The problem with being secretive about zoophilia (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-06-30 06:56:06 by ursusem

If zoophiles are too secretive and if they lie whenever someone asks them whether they like animals in "that way," I think that would perpetuate the belief in most people's minds that "no normal person likes animals like that." I feel like if someone corners us with the right particular question, wouldn't it actually be better to tell the truth? If we don't tell the truth, what happens- you just need to retort and say like "omg those people are so SICK! How can anybody be like that?! I'M DEFINITELY NOT LIKE THAT!" And then people never see the human reality/ the human face of zoophilia. You have betrayed yourself, have you not? I would think these kinds of lies would do us a big disservice. I'm just curious about what you zoos think about that. No matter what you do, it is a sacrifice.

Neinikuy I am Nein, Hear me rawr 10 points on 2015-06-30 07:39:44

I would openly deny being a zoo if asked in public or by someone who was not a fellow zoo. But I wouldn't insult zoo's; I'd try to act as neutral as possible. And I Don't believe it's betrayal. If you're protecting yourself and or your animal partner; anything goes

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 3 points on 2015-06-30 08:23:39

Listen, I care a lot about the zoo cause and educating people as much as I can. I wouldn't say zoos are "sick" or talk about how disgusting they are, I'd just say no and move on. It's not a "big disservice" if I'm having a one-on-one conversation with a person who I obviously don't trust enough to tell. It's just one person. I'm not "betraying myself," I'm not "betraying" anybody. No, it wouldn't be better to tell the truth if I'm cornered. No, I'm not going to put myself in a bad situation. I could lose my livelihood, my family, my friends, my animals, and my safety. NO, I'm not going to put my animal partner in danger. Protecting her is my number one priority, and as much as I'd love to be able to be more open about being zoo, that puts her in danger, so I won't do it. I care about her safety more than I do my own. If you think that's "betraying the cause" or "betraying my fellow zoos," I don't really care, because that's what I'm going to do if it means keeping my partner safe. And I think that's the reason you're going to get from most people here.

You can do whatever you want if someone asks you if you're zoo, go wild, life your life how you want to live it and share what you want to share. But don't shit on other people and tell us we're "betraying" you for wanting to keep ourselves and our partners safe.

ursusem 2 points on 2015-06-30 15:41:27

My point is not to "shit" on other people, as you put it. This is a discussion. I want to know what the sentiments are regarding issues related to zoophilia among this group. I'm not saying that to not do this or whatever means that you are like this. I am just questioning things. You have to admit, it is a legitimate thing to think. That's why I bring it here as a discussion point and to gain more takes on it. That also means that I need to express it in a way that I have it in my mind.

IAmAZoophile Canine 8 points on 2015-06-30 09:03:34

You're not completely wrong, but I've got enough going on in my life that I'm not especially interested in martyring myself.

jackdempsey8083 4 points on 2015-06-30 17:41:18

Here here

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 2 points on 2015-07-01 23:25:30

Or avoiding harm to my loved ones.

Baaxten The new guy 2 points on 2015-06-30 09:31:05

I wouldn't openly state that I am I zoo to the general public, but I have been going friend-by-friend. So far five know, but that is only because I've been judging their personality and carefully observant when they are faced with issues that they feel strongly about and when I begin suggesting different perspectives.

For example, I know that my mum and dad will probably not because I have somehow grown distant from them. At this time it would not be wise to bring it up with them due to the emotional pressure they both are currently under.

Friend 6, 7, 8 and 9 would probably accept me but have their reservations about it, and I am unsure whether 8 would tell others.

Friend 10 would almost certainly accept me if I were to come out to her. I can tell that she knows me well enough that I wouldn't be a zoo purely because I am aroused by other animals, and so I would explain to her that it is mostly the personality that counts for me.

The point is I wouldn't reveal myself to people I don't trust, but I would defend my position should I be discovered and accused of being, as you say, sick-minded.

stalnixrm 1 point on 2015-06-30 12:15:26

I frequently defend zoophilia and it's widely suspected but plausibly deniable that I'm into animals "too much". The hard part has been drawing out of my significant others their opinions; all of them - at the least - wanted to experiment with animals sexually (this was an unintentional shared characteristic.)

stalnixrm 1 point on 2015-06-30 12:16:16

I love to write asides!

I don't defend bestiality or zoosadism, though I do frequently go on about the double standard and point it out to people, as well as the fallacy of "brain of a toddler" in animals.

NBRPony Equiphile 4 points on 2015-06-30 15:19:29

I have no problem risking my own safety, but I will be damned if I risk the safety of my animal partners. It seems most people who are vocal about "zoo rights" and acceptance are not animal owners. It is really easy to preach about being "out" and embracing your sexuality when you do not have animals relying on you for their care. All it takes is one person getting offended, and let's be honest, most people would be offended by the idea of someone having sex with animals, and you risk having your partners taken away and possibly euthanized. It's really sad that our society seems to think putting an animal down is more humane than letting it live out its life with a bit of harmless inter-species intimacy going on. Acceptance is going to take A LOT more than just "normal" zoophiles being open about their orientation. We need to see more legitimate scientific research done that backs up our claims. We need a solid foundation that proves zoophiles cause no harm before we can even think about being accepted by mainstream society. I do my part by participating in surveys, and other research when the opportunity presents itself, but I will continue to be extremely secretive about my personal life. It just isn't worth the risk to myself or my animals.

35-228 4 points on 2015-06-30 21:08:24

The problem is not that there are too few "zoophiles" around being open about their Sexual preferences. The problem is that those who do it are very rarely actual zoophiles. Think about the public image we get from the many places where "zoophiles" are interacting with each other. Porn, porn, applause for porn (even if the animal is clearly getting raped, in pain and fear of death) and a sh*tload of weird sexual fantasies, stories and people who are complete fakers. So whats the first thing someone gets in mind when being confronted with the topic "sex with animals", especially if the last newspaper article about some fencehopper and/or sexually driven violence against lifestock on the pasture is just a few days old? We dont need claims that we have fallen in love with ONE animal that has been no choice for us, but our orientation and how much we love her (or for some people him), how much this orienation has an impact on our lives and that we are strictly against every form of animal exploitation, like porn and animal sharing, if all that work can be destroyed by a google search within seconds. Porn, open animal rape, sections where people are trying to lend or find a quick sexual adventure and phrases like "yeah you fucked her well, thats all this fucking cunt is good for, she´s going to take cock for the rest of her worthless, short life" and all these people claiming to be "zoo". This situation given, you have a very bad basis for any word-based explanations after a question like that. So everything you say to someone who can´t see you or doesn´t know you very well will give the impression of just another uncontrolled pervert who´s trying to justify himself and his actions, already believing his own lies. I´ve been watched while performing oral and fingering my cow on the outside part of the pasture definitely one (I got surprised very badly) or two times. Nothing happened and this (or these) someone is nice to me like ever before. A while earlier, a good friend of mine who has seen me and my cow together for a while asked me in an unsure voice "Do you actually have a girlfriend or... is SHE your girlfriend?" I was able to answer honest here, because I didn´t expect him to become upset. If this guy happened to be against me he could have turn my life into a nightmare and hers to an end. Yeah, it seems to appear more humane for the majority of people to perform animal holocaust every day all over western culture, but dare you to have sex with, or even... eeeeewww... Love one animal.

ZooIam 1 point on 2015-07-01 02:51:58

I'm not even sure scientific research would have an effect. Confirmation bias has far too strong of an effect for its findings to change deep seated emotional opinions.

I'm no expert in how the gay rights movement evolved, but I'm not sure it had a lot to do with research on the sociological significance of homosexuality. I think the turn in public opinion had more to do with a vocal minority and rational arguments, both within families and communities.

30-30 amator equae 6 points on 2015-06-30 15:29:39

You´re still wrong in the way you´re approaching this whole subject. With the majority of society against us, any kind of giving too much clues about your orientation can easily lead to disastrous consequences. You need to take a different approach here; it´s smarter and healthier for yourself and possible animal partners to remain silent or in denial. Being honest and sincere about your orientation should only be an option worth considering if you know and trust somebody so much that you can anticipate his/her reactions and exclude any hostile or hysterical reply. Basically, our situation is comparable to the situation of any resistance group in an occupied country. It´s vital to keep under the radar and only trying to convince those who are already sympathizing with your standpoint. Since the year 2009, we Germans have the ZETA-Verein, a semi official pro zoo group trying to teach public about zoophilia. Until today, no big impulses were created by them, because anything they say and write is generally seen as an apologetic justification by the majority. You can´t convince people with words only, you know. But, if the people you try to convince have additional info about you because they already have known you for a long time, like close friends for example, it´s way easier and less dangerous to be honest with them. It´s not only the words you speak they base their evaluation on, it´s your whole image they have from you. If they know you´re a peaceful, patient and non aggressive type of person, the usual argument of rape will not come up because it simply doesn´t fit with the general impressions they have from you. The more they know you and your personality without knowing your orientation, the easier is it to convince them of the genuine feelings of love towards an animal. I know, it´s an uncomfortable fact that gaining tolerance for zoophilia is a slow process, but that´s the way it is. We need to make allies, but not the way ZETA tries to. It has to be done one-on-one, with lots of precautions and exact anticipation of the person´s reactions you´re talking with. Being too open about it will definitely be counterproductive and you could generate more adversaries if you are too careless whom you´re trying to convince of your sincere love for animals. Remember: every avalanche starts with some small portions of snow tumbling down the mountain. At the moment, we´re at this exact state of the process; only a few snowballs running down the slope. To create the same devastating force as an avalache, we need to collect more mass and momentum by gathering more and more supportive people along the way, but that will need time. Until a general change of mind towards zoophilia occurs in the public, any hasty and not fully thought through actions will fail. Diligently choose who you come out to; try to focus on those who are already a bit more open and permissive, but don´t show the cards you´re holding too early. Keep in mind that even one coming out might be one too much, if you don´t choose carefully. Don´t let your anger about unjust laws force you into doing something stupid; use your brains, be patient, be focused without any interference of emotions. Stay smart, stay safe.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-07-01 02:17:22

I would lie and be secretive if it meant avoiding jail, and the harming of my animal mates.

AliasTheReindeerPone Short Christmas Horse 3 points on 2015-07-01 11:55:47

I think being openly zoo is a noble thing to do, but only if you do it right. To me, doing it right means:

  • Abiding by the Zeta principles. If you're not going to represent us in a positive light, then you're not going to change much.

  • Being educated on zoophilia and related subjects. People are going to question you, so be ready to respond.

  • Keeping your animal partner(s) safe. If you're going to get anyone but yourself harmed by coming out, then coming out is wildly irresponsible.

I've been out of the zoo closet to the owner of my equine lover for years now, and I came out to another friend only a few days ago. My principles happen to coincide with the Zeta principles, and I've been keeping myself up to date on zoophilia in this subreddit, so those two points are covered. But the reason I'm only out to my two closest friends is because they're the only ones who I trust enough to know they'll never (intentionally or inadvertently) harm my special mare.

If it were safe, I would be out in a heartbeat. But the fact of the matter is that, given my situation, it isn't safe for me or my partner.

MrWoofles 2 points on 2015-07-08 13:17:10

THIS..... THISSSSSS!!!!! GOD THIS!!!!. I love you so freaking much for being real.

-Furbag- 1 point on 2015-07-05 05:34:32

It's better to just be neutral about it. If somebody brings it up in a conversation, there's no need to vehemently defend your position as either pro or anti-zoo. Sometimes, you can test the water a little bit and see the kind of reaction you get when responding to those sort of statements.

Carodenius 1 point on 2015-07-10 13:03:18

There is a really high risk of getting publicly humiliated, excluded from your social circles and having your whole life ruined by coming out. Your animals could be taken away and you could end up in prison or dead depending where you live.

Those are the reasons why I prefer to keep my zoophilia to myself.