Weird how people will accept inter-species romance when it occurs in the Muppets but they're completely against it happening in real life (
submitted 2015-06-24 23:18:30 by ursusem
electricfoxx 2 points on 2015-06-25 01:01:58

They are not really creatures (animals). They are anthropomorphic creatures. In a sense they are all human and only look like animals. Take the case of Brian Griffin.

30-30 amator equae 5 points on 2015-06-25 01:07:21

There´s a difference between reality and films, tv shows and such. You can meet people who are intrigued with slasher/ horror movies, the more blood, the more they like it. But don´t expect these people to fetch a pack of popcorn and enjoy themselves when things they like to see in films suddenly become reality. Additionally, the muppets are fully anthropomorphized animals, Miss Piggy can talk (consent!) and generally, any muppet, except Miss Piggy of course, is kind of asexual. So, no surprise here...people will enjoy a good laugh about absurd situations like Miss Piggy falling in love with a celeb guest star, but for them, it still is something they don´t take seriously; it´s meant as a joke,not more, not less. Imagine Miss Piggy showing real sexual interest in a way animals do it. Have you ever watched "Meet the feebles" ? In this movie, the concept of more "realistic" animal puppets is used, with nearly anything deemed obscene and explicit included. Go on and show this movie to anyone who is amused by The Muppets. I bet many will stop laughing after a few minutes....