Woman charged for pandering obscenity Felony charge alleges sexual activity with dog (timesgazette.com)
submitted 2015-06-23 07:13:16 by reddituser444
Kynophile Dog lover 2 points on 2015-06-23 14:59:42

In case you weren't aware... the police know about beastforum. Don't show your face on there, if you can be arrested for it.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2015-06-23 16:35:55

fuck. :( she did everything right, it sounds like, not resisting anything... glad she didn't have to post anything for bond. but what exactly does one do in this situation? will they take away her dog? :( yes, it was stupid of her to have her face visible on beastforum, but i would hate to see this all go poorly for her. :/

demsweetdoggykisses 5 points on 2015-06-23 19:00:49

she did everything right

She made and shared media of herself. There's absolutely no necessity to do this unless you relish in the attention. It should not be surprising when attention seekers attract attention.

I know there are about a hundred million people who want to see dogs banging chicks, but that's not zoophilia. That's a porn industry. If you love your animals, love your lifestyle, and don't want to get in trouble, you shouldn't exploit yourself or your loved ones.

I'm not saying she did something inherently bad. It's a ludicrous law but as long as zoophilia remains something that only a fraction of a fraction of the population has any understanding and acceptance of, that law is not going to change. So knowing this, why would you jeopardize yourself when you can live happily with your companions behind closed doors and never, ever have to worry about being investigated or face charges?

reddituser444 5 points on 2015-06-23 20:54:58

she did everything right

except the part that mattered most

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2015-06-24 05:37:09

sorry, i meant after being found. obviously she did some very wrong things beforehand... cooperating with the police, etc., i meant.

30-30 amator equae 6 points on 2015-06-23 19:25:29

Not the first and definitely not the last victim of BF. Beastforum is way more effective in destroying people´s lives than all antizoos combined and I can´t understand why people are so friggin´ thankful this Epicenter of anti true zoo propaganda exists. The take your homemade vids and turn them into financial gain for themselves while you have to take all the risks involved in publishing incriminating videos. All you get is "download credits".... They refuse to delete any material, even if you get into trouble with the authorities. The ones behind BF, the ones making the big bucks are AFAIK neither zoo nor beasties themselves, they just make lots of happy bucks out of us "perverts" and are probably shitting into golden toilets while the ones dumb enough to upload anything that can be traced back and/or connected to a real life person sit in prison. If BF didn´t already exist, the smarter ones of the antis would probably come up with something similar to it; there´s no easier way to gather data and evidence by luring people into posting it themselves. So, another one was taken down because he/she posted too much info...I don´t know whether I should feel sorry for this individual or think that it was her own fault to publish identifiable stuff. Anyone who uploads stuff to BF should be aware of the possible neagtive outcome and really mustn´t complain when the worst case scenario happens...internet = public. You wouldn´t complain about punishment if you decide to do a live sex act with an animal right in front of your local police department, would you? Posting something in BF is basically the same...

FunFriendly 1 point on 2015-06-24 14:52:43

Always get a lawyer. Always, always, always. She thought she knew the law, but she did not.