog lover 2 points on 2015-06-21 16:01:37

it's not illegal in the U.S., but if someone finds it in there, it raises some uncomfortable questions and makes you more likely to be caught or monitored in some other way. Those options aren't just for keeping out of jail; mostly, they're for saving face with people who might disapprove of your habits. The stereotype is hiding your porn from mom so you don't die of embarrassment.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 3 points on 2015-06-17 18:52:06

Find out your roommate's class schedule so you can plan your masturbation around it.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-06-17 21:23:17

ok :D

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-06-17 20:16:10

Sharing a room?

Next to the internet security advice, the other guy will also have that problem. Talk to him how you two could make it so that you both have the room "for yourself" for a while. "For yourself" will do as discussion topic. Like Wednesdays he stays late at the library and Thursdays you do. Also you can agree on the good old tie on the doorknob thing or so.

Also maybe have a decoy "slip-up" in the second week where you leave a very vanilla hetero porn mag (well, something like - ironically - ZOO perhaps where your roommate has to see it.

Depending on the surroundings and if you have a car download the things and drive to the middle of nowhere - have a sundown wank. ;)

Oh yeah and by god don't ever even hint to it. But you learned that already.

[deleted] 2 points on 2015-06-17 21:20:27

Lol, I'm a female sharing a room with another female XD So I don't know if going with that porn magazine will really work. But thanks, I'll try asking for some time alone in the dorm.

But I do hope I can get out of the dorm and travel somewhere either by bus or car (If and when I get one) maybe spend time with Shadow or get a release since I really never had the luxury of doing so outside of my own bedroom.

Though the college is a little ways from where I am now. There are a lot of trees, forests and stuff do If I'm not too paranoid of being caught I might be able to find a place in the woods to be my own private spot I resort to if there is no other way around it.

I still don't know if there is a video game club but I know there is an Equestrian Club and other outdoor type clubs that caught my interest. Knowing my fiance would probably push me to join a Woodsman Club which is fine because I'm into things like that but with aquaphobia might stir a problem in canoeing but I have canoed before and it's really fun :)

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-06-17 21:43:33

oops. well you know - people are male on the internet unless they tell you otherwise ;) Then do whatever women would do to clearly say they are hetero once and be done with that fact established.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-06-17 22:00:31

Alright :)

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2015-06-18 03:57:44

are you talking about shadow the hedgehog?

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-06-18 07:26:55


actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 0 points on 2015-06-18 15:54:05

well then you have nothing to worry about. you are not a zoosexual and if anyone does catch you you'll just be labelled 'a bit odd' or 'furry' but definitely not a zoophile. zoophilia is the attraction to animals and I have to say I find you labelling yourself a zoo to be more than a little bit insulting. If you are attracted to real hedgehogs, then yes youre a zoo, but anthropormorphic, talking and (unreal) animal human hybrids are what separates the furrys from us.

maybe I'm missing an important piece of information, im just going off what youve said but its pretty simple, If you find dogs/horses/(real)hedgehogs/whatever sexually appealing then you are a zoo. but from from what youve told me you are not, and I find this a huge slap in the face to who i am at the core. I feel as though you are making a mockery of this very serious issue that a lot of zoos have trouble dealing with.

Sorry, I had to let you know my feelings about this.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-06-18 15:57:48

But I do find (real) animals sexually appealing, a large variety like porcupines and reptiles etc. But Shadow The Hedgehog is my fiance. My sexual/romantic interests isn't only towards anthropomorphs....

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 2 points on 2015-06-18 15:59:34

ah, I missed that part where you mentioned that. fair enough then, I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page :)

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-06-18 16:08:17

It's my fault, I should of made it clearer when I made the topic.