Day X: Zoophilia accepted...and now? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-06-24 08:47:26 by 30-30 amator equae

I´ve been active in the online zoo community for many years now and in this long time I´ve heard so many folks demanding "zoo rights" and such...but when I asked them how exactly a peaceful and tolerant union of zoos and Joe Average would be like, all I usually get is some sort of wankerish phantasy of total sexual freedom without any limitations. One guy even proposed that he should be able to buy animal porn at the local grocery store, right next to the animal brothel.

Well, we zoos could indeed use a good dose of tolerance from the public, but along with tolerated zoophilia, there comes an additional plethora of unanswered questions: what about animal porn, should it be available like any other type of porn or should it remain banned like in the most nations today? What about fencehopping? What about the owner´s rights? Would any owner be forced to tolerate fencehoppers in the name of "zoo rights"? What about animal promiscuity? What about swapping animals or sharing them? Would it be good to allow it or should a zoophile have to obey to the same social norms as any normal heterosexual? Marriage, yes or no? And, if you could marry an animal, how would divorce be possible? What about cheating on your animal spouse? You see, there are lots of things to consider.

What I like to know is how others imagine a world tolerant of zoophilia. But, guys, don´t forget that there´s an outside world that will definitely not accept anything; remember that compromises will have to be made in order to maintain a friendly atmosphere. For example, some folks say that easily accessible and vast archives of animal porn will have a disorienting effect on the public and especially the youth. Sadly, over the years I got the notion that this theory could be true, at least for a certain sort of people. So, come on and write down your vision of a peaceful coexistence of zoos and non-zoos. Keep it realistic, refrain from megalomaniac stories like "Restaurants have to be prepared for non-human customers and have to offer all types of animal food in case a zoo wants a romatic dinner for two"; we want tolerance and, maybe later, acceptance...we do not want to change the entire world for Joe Average...;)

We zoos demand our rights for so long now, yet we have failed coming up with a valid solution both involved parties, the zoos and the non-zoos alike, could live with. I really think that there could be more tolerance if the zoos can come up with a vision acceptable for more people than the usual "I want to bang whomever whenever I want" attitude, a "moderate zoophilia", according to the common people´s morals and norms.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-06-24 11:51:16

I had always been cautious about both prostitution and bestiality, especially when mixed, simply because "I care" does not translate into "risk-free" and the risk factors multiply together. But I recently visited Amsterdam with my (human) partner, and she showed me the red light district. I have to say it totally changed my views on prostitution.

While I had previously felt that prostitution had risks of coercion, seeing the miserable and angry expressions on their faces as they looked out of their windows... the Netherlands is socialist and cares about women's rights, and if prostitutes are visibly unhappy in their capital city, then I can't imagine it really working out for anyone.

We also looked around the sex shops, and I saw DVDs openly for sale with titles such as "the torture of rape". I find such things quite disturbing. I've heard arguments both ways on the topic of "should it be allowed?", one side claiming it's just acting and no more real (or more likely to encourage) than action films, the other side claiming the actors and actresses are coerced and that it promotes a culture of acceptability for such actions. I don't know either way, but as with prostitution, I can see the risks are multiplicative.

I would happily outlaw animal prostitution everywhere (unless you can prove that no harm has been done by the act, which might require it to be filmed); the only difference between me and the last decade of our losses in that regard is that I would describe artificial insemination, pure-breeds, factory farms, puppy mills, etc. as "prostitution" when done for money.

For porn, more complex. There are plenty of pictures which excite us which normal people don't even consider that we might like, yet for "real porn" the risk factors are multiplicative just as they are for prostitution. At first glance, requiring a "no animals were harmed in the making of this motion picture" certification would work, but that the internet makes a mockery of national borders, and a nation without such laws can produce it all much more cheaply (the same problem that human porn laws have), so the prohibition has to be on possession not on manufacture. Simulated porn (e.g. cartoons) seems fine, but it would have to be obviously simulated, so realistic dildos or humping while wearing nothing but flesh coloured underwear would not. The only no-bestiality animal porn I know of appears to be compatible with the welfare of those involved, so I'm OK with that unless anyone can show me a reason to change my mind.

I don't know about the rest of the world, but around here, physical media of porn can only be sold in licensed shops, and there is usually a great deal of complaint about them existing ("Think of the children!" typically). Anyone who expects that animal porn would be in a grocery store is out of their mind.

Likewise, quite a lot of businesses refuse to allow dogs (other than service dogs) inside, and with good reason. People can have strong allergies to dog hair, dog poop is known to be a strong risk factor for children, their dietary needs are unexpectedly different from humans.

Fence-hopping is just trespass, we definitely shouldn't change the laws to add an exception for "but the horse was just sooooo hot!". That's just asking for trouble, as I would expect people to use it as an excuse when caught mid-robbery.

Marriage. Well, that depends what you mean by it. "To love, honour and obey, until death us do part"? That sounds like what dogs are expected to do as pets. On the other hand, the idea that I could get a married couple's tax allowance for sharing my life with a horse? That's taking the piss. Likewise, unless they suddenly get the right to own property, the idea a wolf could collect a widow's/widower's pension, or have default inheritance rights, is absurd. Adoption rights would be hilarious - just imagine a dolphin giving their adopted kid a permission slip for a school trip. (Likewise, "My dad can beat up your dad" is an amusing thought when "my dad" is a gorilla). The only parts that I can think of that makes sense are hospital visitation rights, or that "divorce" would replace "giving up for adoption" which could greatly increase the animal's long term welfare.

Promiscuity, sharing, etc. My views are that it's down to the animal. What are they comfortable with? That's the gold standard for us when it comes to sex, why would the question of open/closed relationships alter this?

HulkThoughts 2 points on 2015-06-24 12:24:01

An animal is usually property. If you put your dick in my property, that's not allowed. I don't care what part of my property it was, don't put your dick in it lol.

Kynophile Dog lover 6 points on 2015-06-24 14:19:29

Let me start by stating I'm speaking from the perspective of someone in the U.S., with the social norms more similar to there than, for example, Scandinavian countries.

First, I think that sexual activity with animals should be regulated pretty much identically with nonsexual activity, with a great deal of improvement in animal welfare laws on both fronts. Animal porn should be regulated with a blend of the laws in mainstream porn (check for age and health, proper compensation for all actors, etc.) and the sorts of checks the ASPCA puts on other movie producers (licensed trainers and caretakers, supervision of all activity involving the animal, etc.) It's availability should not necessarily be restricted, but it should remain hidden in specialty shops or behind a curtain in a video rental store. As for the internet... good luck regulating it there, but the production at least can be regulated.

Fencehopping should remain illegal so long as animals remain the property of human beings. Even if they were not, I might argue that secretly using someone else's home or barn for that is trespassing and/or burglary, while taking the animal away for that may be akin to kidnapping if done too forcibly. The animal's owner or caretaker would of course have every right to investigate for animal cruelty, and have veterinary help to do so.

Animal promiscuity, by which I'd mean allowing animals to have sex with anyone they like, seems unavoidable to me, since the sorts of animals we pursue are rarely monogamous. Swapping and sharing, since they are allowed for humans, should be allowed with animals too, although their reactions should determine whether the animals are fine with it. Basically, these things should be discouraged (due to disease risk and screwing up relationships between people and animals), but not forbidden.

The social norms of monogamy should be followed, in my opinion, even among zoos. This does not disallow individuals the right to make their own choices on it, but I think it usually leads to stronger relationships, in humans at least. We seem to be socially and/or psychologically conditioned to be happiest in that circumstance usually, and I don't think that changes just because our lovers have four legs instead of two.

I wouldn't think interspecies marriage with our chosen species could be meaningful, since it would require the animal to have contractual capacity, which requires enough familiarity with human language and societies, as well as reasoning power, to understand rights and responsibilities. This, I believe, is beyond the capacity of even the most intelligent nonhuman animals so far (dolphins, chimpanzees, etc.), so marriage in the modern sense is out of the question.

Ironically, this is so because Western society has largely redefined marriage from the joining of families through the binding of their children together into the same house (as well as the payment of dowry) to a choice of two individuals to share their social and financial lives, with all the benefits that society gives them to encourage that. Because the choice lies with the people getting married and not authorities over them, it depends on both parties being able to make it in an informed way. Sex doesn't require that much information (do we like each other? will it fit?) compared to marriage (what is your insurance premium? what do you want done if you go into a coma?).

Cheating, as far as I see, is more of a human thing than an animal one. It is cruel and unjust if it affects the animal (for example, their partner neglects them in favor of some bitch down the road), but otherwise I don't see why it should matter. Once again, it should be discouraged, but not forbidden.

Of course, all of this would require stronger animal welfare laws and better enforcement of them. Much though I disagree with many on the animal rights side, they do have a point when they show how woefully inadequate animal cruelty laws can be to address pressing issues. I'd favor the creation of new state agencies specifically for animal advocacy: similar to child protective services, but tailored more to animal needs.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 3 points on 2015-06-24 15:01:34

I want the following in my "Zootopia": animal porn as long as it is not forced nor under aged should be allowed. Fencehopping should not be allowed because it is trespassing which is illegal. I think sharing animals should be allowed since not every zoo has access to animals or property to keep animals on. I don't think marriage should be allowed between a human and a non-human The reason being is that animal can't understand the concept. I also think no Zootopia would be complete without laws protecting zoophiles from hate crimes.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 2 points on 2015-06-24 17:22:57

under aged

Follow up question: what exactly is "under aged" for a non-human? Consider dogs. Not all dogs go through puberty at the same age, nor do they have the same "intelligence" (by the definition "speed of learning") as each other, but by 2 years old they can have the linguistic skills of a 3 or 4 year old human, the numerical skills of a 5 year old, and the social skills of a 14 year old. And also die of old age before most humans reach puberty. Humans (well, westerners) are not expected to be ready for sex until 4-9 years after the start of puberty.

animal can't understand the concept [of marriage]

Absolutely agree, but looking at divorce statistics, humans are definitely "animals".

myloverhasfur Canidae 1 point on 2015-06-24 17:46:55

Follow up question: what exactly is "under aged" for a non-human?

I imagine some under-informed politician would choose a semi-arbitrary age for each species.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-06-24 21:12:10

But in Zootopia the Zoo Lobbying Group would advise the politicians on all matters zoo.

myloverhasfur Canidae 1 point on 2015-06-25 02:10:23

One can hope...

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 2 points on 2015-06-24 21:08:57

We could set the age for the female as the actual first heat, anything below that would be under aged. For males we can set the age as the average age of the first heat of the female of that species/breed. Not a perfect definition but a general guideline.

myloverhasfur Canidae 1 point on 2015-06-25 02:16:29

While that sounds reasonable to me, it occurs to me that it might be difficult to show whether a particular female has had their first heat or not, and I imagine that legally it would end up working out as an average age of first heat for both genders (of course, it might be difficult to establish an age for a particular animal as well...).

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 3 points on 2015-06-25 11:53:11

I think that's probably too young for dogs. All the other advice I've heard says the first heat is their body getting into the swing of things, just like the equivalent is for humans, and people should wait for the second heat before doing anything.

At a different extreme, you have species like the Brown Antechinus (it may be too small, but I doubt it's the only one like it) where there is no second season for the males, and the argument "it's just instincts!" suddenly seems a lot more plausible.

electricfoxx 7 points on 2015-06-24 18:49:13

I don't demand rights; I demand freedom.

Marriage, yes or no? What about cheating on your animal spouse?

You ask questions that are loaded. Marriage is a culture phenomenon. Animals don't get married. This is equilivant of Homonormativity. It's the pressure to be normal. Gayness used to be do-what-you-want-where-you-want and have sex everywhere. Now, gayness is about marriage and adoption. They have assimilated the "white, heterosexual" culture to appear more normal, more non-weird.

Being weird doesn't feel good. You get made fun of. Fuck the mundane and mediocre.

ursusem 2 points on 2015-06-24 20:11:24

I think the concept of marriage means certain things. In particular, it can tend to mean "love and commitment." When I was a child, I always used to say that I wanted to "marry" a non-human animal one day because that was how I felt and that was what I wanted to express. I didn't say that out of a desire to be normal.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2015-06-25 05:46:43

Yeah, freedom, right....but what is freedom and is it possible to gain freedom in an overpopulated world where everything is connected? You´re not alone on this world... What type of freedom do you demand? Unlimited freedom where only YOUR freedom counts? Because your freedom ends where another man´s freedom begins, you know...there is no total freedom. Keeping the balance between your and other people´s freedom is the duty of the state; this usually is referred to as jurisdiction ( latin for telling what is right/lawful/justified ) and commonly called "rights". So, yes I demand rights, not freedom.

"Animals don´t get married" How do you know? Many species are known to be monogamous, like some penguins, for example. They will, once the two found each other, stick together until one of them dies. The remaining one will usually refuse to search another partner and will be alone for the rest of his/her life. In herds of wild horses, the mares will stick to their stallion until a new and younger one will be victorious in a fight and chase off the old stallion. So, basically you could call this some sort of monogamy, too. Dividing the world into humans = dumb monogamous fools and animals = polygamists with a totally free sexuality is too much of a simplification.

"Homonormativity, the pressure to be normal". As far as I can see it, the gays demand this without any pressure, they demand it because they obviously want it. I bet any gay could live without the obligations of raising children...but apparently they like to participate in the good ol´ family values thing. Does that make ´em traitors to the gay idea? I don´t think so.

"Gayness used to be(...)...They have assimilated the "white,heterosexual" culture to appear more normal, more non-weird."

Is it just me or does anybody else sense a small glimpse of hostility towards the "traitors", too ? Well, if this "doing it whenever you want, wherever you want and with whomever you want" is your primary association with good sex, then maybe you should check your motives. Before I forget: this isn´t meant as an insult, just a friendly reminder. You have to admit that your attitude is mainly focused around your own needs, the egoistic, hedonistic approach, as i like to call it. Isn´t love and sex more than getting off whenever you deem it comfortable? Isn´t love more than this old game of insert-retract? I honestly don´t understand you and also don´t understand this hostility towards gays who chose to go another way than your own and have other ideals than you. When two different cultures collide, assimilation is an important element of peace. I can´t see why assimilating to the "white, heterosexual" (btw: non-whites marry, too. Marriages existed since man existed. Mesopotamia, ancient egypt, the celts,...I could go on eternally) should be wrong in any way. And, as far as I can recall the gay rights movement and it´s agenda, it was a major objective to "normalise" being gay. Not being promiscuous.

Who does see being gay as weird anyway? In Germany, it is accepted and not a big deal anymore. Gays are integrated into the normal life and nobody would call them weird, not even a crossdressing, bearded winner of the Eurovision Song contest from Austria is seen as weird. Let´s talk about taboos: you know there are several taboos like the taboo of zoophilia. Taboos can change in the course of history, there were some times where being gay was totally okay, other times where being gay would get you tied onto a stake and burnt...these taboos are variable. But there´s another, even bigger, INVARIABLE taboo; it is the meta-taboo of unregulated sexuality. In every single community, in every era, in every culture, sexuality is seen as a primordial force (either a good one like the so called primitives see it or a bad one, like monotheistic religions don´t hesitate to insist on) that needs to be regulated. Even the most permissive tribes, like the polynesians, had certain sexual no-nos and it´s rather funny the term taboo originates from the polynesian word for "forbidden". There never was an era of dionysian lack of regulation regarding sexuality. Of course, there was a sort of an outlet for the repressed sexuality, but it usually was narrowed down to a festivity like the roman bacchanalia or the greek dionysian festivities, where hallucinogenic drugs were ingested and an orgy took place. Today, we have the carnival (beginning of the fasting time) that has the same purpose, to indulge in sin before you have to chastice yourself with 40 days of fasting, according to the catholic religion. But basically, there never was total, unlimited sexual freedom. Is it really wise to attack the meta-taboo, with no chance to succeed? There always will be a "sexual codex" everyone´s conduct is judged by.This won´t change ever, not in 10, not in 100, not in amillion years. Just my two cents...

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-06-25 00:53:18

1) The animal porn issue I see that there are quite a lot of defendants for the availability of animal porn, but I am not convinced that having these available for anyone does any good. The concept of animal marriage was declined because the animal isn´t capable of understanding it. So, why do you think this, from the animal´s viewoint equally incomprehensible, concept of filming sex acts to provide "inspirational wank support" flicks for the www (worldwide wankers), would be okay? The ones profiting from AP are always the humans, the animal will have no benefits from becoming a fourlegged pornstar. For me, recording AP and uploading it can be compared to secretly filming your sexual adventures with your human partner and publishing it without his/her consent. Animals can consent to sex, but they surely can´t consent to be featured in a porn movie. But apart from the ethical issues, there are more dangers involved. If you do some research, you´ll find lots of statements like " seen AP once, been hooked ever since" this context, there is some undeniable "advertising" effect to be witnessed. Maybe many of these folks, whose entire "experience" with zoophilia can be filed under "watching too much AP", would never be involved in having sex with animals if AP didn´t exist or wasn´t as easily accessible as it is today. IMHO,AP leads to watering down the original idea behind zoophilia, it lures people without any knowledge about animals or zoophilia in; usually it´s exactly this type of folks who cannot live out their "newly found/acquired" desires responsibly and with respect for the animal getting caught and/or exposed, with all the following negative press and further denigrading the true zoophiles. For me, AP is nothing worth to insist on; if the public would reach out for the zoos with a compromise that, while zoophilia is accepted, AP is treated like child pornography and completely removed from the net, well, show me where to sign and I´ll leave my autograph right now.Animal porn = financial interest...human greed brought our planet to the brink of extinction, would it be wise to open up yet another possibility to sell out nature for human greed?So, I say: Keep AP off the net. Delete it, shut down sites featuring videos of this kind. 2) Fencehopping I´m very glad we agree on this. Fencehopping isn´t harmless, many risks for the animals are involved. Invading a pasture at night could easily lead to a panic within the herd. Horses might have a distinctively better sight than humans, but this won´t prevent accidents like stepping into a hole while running and breaking a horse´s leg. Interrupting the resting phase of horses can lead to a stress colic. Imprinting an animal without the owner´s knowledge can lead to very uncomfortable and maybe dangerous situations for the owner, just imagine a stallion who suddenly decides to hop onto a person walking him around, only because some egoistic wannabe "zoo" could not contain himself. But, as I said, I´m glad of the broad rejection of fencehopping. I even think that fencehopping is one of the "best" negative examples to prohibit "zoophilia". 3) Promiscuity and sharing animals Well, some diverse points of view here. I personally would not allow it for humans, just because it has this severely damaging effect on the zoo´s general public image. We already are commonly seen as sexual predators with an unsatiable need for perverted sex, so allowing a human to be in a relationship with more than one animal would further deepen the public´s notion we turn towards animals because we want to avoid the unpleasant parts of sexuality, like not cheating or giving in to your urges whenever you like. It would enhance the already existing idea that we only objectify animals and our primary interest is egoistic.So I say that the same morals normal people have to accept in their relationships should be applied to interspecies relationships.The concept of monogamy isn´t there because the priests or authorities force mankind into it, it is inherent in humans. There are some undeniable benefits of monogamy, but I understand why it is seen as controversial by so many...I think, there are two unmatching definitions of "love"...there´s one definition where love is something that transcends the both individuals involved, merging them into a whole on a higher level; and there´s the other definition where love is ,from what I´ve witnessed, mistaken as love for sex. Additionally, we live in an era where all people born after 1990 came into puberty with all kinds of pornography easily accessible like never before in history of mankind. It never was easier as today to view any type of porn you can think of. What will it do to human concepts of partnership and sexuality? We already experience a phase with what I call a "supermarket mentality" regarding sexuality. Where will this hedonistic and egoistic trend lead us to?I don´t think insisting on ideas of free love, brought up by the hippie era and miserably failed in the 80s, will gain anything except further alienation from the vast majority of average people. 4) Animal marriage Of course the animal won´t understand the concept of marriage. But animals do build friendships , even outside of their species. Wouldn´t it be logical to assume this friendship, when nourished, can develop into genuine "love" for another single individual? Maybe they can understand the basic concept of marriage, too. But, it´s true that a marriage would have more effects on the human than the animal. I consider it as a step into a more normal kind of "perversion", the gays do not want their possibility to marry just because they want to be more "normal" like electricfoxx put it. This "homonormativity" isn´t inherently bad; quite the opposite may be true. Whereas promiscuity will be interesting for those only pursuing their ego, more and more gays seem to be fed up with all this darkroom, anonymous sex-only relationships. I do not see anything negative in that. As an early supporter of gay rights in the 80s, I felt disappointed by the way the gay scene developed in the nineties. I gave support for same sex relationships with a strong focus on love, not living out any sexual fancy you can come up with. In fact, this is what makes so many conservatives angry: the gay rights were about equal love, not permissiveness to explore the deepest, darkest parts of your sexuality. We should not reproduce the same mistake here, I only demand the right to love, not the egoistic sexual permissiveness of almost anything...btw: the public can accept that some individuals fall in love with an animal, but they will never accept total sexual freedom without any morals and ethics.I see marriage as a promise, a promise to be faithful even when the circumstances of a quick cheating are tempting. Animals can be envious and certainly can smell you cheated on them with another animal. My mare is extremely pissed off when I had to ride a horse from another owner and she can smell the other horse, especially mares. So I refuse to say that cheating won´t hurt the animal, at least my mare clearly shows her discontent when I "mess" around with other horses.As a summary, my "zootopia" would be like this: It would be perfectly okay to choose an animal as a partner for life, but I won´t expect any special treatment just because my love is "so special". You would be able to reduce taxes for goods necessary to maintain the health and happiness of your quadruped partner, but as a compensation for this, you have to accept the same norms and morals as the majority.What definitely would be a no-no in my "zootopia" would be any commercial exploitation of animals, be it the meat industry, the breeding industry or the porn industry. Animals are already the modern slaves capitalism needs to function...tolerated zoophilia should never be an excuse to exploit animals in yet another way. In my world, there would be no animal porn, no sharing of animals, no fencehopping, just healthy human-animal relationships under the supervision of the authorities, like monthly, unschedueled visits from a neutral vet to ensure the animal is not suffering physically or psychically from the relationship. Pimping out animals would be forbidden and could result in losing the benevolence of the authorities as it can be seen as luring in people to a sexuality that is deemed as problematic if the negative impulses of hedonism and the attitudes of the "FATW" (Fucks anything that walks) individuals take over. The human desires should never outrule the animal´s dignity and the respect you naturally owe to the animals. Love before sex. Zoophilia should not be just another topic of sex education, it should never be seen as just another segment of human sexuality, but as a very rare and special form of love that should remain in the background of society; nobody would gain anything from turning zoophilia into the "next big thing" in human sexuality. We need to keep our group as small as possible instead of counting even the most deranged animal porn fiend in; keeping our numbers small will take away the negative, angst ridden feeling of Joe Average he already has when it comes to same sex marriages (" If those fags can marry, marriage does not mean anything anymore.") We should focus on calming down society and ensuring them they won´t have to deal with a legion of willing animal fuckers with the said insaturable sex drive.

ursusem 1 point on 2015-06-25 01:50:38

I agree with most everything you say here, 30-30. It was very interesting and a lot to digest. Zoophilia is a pretty complex subject, really. I really dislike animal/zoo porn myself. I wish it never existed. The zoo porn seems to draw in people that we really wouldn't want to be associated with us and that is a real problem for us. Why would you make a porn video of an animal? Why don't you just respect them? They don't need to be made into a porn object.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 3 points on 2015-06-25 05:19:06

I just want to be able to tell people Im a zoo and people not care about it.

demsweetdoggykisses 1 point on 2015-06-25 06:56:21

Society would have to change into something so radically different than what we have now that it would be a nearly unrecognizable world and almost impossible to speculate what repercussions of socially accepted zoophilia would be like.

Why do I say this? Because despite what we all want to believe, zoophilia is not natural. It's not something ingrained in all people and only kept in check by social/cultural taboos. There is no evolutionary advantage to wanting to mate outside our species, particularly with creatures that may be dangerous, and exceedingly difficult to actually produce offspring with. Because of this, there is only a small fraction of a fraction of the population who would be tolerant of it, much less accepting or have the desire to partake in it. True, if social and cultural taboos were removed, there would probably be a few more people who might enjoy the idea of inter-species intimacy, but I'm not convinced any more than I believe I would be attracted to other people of my gender if it was more culturally accepted in my region. People are just plain wired differently, and zoophilia is definitely a different kind of wiring.

I'm not saying it's wrong. However that's the other thing that will not be overcome anytime soon. Most people do believe it's wrong. We would need to completely overhaul not only our views of sexuality, but our views of animals and what it means to have free will, consent, intelligence, consciousness, etc. And this won't happen until we can somehow make a different kind of connection to our environment and other creatures, possibly if we become a life-form which can shift consciousness into other forms, so you could say, experience what it's like to actually think like an animal for a day. This will not happen unless we reach a complete level of interfacing with advanced computers or transfer over to synthetic minds entirely.

But by this time, we're going to have a totally different perspective of the whole universe. Sex and pleasure will be changed or forgotten, and if we did want to experience biological pleasure, it would probably be far easier and more enjoyable to experience it through perfect simulations, and at that point, why limit yourself to sex with animals? Our descendants will know what it's like to experience the universe through new eyes, so it's only likely that we will be trying unheard of things, like simulating what it's like to be a sexually reproducing star.

Alternatively, most animals may die off in the coming centuries anyway, so it may all be a moot point.

Artiewhitefox 1 point on 2015-11-02 01:24:10

Fence hopers are responsible for not harming whatever non human animal they have sex with. It is not with man. It is with God who is not seen. That is what people need to think about to so whoever considers what they do and what they don't do. Non human animal's don't know what marriage is. It would be pointless for them. They would not know what to do with inheritance either. The Nude form is seen as porn. All that is except for what people make is one form of porn or another.